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"Unraveling the Secrets" is a free weekly Research Report from:

Date: Oct 23, 2004             
Issue # 40
Editor - Dennis Crenshaw


This Issue is published in memory of Betty Hill ... now she knows the 
truth … if the truth is really out there.


In This ISSUE:

DONALD WORLEY on Underground UFO Bases and Sounds


Caught on web cam:


&  Selected Short Subjects


Posted by:  quietwarz

Underground and Undersea UFO Bases and Sounds
By Donald Worley, Alien Abduction Researcher


When Coral and Jim Lorenzen of the Aerial Phenomena Research 
Organization sent me into the isolated strip mine area of south-central Indiana, 
United States in 1966-67, I was little prepared for the intensity and 
boldness of the aliens. Domed discs and oval craft were being seen by 
many persons and at close range….

… Did the aliens have an undersea base in the strip mine area? If not, 
then why did they always come from that area? …


… Another type of phenomena that seems to be linked with underground 
alien bases, are the perplexing motor sounds. …
Read the complete report:
UFO Controlling Mount St. Helens Activity? 

From George Noory’s Coast to Coast AM WebPages comes this interesting 

This possible UFO was caught on the Mount St. Helens Webcam on the 
afternoon of October 20, 2004. It was sighted just above the new lava dome 
in the crater, just minutes after the prevalent steam plumes suddenly 
stopped. This happened at approximately 1:30 PM as stated on the webcam 
photo. My theory is that the UFO entered the crater, and perhaps the 
mountain itself and did something to halt the eruption of steam. Before 
this object appeared, the steam plume was building in height and size. 
The image is updated every 5 minutes with a 5 minute delay, so a lot 
could have happened between images, and there is no way to know whether 
the UFO is entering or leaving the location in the image. …
Decide for yourself at:


Posted by: Drama/Dean

Indian Mounds Mystify Archeologists
By Michelle Delio 
Wired News

COLLINSVILLE, Illinois -- A thousand years ago along the banks of the 
Mississippi River, in what is currently southeast Illinois, there was a 
city that now mystifies both archeologists and anthropologists.

At its zenith, around A.D. 1050, the city that is now called Cahokia 
was among the largest metropolitan centers in the world. About 15,000 
people lived in the city, with another 15,000 to 20,000 residing in its 
surrounding "suburbs" and outlying farmlands. It was the region's capital 
city, a place of art, grand religious rituals and science. 

But by 1300, the city had become a ghost town, its carefully built 
structures abandoned and its population dispersed. …
Complete Report:

Read my research on the connection between the Mound Builders and the 
Hollow Earth, “Secret Underground Tunnels Past & Present: The 
Meso-American Connection” at:

From Whitley Strieber’s Unknown Country
Posted: 22-Oct-2004

There are numerous UFO hotspots around the world at this time. From the 
Himalayan foothills to as far away as the region of the planet Saturn, 
unusual objects are being observed in the sky. 

With the widespread use of video cameras, it is now commonplace for 
unexplained objects to be videotaped. Gone are the days when government 
and scientists could explain UFOs away as swamp gas, flocks of geese or 
the planet Saturn….
Complete Report:
Posted by:  universal_heartbeat2012

23 UFOs Over Veracruz, Mexico - 
Police, Residents Watch
From Scott Corrales
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology

Planeta UFO 
October 19, 2004 
Ricardo Antonio López Morales, a resident of the port of Veracruz, 
describes the sighting of a UFO flotilla around 11:30 a.m. and with an 
approximate duration of 45 minutes. 
He describes them as semi-spherical shining object that changed color; 
a police squad car and a commercial airliner were also present on the 
site. He claims that cellular phones were affected and animals reacted 
to the passing of the strange objects. 
Complete Report:



Dennis Balthaser: Truth Seeker at Roswell

"Dennis is the researcher in Roswell all the other researchers go to 
for the answers"
—Stanton Friedman on Coast to Coast

Dennis has a special quality about his research which reflects not only 
an extraordinary mind for detail but a stone-cold sense of honesty and 
responsibility that more researchers would do well to take note of. 
He's truly a unique asset to this most difficult field of inquiry." — Jeff 

IMPORTANT READ:  Dennis’ editorial, “Your Representatives Views on 

Thanx to


Posted by: mcirishtoo

Gramaha: Alien Voice from the Ether

In 1977, television viewers throughout the Southern ITV region of 
England were watching a local news bulletin read by Ivor mills when it was 
suddenly interrupted. At around 5:12 PM on November 16, an authoritative 
voice overrode the station signal and began by announcing himself as, 
"Gramaha, the representative of the Asta Galactic Command."

Bemused viewers sat and listened for the next five-and-a-half minutes 
as the speaker warned mankind against the use of nuclear energy while 
cautioning that, "You have but a short time to live together in peace and 
good will." The transmission concluded just as suddenly as it had 
began, and the station's normal audio output resumed instantly.

The authorities and news media of the day all denounced this mysterious 
incident as nothing more than a clever hoax while at the same time a 
hunt for the perpetrators was duly launched. Southern ITV undertook an 
immediate internal investigation but was unable to track down the 
culprits. To this day those responsible have not been found and neither has 
anyone come forward who will admit being a party to this event.

