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"Unraveling the Secrets" is a free weekly Research Report from:

Date: Oct 10, 2004             
Issue # 38
Editor - Dennis Crenshaw

In This ISSUE:

RUSSIAN’S CLAIM: Shambala has been found!
[Note: This Report is NOT from Russia’s National Inquirer (Pravda) … 



&  Selected Short Subjects
This Issue is dedicated to the memory of Astronaut Gordon Cooper. He 
had the “Right Stuff.”

Quotes from Gordon Cooper:

"I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are 
this planet from other planets which obviously are a little more 
advanced than we are here on Earth. I feel that we need to have a top 
coordinated program to scientifically collect and analyze data from all 
the earth concerning any type of encounter, and to determine how best 
interface with these visitors in a friendly fashion.... For many years 
I have
lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists and 

“I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments 
objects of form and composition unknown to us. And there are thousands 
witness reports and a quantity of documents to prove this, but nobody 
to make them public." -Colonel L. Gordon Cooper, Mercury and Gemini
Astronaut, in an address to the UN in 1985 after announcing that he had 
and chased UFOs over Germany in the 1950s. Cooper also reported a 
object which passed by his capsule going east to west (opposite normal
man-made orbits) while in orbit in May of 1963. The object was tracked 
ground-based equipment in Perth, Australia. The press was told it could 
question Col. Cooper on this aspect of the mission.

"I had a good friend at Roswell, a fellow officer. He had to be careful
about what he said. But it sure wasn't a weather balloon, like the Air 
cover story. He made it clear to me what crashed was a craft of alien
origin, and members of the crew were recovered." -Col. Gordon Cooper
Thanks to:

 On the Verge
Imagery Captured:
September 13, 2003

Sept. 29, 2004: Mount St. Helens rumbled back to life this week as a 
flurry of earthquakes rattled inside -- up to four per minute. The 
975-foot lava dome in the volcano? S crater moved north about 2.5 inches 
since Monday. The dome may be weakening; raising fears the 8,364-foot-tall 
volcano could erupt again. …
Check out a visual of the famous volcano from a totally different 
[Note: This Report is NOT from Russia’s National Inquirer (Pravda) … 

Posted by:  trustyoursoul8 
Source: Moscow News
Created: 30.09.2004 12:04 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 14:29 MSK

A Russian expedition headed by a member of the Russian Academy of 
Natural Sciences Yuri Zakharov has established the exact location of the 
capital of the ancient state of Shambala – the mystical center revered by 
many religions and philosophers all over the World
“We saw what no European had ever seen before,” Zakharov claimed. 

Speaking at a press conference organized by the Russian Information 
Agency Novosti, Yuri Zakharov said that the expedition was unique.” 
“Nothing similar has been done before,” the researcher said ….
Report Continues:


Hollow Earthers make reference to the Straight-Line Theory. The 
Straight-line Theory stipulates one source of UFOs is the hollow 
Earth because of the high number of sightings in the Arctic, usually 
making a beeline due North- to their source?
Take a Virtual Space Tour

Our animated encyclopedia reveals all the secrets of our neighboring 
worlds. This narrated multimedia presentation features diagrams, 
animations and the latest photographs. Requires Flash 4. 
Tour starts at:

I finally got the program figured out and our Internet television is 
up and running.
You can get a preview of this at

Posted by:  burlingtonnews

I came across this amazing book at a 'flea' market and thanked the 
spirits that guided me to this great find.
The name of the book is THE GOD KINGS AND THE TITANS.

