Ask God

Have any questions that just need answers?

Is there something that's too stupid to ask anyplace else?

Or do you  just wanna learn more about me?

It don't matter, e-mail a question at and I'll post my response here!

On October 21st, Sumguy asked:



Well, you see, sumguy, it was actually an accident.  The first batch of people came out fine, Adam and Eva and all that Jazz.  But I kinda messed up on the second bunch.  I was gulping down a brewski and watching porno so I totally forgot about them in the oven!  Well, when I finally realized what I had done, it was too late.  I had burnt them.  Their skin had gone black and their noses, lips and foreheads expanded due to the heat.  I was gonna just throw em out but I thought "hey, why not just see if they can make it on Earth."  Yeah, well, I'm sorry about that.











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