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Welcome to Pistol Pete's Motorcycle Page ! ! !

Web Master - P. Hunt


Intro:        Hello Everyone ! ! ! Glad to see by the hit counter that people are showing an interest in this site ! ! !  PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO SIGN THE GUEST BOOK ! ! !  I will be adding more links and stuff over the next 2 days so check out the other pages as well.  I was able to get a new addition to the family and as soon as I can get out to take some pictures I'll have them up to view, she is a 1978 Sporty mostly all stock with a few mods but like I say mostly stock ...... Check back in a few ...... Well I took a couple Pics today they are not great as the camera I took them with Was really bad ! ! !  The chrome seemed to shine to a point where the pics were messed up a bit ...... The munchkin is my oldest J.R. he seems to have the photo op. today and wanted to show off his leather he got for bringing home all "A's" ...... Click the thumbnail below to see the whole pic .....


Pistol Pete  07/27/2002 14:29



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Harley Davidson ® tech. talk 

Pistol Pete's Guest book Sign it or Read it ..........(Guest book provided by "Guest book Depot" get yours free here!)

Pistol Pete's E-Mail Link (please e-mail me with items for sale and other comments here)

That's it for now ! ! ! Check back soon ! ! !

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