There were hundreds of thousands of viewers who heard the broadcast in 
locations as distant as Winchester, Andover, Newbury, Oxford, Reading, 
Southampton, and even parts of southwest London. Strangely enough, in 
order to blanket this entire coverage area it would have been necessary 
to simultaneously gain control of at least five widely located 
transmitters belonging to the TV company. Engineers at the time had been unable 
to cut off the broadcast via any of them, as Gramaha's message 
continued unhindered from an unknown power source apparently not linked to the 
regular electrical supply. A hoax it might have been, but it was a 
highly organized, sophisticated and above all an expensive effort on the 
part of those involved.

Posted by:universal_heartbeat2012


Since the end of the Second World War, the US military industrial 
complex has secretly sponsored at great public cost the R&D of new 
technologies for energy generation, air and outer space flight, futuristic 
weaponry and other mostly military ends, which have not been made available 
for the common good. Yet today’s environmental and economic emergencies 
dictate that the accumulated know-how be used for the benefit of 
mankind in its peaceful applications. 

Steven M Greer

[There] exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own 
Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own 
ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and 
free from the law itself. 
— Senator Daniel K Inouye 

In the councils of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of 
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military 
Industrial Complex.. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced 
power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this 
combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take 
nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can 
compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of 
defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty 
may prosper together
— President Eisenhower – January 1961 

The above address by two-term Republican US President and five- star 
Army General Dwight Eisenhower was issued as a prescient warning when he 
left office in 1961. Many have wondered why such a conservative, 
pro-military president would issue such a warning. We now know why. …
Complete Report: (link is no longer active)

From researcher Judith Hedden
Website: Southeast Kansas ufo Edge

Hello Mr. Crenshaw,

After reading your article, “ Theory into Fact: Gravity, Magnetic Poles 
& Ringing Bells” 
I just have to email you

[ The article is posted at: … Dennis].
I became quite excited upon reading it as it completely supports my own 
35-year research project into ancient calendars and mathematics.

Some background on the subject is on my web site in a article titled 
“Where Time Begins” that details my research into the bell conduit that 
occurs annually off the island of Tonga in the south Pacific first 
discovered by Dr. Watson in modern times in the 60's that describes a blue 
flash of lightening in the sky followed by the audible sound of a
high pitched bell that rings 69 times. For ions local shamans gather to 
witness it and claim that it signals the New Year, enabling them to 
time its measurements throughout the entire year. After its discovery by 
Dr. Watson it was noted that a naval envoy carryings scientists off the 
island, greeted its next annual occurrence. 

In my research of the math and time keeping methods of the
ancients have found this measurement, 69, exists in its bases along 
both Egyptian cubic, the cubic inch, no doubt based on the protean
cycle. Also in its bases are the genetic cycle of 46. 

Note in your article the density of the moon verses the earth is
exactly 60 that is the length of the time unit itself. That the moon is
the second hand of the clock based on the sun and the earth is not new
info. But exactly how it works is. 

Which is why I'm emailing that brings me to the point that is where
you mentioned in your article the concept of the earths three magnetic
poles that fit the math time system that I've researched that may
explain why the figures numbers always lead first to a geometric
triangle, to a square, to a five pointed square that explains Euclid's
fifth postulate as well as a lot of misconceptions evolved in the Mayan

 The method of calculating the ancient math is done by using a day date
method employed by the Mayan Sacred round cycle of 260, and the Haub
cycle 360, and the intercellular cycle of 5 days=120 hours. Without the
years beginning figures (hidden by shaman and gov. sources) have had to
resort to using the Hebrew calendars week cycle and its 364 day year
that have been found at the Essene site, now thought to have been
originally also Egyptian. That oddly matches quite closely to a day’s
three point measuring calculation. 
Upon reading your article, the answer to a very recent inquiry is
solved, as to the precise location of these three points as to their
magnetic origin and as to how and why they wander their way through an
earth year. 
Also the article indicates the origin of Ed Leedscalnin's sweet
sixteen magnetic research that uses 16 as its base. As it, read from
right, is the time unit plus 1 or zero point mathematics. 062. Note
also, Mr. Crenshaw that it is the Mayan sacred round day cycle read 
from right and hence has no connection to the present hypotheses that it’s 
based on the human gestation or reproduction cycle.
Magnetism flows to the right or west as measured on a meter, or
should according to my own research and also explains to me why and how
my directional figures in part work on that premise. 
In summation, if your still reading, So very much want to that you for
your extremely enlightening article, your extremely important research
toward uncovering the truth of the hollow earth. You and your dedicated
work in this nearly empty field is tremendously appreciated by the few
of us who are inside it with you. Can't even begin to thank you enough
for all you do to widen it.


