Those who have not prepared themselves in prayer and who do not cling to Jesus, will be embittered by persecution and trials and confused, thinking the Lord Jesus has failed them. They will withdraw from fellowship, afraid to trust anyone. Their love will grow cold.

It is for this reason that the underground church need be formed, for its foundations will be established upon deep and everlasting relationships between Christians committed to loving and serving Jesus and His Church. The visible church will come under a terrible persecution. It will be run thru with informants, restricted by an endless barrage of laws laid down by the conquerors. Membership in the underground church will be considered treason, punishable by death; even so, the church will grow stronger and come thru occupation intact. The underground church will be built upon the Rock, Jesus Christ. All Christian denominations can be a part of it. Love of Jesus and one another in the unity of the Holy Spirit will be the first love of this underground church.

The Bible is to be the rule book for the underground church, and all decisions to be made are to be prefaced with prayer and fasting. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only recognized head of the underground church, and the Holy Spirit's direction is to be the foundation of its operation. The members of the underground church need to be in one accord on any major decision; and should be constant in prayer in all things and for one another…

When war comes, each Christian is to make a careful thorough search to find all letters, notes, lists and photographs of, and from, Christians. Gather these in one place and destroy all duplicates. Ultimately, destroy or hide — records that, if found, could lead to members of the underground church. Use first names only, at all times, and at meetings.

When the Communist Commissars arrive, they will consider 'speaking the name of Jesus' as subversive. Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ will bring a thirty-year prison sentence and later, death. The Chinese will treat proselytizing as revisionist, and execute a sentence of death by beheading or burying alive.

Occupation will last about seven years — Prayer can shorten the time of occupation. The U. S. military units which are cut off from the main body during the war, or have been bypassed or isolated, need to make a decision. The land will not be able to support large military units, so the men must form guerilla bands and go into hiding, or find civilian clothing and try to get back home. Surrendering, will automatically result in being deported to labor camps outside the Americas. The guerilla bands should not be larger than fifteen men per unit. Jesus told us not to discourage guerilla activity—but to encourage it—and that it be Christ centered in both purpose and attitude.

The Communists at first desired to kill off the entire U.S. population. This will prove not only impractical, but also beyond their means. They will attempt to enact and enforce a plan to Russianize the Americas. They will change the names of cities and towns to Russian names. The will uproot whole American communities and disperse them in Russian and Eastern block nations, while transplanting whole Russian families to the Americas. American Christian guerillas will thoroughly trouble these Russian families until they flee to Russian compounds for safety. The Russians will then seize and deport American men as slave labor into their own territory, leaving only a few men in some areas to fulfill the hard-labor tasks. American women will also be compelled to take on hard labor.

Russian leaders will plan to obliterate and totally submerge the American culture by encouraging their troops to take American women as wives. Single women will be compelled to take Russian men as husbands by a variety of ploys. Christian women, will form large families with many children [most of them orphans]; with one man as 'head of the household.' This will frustrate the Russianization plan. The children will be the ones who will realize God's promises of full restoration.

The Chinese will hold endless mock trails of Americans and execute tens of thousands for crimes against American people. Crimes such as being an Army Major, or owning a grocery store, or being the president of a corporation, or holding the office of mayor, and so on, will carry the death penalty. The Chinese and Japanese will launch a massive re-education program, as will the Russians. Some Americans will indeed be re-educated and become supportive of the occupation forces. Through all of this be encouraged, for the hand of God is with us, and Jesus told us, "My body will never be denied the victory."

American families, captured soldiers, and men deported to eastern Europe or Russia or China will be made up of many born-again Spirit-filled Christians. Though they have gone out in chains, they are free in Christ, and will be empowered by the Holy Spirit for the work before them. Years may pass in captivity but the freedom we have in Christ is irresistible. Russia, its satellites, and Asia will be stirred up by and resound with the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Some will be killed. These will have promoted ahead of us into Jesus' loving arms. For us, death holds no terror. Those who come through the deportation, will be sent back to the Americas. It is Jesus' promise that He will bring back home to this land most before He restores the land to us.

When the Communist commissars arrive in the first year of occupation, the sense or feeling of freedom from the bondage to the now dead and destroyed social system of the U.S. will end abruptly. A deep and seemingly sinister cloud of oppression and fear will blanket the Americas. It will almost feel like a physical force. Prayer time will become difficult. We will lose interest in reading the Bible and in daily prayer. Doubt will assail us. It will be demonic oppression. This demonic oppression will dampen the ardor of many Christians who depend upon feelings. We need to learn to pray by faith and not by feelings, to know God's Word and know it by faith in Jesus, to know that God hears our prayers. Come under the blood of Jesus, and stay under the blood of Jesus. Remain steadfast and trust in the Lord. Maintain a daily discipline of regular Bible study, prayer and meditation on the Word of God. Pray for one another, persevere.

The war and occupation will have the effect of a fiery furnace. The impurities in the Body of Christ, the division, the party spirit, the doctrinal feuds, the indifference, the rebelliousness, all of these and more will be burned away by persecution. These things are in all of us, and not in any one person. But by God's grace, the Body of Christ can and will emerge united in love of Jesus and each other, obedient to God and mindful of the purpose for which we are called.