Chapter 21 Heaven and Hell

It seems, that the Sumerians and Egyptians, worshippers of the sun, 
originally set the abode of the gods and the dead where the 
sun 'sank in the sky'. For it had symbolic value in the solar 
resurrection next morning. As they sailed eastwards across the 
Pacific or westwards across the Atlantic it would be easy for a sun-
worshipping community to believe that when they came to the place 
from where the sun rose in the morning or where it set in the 
eavening, a third continent, that place would be heaven, the abode 
of the sun. The Egyptians called such a place Kenti-Amenti. Heaven 
was in the east when they used the Pacific route, west when they 
used the Atlantic route. After the discover and development of 
AMERICA by the Atlantic route, the old religious belief was confused 
with the new geographical excitement and this led to the sort of 
description given by Hesiod as well as by Homer of Elysium. Proteus 
of Egypt foretells a happy end for King Menelaus:

The immortals will send you to the Elysian plain at the world's end, 
to join red-haired Rhadamanthus (former ruler of Cretan Phaistos) in 
the land where living is made easiest for mankind, where no snow 
falls, no strong winds blow and there is never any rain, but day 
after day the West Wind's tuneful breeze comes in from Ocean to 
refresh its folk. This is how the gods will deal with Helen's 
husband and recognize in you the son in law of Zeus. 

The Elysian Fields were the irrigated Pacific coasts of Peru and 
Mexico. And irrigation provided three crops a year on the desert 
coastal regions of Mexico and Peru. The Pacific coast of Peru also 
yields one of the best sea harvests.
The Greek conception of the afterlife, by contrast, had started with 
it positioned in the dark caves, as was believed by earth-
worshippers, a world of shadows of the forefathers inside the 
dungeons of the earth; then the concept changed, as it had changed 
in Egypt before, to the world where the sun sank into the ocean, to 
the colonialist's paradise of America. These differing opinions were 
never reconciled.
Hades - a Titan. Not a place - tradition said ruled in the remote 
west. Hell was confused with the Kingdom of Hades. Hell was 
originally the earth-worshippers' heaven given a 'bad press' by 
their sky worshipping competitors. Earlier still, the Scandinavian 
name for the Earth mother who looked after this was 'Hell'.

So we find that Hasid distinguished two periods of the Bronze Age:
The First was war destroys mankind: 'Their Armour was of bronze, and 
their houses of bronze, and of bronze were their implements...Men 
were destroyed by their own hands and passed to the dank house of 
chill Hades.'

In the Second:
...there was created a god-like race of hero-men...Grim war and 
dread battle destroyed a part of them...But to the other father 
Zeus, the son of Cronos, gave a living and an abode apart from 
men, and made them dwell at the ends of the Earth. And they live 
untouched by sorrow in the islands of the Blessed along the shore of 
deep swirling Ocean, happy heroes from whom the grain-giving earth 
bears honey-sweet fruit flourishing thrice a year, far from the 
deathless gods...

This refers to the Mycenaean colonists in AMERICA whom Hesiod 
supposes survived the destruction of their homeland. The asphodel 
was the plant characteristic of the Elysian Fields. It grows not 
only around the Mediterranean but also on the Pacific coast of 

In the remote west, too, was the fabled Gorgon, who had snakes for 
her hair and who turned people to stone. Poseidon loved her. 
Perseus, the Mycenaean Greek, who later became king of Tiryns, 
killed her with the aid of Athena and escaped. He is said to 
have turned Atlas into stone with the Gorgon's head. Now we know 
that one particular group to arrive in Peru, perhaps because of 
their skill in carving, were known as the stone people and were 
reputed by the Indians of America to be able to turn people into 
stone and stones back into people. The snake on the head was the 
insignia worn by the Peruvian ruling class. Behind all this lies the 
fact the Bronze Age Greeks - the Greek Cretans and Mycenaean’s who 
were mighty sailors - had followed hard behind the Pelasgians and 
Linear A Minoans to America. This could explain why the Mexicans and 
Mayans used the seemingly Mycenaean world TEO for god. 

The tale of the original sin, of humanity's fall, of Adam and Eve 
and the serpent comes from Sumer, perhaps earlier from the Indus 
Valley. How did the royal insignia of the serpent, which had 
represented all that is most civilized in the whole world, the 
symbol of the earth mother herself, come to represent the devil? 
The fable as it stands, is a matter for the deepest suspicion as 
concerns its veracity because the serpent is full of wisdom and is 
indeed offering the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Writing was 
developed by Sumer, experts say. It was confined originally to the 
priesthood. Egyptian hieroglyphs mean Egyptian priestly glyphs and 
hieratic means priestly writing. The tale of Adam and Eve may 
conceivably have been about popular education; a warning written up 
for popular consumption by a conservative sky worshiping priest for 
whom education had to be reserved for the foreign ruling class and 
not given to the earth worshipping masses. 