Feds plan to track every car 
World Net Daily ^ | October 7, 2004

Posted on 10/07/2004 4:41:36 PM PDT by JOAT
Web Page:

Obscure agency working on technology to monitor all vehicles

A little-known federal agency is planning a new monitoring program by 
which the government would track every car on the road by using onboard 
The agency, the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program 
Office, is part of the Department of Transportation. According to an 
extensive report in the Charlotte, N.C., Creative Loafing, the agency doesn't 
respond to public inquiries about its activity. 
According to the report, cutting-edge tracking technology will be used 
by government transportation management centers to monitor every aspect 
of transportation. Under the plan, not only will movement be monitored 
but it also will be archived in massive databases for future use. 
The paper reports a group of car manufacturers, technology companies 
and government interests have worked toward implementing the project for 
13 years. 
States the Creative Loafing report: 
"The only way for people to evade the national transportation tracking 
system they're creating will be to travel on foot. Drive your car, and 
your every movement could be recorded and archived. The federal 
government will know the exact route you drove to work, how many times you 
braked along the way, the precise moment you arrived – and that every 
other Tuesday you opt to ride the bus….

[Couple the above report with the first part of the following report 
and a scary pattern can be seen emerging ….Dennis].

Posted by: Misty3


This Weeks Hot News ----------

I. Largely hidden by the election news, America's lawmakers are 
planning new
legislation and new rules which will give the President more power over
average -- non-terrorist -- Americans than Communist dictator, Joe 
exercised over Russian subjects during his iron rule. These changes are
completely covered over by the bland Presidential election of November 

A. National I.D. is quietly being implemented through the "back door" 
states' driver's licenses.

NEWS BRIEF: "Congress Close to Establishing Rules for Driver's 
Licenses", By
MATTHEW L. WALD, New York Times, October 11, 2004,

"WASHINGTON, Oct. 10 - Following a recommendation of the Sept. 11
commission, the House and Senate are moving toward setting rules for 
states that would standardize the documentation required to obtain a
driver's license, and the data the license would have to contain. 
say the plan would create a national identification card ... The Senate
version of the intelligence bill includes an amendment ... that would 
the secretary of homeland security decide what documents a state would 
to require before issuing a driver's license, and would also specify 
data that the license would have to include for it to meet federal
standards. The secretary could require the license to include 
or eye prints. The provision would allow the Homeland Security 
Department to
require use of the license, or an equivalent card issued by motor 
bureaus to nondrivers for identification purposes, for access to 
trains and other modes of transportation."

Let us stop here to properly digest what we have just learned. In the 
of fighting terrorism, and of implementing the "suggestions" made by 
whitewash 9/11 Commission, Congress is granting dictatorial authority 
Homeland Security to force all 50 states to issue identical driver's
licenses, amounting to a "National I.D. Card" -- a move long 
opposed by the average American. Can you see the tremendous mileage the 
Administration has gotten out of the staged "terrorist attack" of 9/11,
followed by hundreds upon hundreds of false security alarm headlines
(NEWS1888) since then?

Spurred by "Wars and Rumors of Wars", Congress and the Bush 
have now passed such draconian dictatorial legislation as to take your
breath away on the one hand, while pleasing the "ghost" of Josef Stalin 
the other. This legislation means that the Federal Government -- 
Homeland Security -- would finally control the basic identity program 
provided by the Driver's License system. While this paragraph states 
this new driver's license would be required to travel planes, trains, 
buses, since it is a driver's license, the government will logically 
this tight control over routine automobile travel; indeed, dissenters 
likely to be prevented from even getting a driver's license, thus 
them the basic privilege of driving a vehicle.

Russia and other Communist countries had always placed this type of 
over their internal population. Denying a dissenter the basic privilege 
traveling was one very effective way in which to squash opposition to 
government. Despite the fact that no terrorist has ever threatened 
with buses or cars, that is the direction into which this legislation 
leading us.

This National I.D. system will operate much like Russia's "internal
passport" system, where any person at any public place at any time 
could be
challenged for I.D. from any police officer; if the person did not have 
proper I.D., they could be imprisoned for an indefinite period of time
without any charges whatsoever. Let us now go back to this New York 
article to see that this is truly the direction into which we are 

"Some civil liberties advocates say they are horrified by the proposal. 
think it means we're going to end up with a police state, essentially, 
allowing the secretary of homeland security to designate the sensitive 
and allowing this integrating screening system', said Marv Johnson, the
legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union. If the
requirement to show the identification card can be applied to any mode 
transportation, he said, that could eventually include subways or 
and the result would be 'to require you to have some national ID card,
essentially, in order to go from point A to point B' ... James C. 
Jr., a policy analyst at Consumer Alert, a nonprofit organization based
here, said, 'You're looking at a system of internal passports, 

From the beginning of the slide into this dictatorial abyss (October, 
Cutting Edge has been marveling at the fact that only the hated Liberal
group, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was protesting these
dictatorial laws. Where were all the Conservative spokesmen and
organizations so active during the Clinton years, vigorously fighting 
attempt to move America into these authoritarian rules? As a matter of 
these Conservatives have been totally silenced because it is their 
who is moving this country into the once-feared realm of dictatorship
envisioned by Bill and Hillary Clinton! Truly, had Clinton tried to 
these terrible powers following 9/11, Conservatives by the tens of 
would have marched on Washington, D.C. to demand a stop to the process.

