Salubrious? I'll give YOU salubrious!

Smokety Bacon!

No material on this site was taken without permission from the owners. Really.


I started this website with no particular aim in mind, and that's how it's stayed. For now it will be the home of
some rather bizarre stuff, but it's nothing to worry about. It's all good clean fun, without the fun. Unless someone
starts paying me, you can't expect me to make this worth your time. Or my time. If any of the links don't work,
or if the text is hard to read, or if you have any problem with this site, try jumping off a tall building.

If you can suggest a subject for the site, email me. Or try to. I wouldn't expect
anything sent to that address to reach me, and I don't really want your ideas anyway.

What's that, sir? Random Surrealisms?

[Update - 20/08/04: I'm starting to find this surrealism thing troublesome. Needless
to say, I'll be shaking my fist at it quite vigourously, and in a menacing fashion.]

Alas! Some links!

I wish to bestow upon you my blog.
Click here to see a larger-than-usual word.
And also, here is quite a populated facial feature.
An unfinished gallery? How intriguing.
Have a vermin problem? Go hither!
I hate Vin Diesel.

Coming Not So Soon:
A gallery of my art, created using Paint.[In progress]
A picture of what Cronin gets up to in his spare time.
Some Canada-abuse, probably.

*This website was made with no knowledge of
HTML, and no intention of learning it. That's why it's crap.*