Even as for some people heaven switched to America as geographical 
knowledge and excitement expanded, so we must be prepared for earth 
worship, at first the worship of terra firma, to be extended to 
earth meaning the globe, both sea and land. Our present world earth 
contains this ambiguity. Once the earth was known to be a globe 
floating in space, earth-worship was the proper contrast to sky-
worship. It was also monotheism. 

The name Hades would seem to have an origin in the Canary Island 
word for hell,’' Hades, according to the Greeks, ruled in the 
remote west. Hell was the earth worshippers heaven. 
bout 2.5 inches since Monday. The dome may be weakening, raising fears 
the 8,364-foot-tall 
Arctic expedition breaks ice on global warming

Posted by:  kortron
Source: The Michigan Daily

By Naila Moreira, Daily Staff Reporter 
October 05, 2004

Anyone dreading the onset of winter might shiver at the thought of the 
frigid Arctic. But a team of 19 scientists, including a University 
geology professor and a former University graduate, braved the region’s 
chill this fall to confirm that balmy, subtropical weather once dominated 
the North Pole.
Last month, the team brought home the first deep sediment samples ever 
drilled below Arctic ice. Previous attempts to obtain sediments from 
the Arctic Ocean had been cut short by encroaching ice floes, which can 
push a drilling ship out of position. During this year’s expedition, two 
large icebreaking vessels, accompanied by a smaller icebreaker fitted 
as a drilling ship, shattered oncoming rafts of ice up to 3 meters 
thick. The ships — provided by the European Consortium for Ocean Research 
Drilling — held a fixed position in shifting ice for as long as eight 
“The most profound success of this expedition is that no one’s ever 
been able to drill in moving ice before,” said Prof. Kate Moran of Rhode 
Island University, the expedition’s co-chief scientist. In three weeks, 
the team recovered 339 meters of oceanic mud that span 80 million years 
of Arctic history. The sediment cores, which arrive onboard in long 
plastic …
Continue at:


From long time friend and fellow researcher Ollie Mork:
Source:  The Guardian (UK)
Date: 10/2/4

North Pole Is Danish
By Jan Olsen, Associated Press, in Copenhagen

Denmark hopes to find evidence that the Danish territory of Greenland 
is connected to a ridge beneath the floating ice of the Arctic Ocean, 
thus giving Denmark claim to the north pole - and whatever riches in oil 
and gas may lie beneath it. 

"Maybe there is a chance that the north pole could become Danish," 
Helge Sander, the science and technology minister, said yesterday. "We must 
be able to argue that it is a natural extension [of Greenland]", added 
Trine Dahl-Jensen of the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland. …,3604,1318107,00.html

Email from “Shadow”

Satellites in low-Earth orbit over Southern Africa are already showing 
signs of radiation damage

BONNY SCHOONAKKER © Sunday 18 Jul 2004 

SOUTHERN Africa is experiencing weird vibes, according to scientists 
studying one of the more profound upheavals awaiting planet Earth. 
This forthcoming revolution is a reversal in the Earth's magnetic 
field, an event that occurs every 500 000 years or so. 

Signs that the reversal is about to happen again are nowhere more 
apparent than over Southern Africa, according to Dr Pieter Kotze, head of 
the geomagnetism group at the Hermanus Magnetic Observatory in the 
southern Cape. 
Satellites in low-Earth orbit over Southern Africa are already showing 
signs of radiation damage suffered as a result of the Earth's magnetic 
field weakening above our part of the planet. The field forms the 
magneto sphere, which, like the Earth's ozone layer, protects the planet 
from the sun's harmful radiation. 
Other symptoms destined to become apparent in the years ahead include 
the aurora australis, or southern lights. Usually seen only over the 
South Pole, these will become visible closer to the equator as the Earth's 
magnetic field weakens and disappears. Eventually, on past form, the 
field will reappear but with magnetic north and south pole changing 
places, as they have done for billions of years. 