But, because a "Compassionate, Christian" President and a Bible-toting
"Christian" Attorney General were leading the charge, Conservative 
was all but squelched. In 1972, Conventional Wisdom held that only a
Communist-hating Conservative like Richard Nixon could "open" China,
granting her the recognition the Illuminati needed if they were going 
proceed with their global plans; in like manner, only a "Christian"
President and Attorney General could demand, and get, such draconian
dictatorial powers.

Additionally, when undiscerning Conservatives read that the hated 
Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was criticizing their President for 
they would immediately conclude that, if the ACLU was opposing this
legislation, it must be good and they were going to support it! When 
gates open up wide for the coming dictatorship, undiscerning 
who superficially judge every situation will be more to blame than the
wild-eyed Ted Kennedy Liberals!

B. Also hidden by the current focus on the campaign was a story about 
the Federal Government may be ready to move into the Internet Media to 

NEWS BRIEF: "FEC May Regulate Web Political Activity", My Way News, 
13, 2004

"WASHINGTON (AP) - With political fund raising, campaign advertising 
organizing taking place in full swing over the Internet, it may just be 
matter of time before the Federal Election Commission joins the action.
Well, that time may be now. A recent federal court ruling says the FEC 
extend some of the nation's new campaign finance and spending limits to
political activity on the Internet. Long reluctant to step into online
political activity, the agency is considering whether to appeal. But 
chairwoman Ellen Weintraub said the Internet may prove to be an 
area for the six-member commission, regardless of what happens with the

Federal control over the freedoms enjoyed by the Internet has long been 
by Conservatives like Cutting Edge as lamentably unavoidable and 
A true dictatorship cannot be imposed unless all freedoms to a free 
of ideas and news are ended. Using "political fund raising, campaign
advertising and organizing" as the excuse to finally step in to this 
the Federal Government may finally be ready to swing the axe against 
Internet "tree".

However, this seems like a domestic issue. If the plan for the next 4 
is primarily domestic, a Democrat will ascend to the White House; but 
if the
plan for the next 4 years is primarily Foreign Affairs, the Republican 
stay in the White House. Certainly, the focus of the past 4 years has 
on Foreign Affairs; however, the domestic police state apparatus has 
set in place by Republicans Bush and Ashcroft, giving the next 
president all
the political power he will need to impose the next phase of the plan. 
this point, we are not sure whether the Illuminati wants Bush or Kerry 
to be
the next President. If the plan is to stage an election as close as 
Americans may not know who their President is for some time after the

C. A bill quietly passing Congress while our attention is distracted 
authorize the government the power to strip citizenship of native-born
Americans and deport them without any evidence of wrongdoing and allow 
secret arrests, secret trials and secret torturing of 'suspects'. 
Habeas corpus, Americans’ most sacred right, would be eliminated and 
restrictions on police spying on citizens would be removed!

Can't happen here, you say?

NEWS BRIEF: "Patriot Act II: Final Piece of Police State Puzzle Ready", 
New American, September 26, 2004

"The Bush administration’s allies in Congress, led by J. Dennis Hastert 
Illinois, the speaker of the House, have launched another assault on
constitutionally protected civil liberties with a bill many are calling
Patriot Act II (PA II). However, it is not to be confused with the 2003
version of Patriot Act II. But according to the Associated Press, in a 
of the House GOP legislation, many of the provisions are similar to the
draft copy of the 'Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003' that 
out of the Justice Department in January 2003. House Democratic leaders
and civil liberties advocates said on Sept. 22 that the Republican bill
ostensibly responding to the findings of the 9-11 commission would go 
beyond the panel’s recommendations ..."

"... critics warn that the proposed law is aimed against the entire 
population, not a minority of Arab immigrants. The proposal, they say, 
grant the government the power to strip citizenship of native-born 
and deport them without any evidence of wrongdoing, even though this 
be contrary to the Constitution. It would also allow for secret 
secret trials and secret torturing of 'suspects'. Habeas corpus, 
most sacred right, would be eliminated. The law would also remove all
restrictions on police spying on citizens."

The very fact that this bill exists at all, and is now passing through
Congress, should shatter the illusions of any citizen that our 
has the best interests of its people at heart. We have been screaming 
since 9/11 that this was the ultimate goal, but few people would 
However, now it is facing us in the form of a specific bill.

We have posted a major article on this subject, in which we tie the
provisions of this bill together with other important strands of
information, allowing you to understand the full implications of this
momentous development. This article is NEWS1966, and is entitled, 
The Disastrous Results Promised By A Kerry Presidency".

II. Concerned American Christians may have more of a choice than we
originally thought in this election. A number of you have called in to
express support for the Constitutional Party, headed by Michael 
Peroutka. We
have checked on this party and have concluded that this seems to be a 
better alternative than to vote for either of the Skull & Bones 

Checking at the Peroutka website ( ), plus 
pamphlet sent to us by Dr. Cathy Burns, we find that the Constitutional
Party is taking the following positions:

* ".... a vote for the Constitution Party ticket is a vote that will 
help to
restore the American Republic. A return to Constitutional government is 
only real remedy for a broken American dream."