Indeed, we can hold onto our prejudices, our doctrinal bondage, our stiffneckedness, and we can also face yet another judgment!

During the occupation, we will find ourselves stripped of everything we have ever leaned on and will find that Jesus is absolutely all we need.

Jesus says… "I Am! The day is coming when you shall look up and see your deliverance at hand, for I shall come with a shout and hosts of heaven, and they shall surround you and your household, yes, even your land, and you shall come together as one in Me, even as I and the Father are One… My Word shall be in your heart; My hand upon your head. Many shall dream dreams and visions shall abound… I will deliver you from the hand of the enemy; I will drive out the occupying armies from the midst of the land and drive them into the sea—their front to the eastern sea and their back to the western sea… [there was much more on page 352.]

A number of Christians have assumed that this judgment is the 'Great Tribulation,' but it is not the Tribulation; it is judgment upon these United States for sin. Too often rapture is an excuse for our own laziness or unwillingness to face trials. Our job as Christians is to be obedient to the Lord each and every day.

Towards the end of the occupation, the Communist nations will plan to murder every known or suspected Christian under their realm of control. The Holy Spirit will move upon Jeffery [code name for the military leader who will lead the guerilla bands to take America back], and Jeffery will lead a small band of Christian men and women against a Russian military base in the Ohio valley area. They will go out full of praise for God, and the Russian Christians will join them; all the other enemy soldiers will be fear-struck and will flee. Tattered, ragged guerilla bands will slowly emerge from the hills and wooded areas and join the tiny band, and the numbers of this Christian army will swell greatly. On one occasion they will be assembled in a hilly plain somewhere in Ohio, on a sunny day with out a cloud in the sky. The parched land will be brown from lack of rainfall, and this Christian army will be kneeling—and praying—seeking God's guidance as they face the threat of a Russian air attack with nuclear bombs. As they pray, God the Father will speak in an audible voice and say: "Behold My Hand!" With this, a strong wind will spring up from the west, and dark clouds begin to appear out of nothing in the clear blue sky above. Then wind will be extremely strong; a number who stand will stumble to their knees; hats blown off, and the wind will begin to roar with an intensity that cannot be described. The very earth will shudder. Russian bomber aircraft will blow down, to crash and burst into flames. Aircraft on the ground in the east will be turned up and over and crushed. I saw the fuselage on many planes break into pieces, and wings ripped off. I watched hangers collapse and trees being uprooted.

Then lightening came streaking out of the sky, bolt after bolt, hundreds, then thousands of bolts of lightening struck, killing many soldiers and causing even greater destruction. Then came a heavy rain and even heavier hail. The whole of the eastern area of the former United States felt the impact of this furious storm. The Russians were not only dispersed but panic-stricken as well. The Russian air force in the Americas were destroyed. Yet I also saw the homes of Christians in these parts, with not a window broken, while other houses to the right and left were destroyed or damaged.

We are clearly aware of the fact that the Lord our God is indeed, mightily going to give this enemy into our hands. At that time we will be faced with a decision. Will we obey the Lord when He tells us to drive them into the sea? or will we argue with Him on that point? This army, coming through occupation, will obey the Lord when He says, "Drive them into the sea." They will obey the Lord their God and the land will be free.

After this nation is restored, we will begin at last to judge ourselves and our nation according to God's Word. World laws will be founded upon His Word, and in His love; and we will deal mercifully with those who see mercy, and justly with those who have hardened their hearts against the Lord. Anybody involved with witchcraft or satan worship will be brought before the people and dealt with as the Lord instructed His people on Mt. Sinai. No longer are we going to allow evil to multiply in our midst.

At this time we are going to have a totally different out look on satan and on sin. God takes a hard line against evil. He is merciful to those who seek mercy. He is a just and loving God. Yet, because we have allowed satan to overrun this land, and because we have backed off and been merciful to satan who has already been judged, for this some 197,000,000 people in this nation shall die in this coming judgment. [In 2000 there is an estimated 260 million people in the U.S.A.] Give satan ground in your life today and tomorrow you will reap a crop of death.

In this restoration, we will see a Church with more than just a few great leaders, or even many leaders; rather we will see the Church restored where all will function as priests and ministers unto the Lord. The head of the woman shall be man, and head of man, shall be Christ. Jesus Christ, will be our Shepherd, Lord and Ruler. He will be the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We will report to the Lord for our instructions, yet remain in loving submission to the whole body of Christ in the unity of the Holy Spirit.

The job of restoration will go on, which is 1st establish His Kingdom on earth; and another 2nd to drive satan into the bottomless pit."

Out of this war, occupation, and persecution, will emerge an army of spiritual battle-hardened Christians, an army of loving Christians clothed in the whole armor of God. Armageddon…. Satan is taken and thrown into the bottomless pit. The Kingdom of Heaven shall be established on earth and peace shall last for a thousand years [which is like one day to God].