According to an article in the New York Times this week, the change 
will be devastating for migratory animals such as loggerhead turtles, 
which use the Earth's magnetic field to migrate 8 000km around the 
Atlantic. Bees, swallows, cranes, salmon, homing pigeons, frogs and eagles may 
also lose their way between breeding and feeding grounds. 
Humans will suffer, too. The (temporary) disappearance of the magnetic 
field ahead of its reversal will lead to increased occurrences of 
radiation-induced cancer, Kotze said. 
Commenting on the New York Times report, Kotze said that the decay in 
the Earth's magnetic field was becoming increasingly apparent in "the 
South Atlantic anomaly", a huge deviation in the Earth's magnetic field 
discovered with the help of the Hermanus Magnetic Observatory. 
This month, the European Space Agency (ESA) approved a 
multimillion-euro space mission, called Swarm, to measure the anomaly, which stretches 
from Southern Africa towards South America. 

The ESA's scientists believe that this anomaly, as revealed by the 
occasional "geomagnetic jerk" to which our part of the world is prone, will 
provide a clue to predicting the next "flip" in the Earth's magnetic 
field, now 250 000 years overdue - as these things go. Three ESA 
satellites, flying in low-Earth orbit (400km to 500km up) after their launch in 
2009, will measure the variation over Southern Africa. 

The observatory has also recorded a faster-growing deviation between 
true north and magnetic north over Southern Africa during the past 10 
years, drifting steadily westward. Taken together, the blip and this drift 
point to an imminent reversal in the Earth's north-south magnetic 
"W e should be able to work out the first predictions by the end of the 
[Swarm] mission," Gauthier Hulot, an ESA geophysicist and a colleague 
of Kotze's, told the New York Times. 
The discovery of the "anomalous field behavior over Southern Africa" 
drew wide attention, reported the US newspaper, because "it seemed 
consistent with what the [ESA's] computer simulations identified as the 
possible beginnings of a flip". 

Kotze said that, "these are all indications that we have conditions 
similar to the last reversal, 780 000 years ago. So it means that we are 
due for another one soon." In geological terms, however, "soon" could 
mean anytime between tomorrow and the next 3 000 years. 
Kotze said the anomaly was the result of "things happening" far below 
the Earth's surface. 

At the boundary between the mantle and the outer core (more than 3 
000km below Southern Africa) disruptions were occurring in the flow of the 
Earth's liquid outer core (mostly iron), he explained. This created "a 
reverse dynamo situation", which is becoming increasingly apparent as 
variations in the magnetic field above the Earth's surface. 

Posted by: burlingtonnews

Miracle, a symbol of peace, passes away

(Published Friday, September 24, 2004 05:56:24 PM CDT;
updated Saturday, September 25, 2004)

By Catherine W. Idzerda/Gazette Staff

Miracle is gone.

Miracle the buffalo, the symbol of peace, died at 11:07 p.m. Sunday 
on the Dave and Valerie Heider farm in Janesville.

"She became sick on Friday," Dave Heider said. "She was off her feed
and became lethargic."

The vet was with Miracle for much of last weekend but couldn't save 

"We don't believe she was suffering," Heider said Friday 
afternoon. "It looked like she was resting peacefully."

The vet and Valerie Heider were with Miracle when she died.

It's not known why Miracle died, and the Heiders thought it would be
inappropriate to do an autopsy.

"I really don't know what happened; she's always been small," Dave
Heider said.

Miracle was buried in an unmarked grave. The Heiders may plan a 
memorial service at a later date and haven't decided on a grave marker.