* "Honor God: The very first presupposition of American government is 
there exists a Creator God, yet our taxpayer-funded schools teach our
children that He either does not exist or that they can't mention His 
This attack against the right of the people to acknowledge God is
disgraceful and it is un-American. The Constitution Party is committed 
to an
American understanding of law and government that rights come from God 
that it is the duty of civil government to secure and defend them."

Even though this statement comes closer to the original Constitutional 
on which this country was founded, I find it disturbing that no 
statement mentioning Jesus Christ is included. Both Republicans and
Democrats speak of the generic "God", while they busy themselves 
our liberties, rights, and Constitutional protections. Nevertheless, 
statement does get us much closer to the original ideal of our Founding

* "Defend The Family: Strong Families are the essential building blocks 
of a
strong, moral and just society. But America's families today are under
constant attack by federally funded programs which are both dangerous 
unconstitutional ... I will encourage faithful fathers and mothers to 
their children to love God and to serve others according to their own
consciences and without politically erected barriers." (Pamphlet)

* "Restore The Republic: America needs and desires a President who will
stand against entrenched socialism, elitism and globalism which have a
stranglehold on American political power ... both parties are committed 
the agenda of the New World Order and seek to enforce economic, 
military and
social policies which are antithetical to the interests of our 
Republic. Michael Peroutka and the Constitutional Party will fight to 
America against enemies, domestic and foreign, and return to a Republic 
self-governing states whose laws are rooted in Biblical principles." 

Dr. Burns says it is her understanding that Michael Peroutka is an
Evangelical believer, having come out of a Catholic family background. 
leader and any party who wants to return this country to Biblical 
on the one hand, while dismantling the New World Order on the other 
hand, is
worthy of Christian support.

* "The Founder's Vision -- The Ninth and Tenth Amendments were adopted 
ensure that the government would be kept 'inside the fence' built 
limited and enumerated powers. We must heed the Founder's warning that 
keep the fence intact." (Ibid.)

We could not agree more! Our Founding Fathers were sick and tired of 
Pope and the King ruling dictatorially over their subjects, arresting 
with no charges, holding them in prison indefinitely, not giving them
public, fair trials, torturing and executing them. Therefore, they 
built a
government controlled by a Constitution whose powers were split between
three clearly designated branches. This government has served us well, 
has terribly frustrated New World Order planners.

But now, using terrorism as the battering ram, our Republican and 
leaders are close to knocking this wonderful system of government to 
ground. Any political party who wants to re-establish this original 
of government is worthy of Conservative and/or Christian support.

* "If you want a president who follows the rule of law, a president who 
committed to take action to end abortion, a president who understands 
meaning of 'shall not be infringed', and who has the courage to 
unconstitutional programs, please stop wasting your vote..." (Ibid.)


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark A. Smith <>

Date: Thursday, 7 October 2004 1:44
Subject: Ralph Nader on Skull & Bones

Ralph Nader on Skull & Bones

In his recent appearance on C2C, presidential candidate Ralph
Nader commented on the unlikely coincidence that Bush and Kerry 
Yale University within two years of each other and were both members of
the secretive fraternity there known as Skull & Bones. He questioned 
oath of secrecy they took as undergraduates. "How long does it last?
What does it cover? And at what point might it conflict in their
presidential duties or their relations with other Bonesmen…who may be
[part of] corporations, have business with federal government or be
exposed to [potential] law enforcement?"

According to an article by Kris Millegan, both Bush and Kerry when
questioned have deflected questions about their membership in Skull &
Bones, referring to secrecy. Nader believes this isn't a trivial issue.
"I think they ought to…discuss it candidly because their oaths of
secrecy are supposed to go for the duration not just when they were
undergraduates," he said.

Election a 'win-win situation' for secretive Bonesmen

By Kris Millegan

Both major presidential candidates are members of a small secret 
at Yale University - the Order of Skull & Bones. On different Sunday
mornings, "Meet the Press" anchor Tim Russert asked George Walker Bush
and John Forbes Kerry if they could talk about their memberships in 
172-year-old clandestine club.

Tossed off with nervous laughter, their answers were, "It's so secret
that I can't talk about it," and, "Not much, because it's a secret."

Should citizens be concerned about this unwillingness to discuss an
elite organization? Is it relevant? Don't we all have the freedom to
fraternize with whom we please? Aren't Lions, Kiwanis, Elks and similar
organizations used by many in pursuit of business and political
connections? So what?

William Huntington Russell founded the Order of Skull & Bones in 1832
after he returned from studies in Germany. The Russell family's 
- Russell & Co. - was the premier American opium shipper and the third
largest in the world. In the 1830s, opium became the world's largest
commercial commodity, and the maneuverability and speed of the American
clipper ships laid foundations of great wealth with the smuggling of
opium into China. Many of the fortunate sons of Russell & Co. families
were sent to Yale and were "tapped" into the Order of Skull & Bones.

Fifteen new members are chosen each year from the junior class at Yale.
After initiation rites that include simulated murder, the kissing of a
skull and chants about the devil and death, they are known as Knights
during their senior year. Reportedly, members hold weekly sessions in
which they talk about their sex lives, which some say helps forge a
strong fraternal bond. The initiates have privileges beyond those
enjoyed by fellow students - including a near million-dollar clubhouse,
a private island and access to a distinguished and powerful cadre of
fellow Bonesmen.

