Some Off-Site Training locations.

The Water Works.

The exercise involved the A.F.S and Rescue and involved a scenario where cutting equipment,foam and water, search and rescue procedures, first-aid skills and HAZ-MAT skills were put to the test. Photo of those who attended.

Laying down the blanket of aspirated foam.

At the riverside, preparing to lower suction by the Lee Fields.
Cork's tallest building, County Hall in the background.

Line from appliance to fire. Two to tango.

Dodge appliance arrives on scene with Dennis to the rear.

The River by the road.

Those to the left are lowering all equipment over an embankment.
The river is down the embankment and is often used for bridging and damming techniques.


Getting a second supply of water.

The Shanakiel Water Reservoir.

Line of attack up the access stairs of the water container, on to the top and prepare to use jet from roof to fire below.

At the base of the water container.

View from the top of the water container down on the rest of the exercise. Those attending the casualty are about 10metres off the ground.

Atop the hill over the Cork Water works are two containers and a reservoir. This is the view into the reservoir from the west side. The ladders in the background are for supplies in and casulaties out and to the right of the photo is the water control valves for filling the reservoir.

Those who attended the exercise.

Apologies - badly scanned photos from about three years ago.