Three Bonesmen have occupied the Oval Office: William Howard Taft (who
also served as chief justice of the Supreme Court), George Herbert
Walker Bush, and his son. Members have included more than 20 U.S.
senators, three U.S. Supreme Court justices and myriad lesser 

The order is legendary in its promotion of its members above all 
As a Yale alumnus noted in 1905 about the senior secret society system
at Yale, "the best man doesn't always win."

George W. Bush has appointed 11 fellow Bonesmen to government jobs: 
Griffith Galbraith, adviser to the U.S. mission to NATO; William Henry
Donaldson, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission; George
Herbert Walker III, U.S. ambassador to Hungary; Jack Edwin McGregor,
member of the advisory board of the St. Lawrence Seaway Development
Corp.; Victor Henderson Ashe, member of the board of directors of the
Federal National Mortgage Association; Roy Leslie Austin, U.S.
ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago; Robert Davis McCallum Jr., associate
attorney general; Rex Cowdry, associate director of the White House's
National Economic Council; Edward McNally Sr., associate counsel to the
president and general counsel to the Office of Homeland Security; David
Batshaw Wiseman, an attorney in the Justice Department's Civil 
and James Emanuel Boasberg, an associate judge on the Superior Court of
the District of Columbia.

Taft and George H. W. Bush were both one-term presidents. George W's
secret name in the order is reported to be "Temporary." Will he be the
first member of the Order of Skull & Bones to serve two terms, in spite
of his secret name, or will he hand the reins of government to his 
Bonesman, John Kerry?

This is the first time that both major candidates are members of Skull 
Bones. There has been little discussion of the order in Democratic and
Republican circles. The Washington Post assigned Bonesman Dana Milbank
to cover the election, and he hasn't brought the question up. Even 
Nader has been quiet. Is this because Nader's sometimes lawyer and
long-standing associate, Donald Etra, is Skull & Bones 1968, and a good
friend of George W. Bush?

Author Antony Sutton in the 1980s called attention to the order's
predilection for trying to politically influence both the left and the
right. Is our current presidential election a contest between the two
best candidates for the job, or a cynical dialectic ploy for control of
our republic and our collective future?

As a Bonesman is reported to have said about Bush vs. Kerry, "It's a
win-win situation."

Maybe it is for the order.

But what about the rest of us?

Kris Millegan ( lives in Noti and works as a writer
and publisher. His book, "Fleshing Out Skull & Bones," is available 

The end of the Best of the MISTY3 Postings
The Research and Writings of Tal LaVesque

From: Stephen MILES Lewis 

What Do 9/11 & Heaven's Gate Have In Common? :
Author John Gray:
 The "911 Truth Movement", Saudi Billionaire Adnan Khashoggi, Heaven's 
Gate and the 911 hijackers.

COINTELPRO 911: John Gray and Saudi Genesis
October 6 2004-Venice,FL. by Daniel Hopsicker

Excerpts : John Gray also has strange and so-far unexplained 
connections to two Middle Eastern men "of interest" in the 9/11 investigation, 
both of whom reside in San Diego.

The first is a Saudi Professor who housed two of the hijackers, cited 
recently by Senator Bob Graham, Chairman of the Joint Congressional 
Intelligence Committee Hearings, as evidence of involvement in the attack 
by people working for the government of Saudi Arabia.

The second is an Iranian exile, running a network used to infiltrate 
hundreds of Middle Eastern men illegally into the United States, 
according to court documents. And it is likely that the Saudi Professor also 
belongs to this ring. 

Consider the following:

Until moving to California Iranian Sam Koutchesfahani had been a
retainer to the Shah.  

*....the Heaven's Gate cultists.... died in his mansion in the wealthy 
San Diego suburb of Rancho Santa Fe, in March of 1997.

* Even the Heaven's Gate cult's Internet Service Provider may have 
links to
Khashoggi's fine family' of companies, all of whom carry the code word 
Genesis in their name. We call them, collectively, "Saudi Genesis."
The clue which would eventually lead to a 'protected' network came from 
researcher Kelly Cooke who tipped us to 
a man we'd never heard of before, Sam Koutchesfahani.  Sam is from an 
Iranian family close to the Shah of Iran, stated wire service reports. 
He'd moved to San Diego after the Shah was deposed. Sam's San Diego 
network, we learned, paid bribes to
dozens of college and university instructors for bogus student 
transcripts then used to help insert hundreds of middle eastern men, most of 
whom were anything but students, into the U.S. under the guise that they 

The flying school patronized by the San Diego terrorists, for example, 
was run by
another Iranian exile, Fereidoun Sorbi.

How amazing is that? Saudi 'Professor' Abdullah Shaikh is so well 
protected by the Bush Administration that they wouldn't even let the FBI 
serve a subpoena to compel his testimony before the Intelligence Committee 
investigation into the 9/11 attack, even though it was the only 
subpoena issued by the congressional
inquiry.  We were entering territory considered "too sensitive" for the
American people to know about. 
Read the entire article here:

Excerpt from COSMIC RITUALS : 

On March 25, perfectly coinciding with the 'Heaven's Gate' incident and 
Hale-Bopp's closest approach to Earth (March 22), former president 
George Bush jumped off a plane and fell to the earth - he did skydiving. It 
took place in Arizona - where the 'Phoenix Lights' occurred in the same 
month. At the time Bush was 72 years old (there it is again, # '72'). 
The 'ritual' aspect of the event is strengthened by the fact that Bush 
is identified as a member of a shadowy fraternity 'Skull and Bones'. The 
name, 'Skull and Bones', could easily relate to one of the symbols the 
legendary Knights Templar, to which various secret societies seem to 
have some kind of connection, used. Therefore, it doesn't seem to be just 
a happy coincidence that Bush's skydiving was accompanied by the 
members of the Army's precision parachuting team called the 'Golden Knights'. 
[... the "King of terror" (as he is the 'king' of Nazism) quite 
literally 'came from the sky',] 

The implication of the 'ritual' appears to concern the "fallen angels" 
(represented by Bush's fall from the sky) as in the aforementioned 
Annunaki/Nephilim who are in essence the bridge between the "gods" and 
humans. In a way, those 'fallen angels' opened the "Heaven's Gate" for 
humans and united the heaven and earth. Congruently, 'April' means 'to 
open' (remember that Hale-Bopp's perihelion was April 1). The philosophy of 
the members of Heaven's Gate cult that it was time to move on to the 
"Level Above Human" fits nicely into the symbology. The theme would be 
that there was an intervention of the 'fallen angels' that in a way 
liberated humans. This is the story of Prometheus stealing 'fire' from the 
gods and giving it to humans in Greek mythology. From the strong 'ET' 
associations in the apparent ritual of March '97, it can be derived that 
the story of the 'fallen angels' has indeed something to do with 
extraterrestrial intelligence. 

'Heaven's Gate' back on big screen 
NEW YORK Reuters - OCT 10th, 2004 
"My hope is to bring the film to a new generation of audiences and 
critics without all the baggage and negative publicity," 
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film archivist John Kirk, who oversaw a 10-month restoration of the 
original three-hour, 45-minute version, told Reuters. The movie is 
scheduled to be shown in Austin, Texas, Berkeley, Calif., and in Washington, 
D.C., following its weeklong run in New York. Further U.S. exhibitions 
of the film are expected, contingent on audience reaction. 

At precisely 8 pm on the evening of October 30th 1938, the Mercury 
Radio Network interrupted the music of Ramon Rachello and His Orchestra for 
a special news bulletin. A huge flaming object, believed to be a 
meteorite, had fallen on a farm near Grovers Mill, New Jersey. Moments later 
comes a correction… “Its not a meteorite, no! Incredibly, there are 
Martian cylinders falling all over the country!” The famous War of the 
Worlds broadcast has begun.

Orson Wells' broadcast was no mere show business stunt, but an 
Experiment in Fear, a psychological warfare test conducted for the Rockefeller 
Here's a quote from “America Under Attack” A Reassessment of Orson 
Welles War of the Worlds” by Paul Heyler of Willfrid Laurier University: 

“A grant from the Rockefeller Foundation to Princeton University helped 
create the Princeton Office of Radio Research. The director was Paul 
Lazersfeld, an Austrian Jewish émigré and a social psychologist whose 
expertise in quantitative methods was tempered by a humanist leaning. He 
teamed with two associates, psychologist Hadley Cantrell and CBS 
researcher Fred Stanton, a PhD in psychology who would eventually become 
network president.” 

The emergence of the comet Hale Bopp decades later will mark a 
resurgence in warnings of catastrophe; insistent messages of doom & gloom; the 
end of Life As We Know. 
SEE Article at : 

Start with this scene from the Heaven’s Gate story. The world first 
learned something was amiss with Hale Bopp on the Art Bell Show. A 
beautiful and fiery display in the heavens, Hale Bopp was wowing all... [ 
Robert Bigelow of the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), got 
Art Bell started by sponsoring Dreamland Sunday nights on a Las Vegas 
Radio station.] 
Then one evening in November the Art Bell program received a call from 
Chuck Schramek, an amateur astronomer from Houston, home of John Gray. 
Schramek said he’d been "imaging" the comet with his telescope and a 
camera, and had taken a photo of what appeared to be another body close 
to the comet with a "ring like" form. 
Schramek called it a "Saturn Like Object.” The frenzy began. 

Despondent I realized the obvious: George W. Bush is about to pull off 
an OCTOBER Surprise (2004) ! 

For the first time I understood what happened to those seemingly 
deluded Heaven's Gate folks. They simply could not face a future controlled 
by ignorant Republican spawn. 
Art thinks that George W. Bush is responsible for the attacks of 9/11, 
and that the aliens are somehow involved. Whenever pressed for evidence 
of all his preposterous claims, Art says that's he's posted evidence 
many times, and that the complaining party merely has to look it up. 
Anyone who disagrees with him, and that's pretty much every single other 
party in the groups, is accused of being a "psychological operative" or 
gummint spook. 
Are space aliens going to be blowing up Washington, D.C., and the White 
House ?
Who said the following ? 

" When you look at popular culture today, positive images of the future 
are often hard to come by. You look at the movies that have tried to 
predict what will happen in the future, and we often see a lot of death 
and destruction and environmental degradation. It’s not just that people 
might live under domes on Mars, but they would have to live under domes 
here on this planet because of what we will have done to our 
environment. Or whether we will have to join together as human beings to stave 
off attacks from aliens in outer space, and then we’ll have to put aside 
our really petty differences—differences in our own country and 
differences among people around the world—to stand up for our common humanity 
. . . " Hillary Clinton

After all, friend Laurance Rockefeller had briefed her on the evidence 
of UFO reality. 

During his Roswell visit in late October 2000, newspapers reported, 
"Cheney was greeted by a sign that depicted a little green man with a 
heart and the name ‘Cheney’—as in ‘Space Aliens Love Cheney.’" Because 
Cheney had been a former Secretary of Defense, many within the UFO 
community speculated that the visit might have been a hint at an upcoming UFO 
disclosure. Even the October 26, 2000 New York Times noted the 
extraterrestrial significance of the Cheney stopover with its headline "The 
Alien Factor: And Out in Roswell." 

There was a October 2002 visit by Cheney to Roswell, with signs that 
this too could be a nod and a wink to the UFO community. Instead of 
speaking at the town hall as he had in 2000, Cheney chose to speak to the 
3,000 faithful inside Hanger 32 at the Roswell Industrial Air Center. 
(Formally Roswell Army Air Field). 

The visit to the old Roswell Air Base also closely mimicked the visit a 
fellow Republican, and former president, Ronald Reagan made to the base 
for a campaign speech for then Senator Harrison Schmitt in 1982. Like 
Cheney, Reagan made a short stopover Roswell speech in late October, 
just prior to the mid-term election. 
Late October 2004....What will happen then ?

You are now exiting the TAL ZONE
National UFO Conference

Experts bring startling evidence about UFOs to October conference

HOLLYWOOD CA -- Investigators, journalists, authors and a former Air 
Force officer will present their findings into the question of 
unidentified flying objects at the Renaissance Hotel Oct. 29 thru 31.  
Representing a serious long-term approach to a genuine mystery, the group will 
present case evidence, documentation and analysis of the misunderstanding 
s surrounding the subject.

According to a 2002 Roper Poll, two thirds of the American public 
believes that the government is withholding information about UFOs and 60 
percent of adults want the information declassified if it is not a 
national security risk.

So far, declassified records show that some UFOs are not science 
fiction.  Trained observers --- pilots, air traffic controllers, radar 
operators, astronauts, military personnel -- and government agencies have 
reported and documented spectacular objects visually, photographically and 
on radar.  Some have landed and left ground traces in Europe and the 
United States which have been studied by scientists.

One speaker at this historic conference, Air Force First Lt. Robert 
Salas, a former missile launch officer, was stationed at Malmstrom Air 
Force Base in 1967 when a glowing oval-shaped object hovered over the 
base.  It disabled nearly twenty nuclear tipped warhead missiles housed 60 
feet underground.

Author and reported Dr. Lynne D. Kitei spent seven years investigating 
the sighting of enormous triangular craft over Arizona in 1997 by 
hundreds of citizens in populated areas.  Despite a probe launched by a 
Phoenix city councilwoman and a lawsuit filed by citizens in 2000, the 
Department of Defense maintained that it had no information about the 
triangular objects.

Other lectures will look at the history of scientific research into 
unidentified aerial phenomenon and present declassified government 
documents illustrating the national security concerns of the US government 
pertaining to the phenomenon.

Details on additional speakers and topics are posted at  
Press Passes and interviews can be arranged through the National UFO 
Conference chaired by Lisa Davis and Dr. John Miller, an Emergency 
Physician who practices in Orange County. [California].  Dr. miller witnessed 
an unconventional aerial object in the 1960’s.  Miller and Davis 
believe the American public deserves to have objective non-sensational 
information on this very compelling topic.

For more information on next weekends National UFO Conference to be 
held at the Renaissance Hotel in Hollywood California contact:
NUFOC: (310) 514-1595
Up-to-the-minute UFO Reports 24-7

The goal of this publication is to bring to our readers attention news 
reports they may have missed, or didn’t have the time to look for while 
the web;  along with information from our files which, until now, has 
not been available on the web.  

Then we throw an editorial comment or two into the mix just to wake up 
the nodders.

All copyrighted materials are highly respected and proper credit is 
given for 
all snip-bits and links used. If you find anything in this publication 
you had a hand in creating or bringing to my attention and feel that 
you are 
not given proper credit, please let me know and I’ll do whatever it 
takes to 
correct the mistake. 
Let it also be noted that the views and reported ideas might not always 
those of the Editor or staff at THEI, but we do believe that everyone 
have a place to offer their own ideas about those matters which we look 
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want THEI to be that place. 

"Unraveling the Secrets" is YOUR newsletter. Your thoughts and research 
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turn this soapbox over to anyone who has anything relevant to say.
We urge you to pass these reports along to your friends and associates 
might enjoy our little excursions into the outer edges of knowledge as 
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Until next time, see ya’ll!

Dennis Crenshaw