Miracle was born on Aug. 20, 1994. She was the first all-white 
buffalo born since 1933. A white buffalo is a sacred figure to some 
American Indians. 
According to a Lakota Sioux legend, the return of the female white 
buffalo calf
heralded an era of peace and understanding among the people of the 

Her appearance caused an influx of visitors from all over the world 
to the 45-acre farm at 2739 S. River Road.  People tramped up and down 
the farm lane at all hours of the night.  The phone rang constantly. 
The Heiders had to set aside part of their landform parking.

The attention was exhausting.

In an 1999 interview, Heider talked about the days after Miracle's
birth: "We figured after three months it would all dry up and go 
away. Now, we know better. Sometimes, I regret it."

But his attitude changed, and he came to feel blessed by Miracle's

"We met people from all over the world," Heider said. "We had
opportunities that we never would have had before."

The Heiders have played host to 300 tribes from all over the world
including the Masai of Africa, the Aztecs of Mexico and aborigines 
from Australia. The Sioux, the Cree and the Ho Chunk are just a few of 
tribes that have been to their home.

Over the years, Miracle turned black, red and yellow. Part of the 
legend said that the white buffalo would turn different colors to 
all human races.

Miracle had three calves, Millennium, Lady Miracle, Mitakuye 
Oyasin-which means "We Are All Related in the Sacred Hoop of Life" in the Nakota 
Sioux language.

In August, about 300 people visited the Heider farm for her 10th
birthday. Many visitors said Miracle represented hope in time of war.

"The legend doesn't say anything about Miracle dying," Heider said.
"Buffalos can live to be 25 to 30 years old."

Heider delayed releasing the news for the better part of a week because
he and his wife had to go on a business trip and they were still
adjusting to their own shock and sadness.

"I really don't know how you can love an animal that much that you
couldn't touch. She wasn't tame, you know, she was basically a wild
animal," Heider said. "It's hard to put into words; I don't know how 
to explain it. It's like losing a close friend or relative."


Could the “Day after Tomorrow” scenario actually be here tomorrow?

Posted by: dellis9202

How to Hide 64 Earthquakes 
by Ms. Hero Cee 

How would you go about hiding the fact that the Earth has been struck 
by 64 major earthquakes in one week? According to the Website of the 
United States Geographic Survey (USGS), there were no less than 64 
earthquakes recorded globally between 19 September and 25 September 2004. 
These were no lightweights, either. Take for example a magnitude 5.9 in 
Fiji, 5.8 in California and a 5.2 in Indonesia. Most of the others hovered 
around the 3.1 to 5.0 mark - enough to cause substantial damage in most 

That so many quakes are being felt everywhere from Russia to Chile 
should be of major concern to everyone. Yet how many news articles have you 
read about them? None. There seems to be a concerted effort to deny the 
reality of these events. Oh well, so what? Surely there are other 
things more important to report? Perhaps. Let’s continue. …



From: Aerielle Louise
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 4:20 PM
Subject: Russian UFO Evidence Report:
[Note: This Report is NOT from Russia’s National Inquirer (Pravda) … 

Passing on a special treat.
Enjoy! ;-)

This "gifty" is from our friend Joe D. in Minnesota, USA

The RIAP Bulletin is published four times a year by a group of Ukranian 
Russian scientists and deals with UFOs as well as other unexplained
scientific anomalies. The editor is Vladimir Rubtsov, Ph.D.

The current issue, Vol. 9, No. 3-4, has a very interesting article 
by Dr. Rubtsov which tells of a possible UFO/alien involvement in a 
between a German regiment and a Soviet army battalion during WW II 
where the
Germans were slain to the last man, apparently with the help of a UFO.

It also includes an article about the Dropa Stones supposedly left by a
group of aliens marooned in China thousands of years ago.

Dr. Rubtsov has kindly agreed to allow me to share this issue with my 

It is available as an Adobe Acrobat Reader pdf file.

RIAP Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 3-4
has been uploaded to RIAP Website.
To download it, please click on the following link (or copy it and 
paste in
the address window of your browser):
RIAP pdf download:

HERE IS THE PASSWORD needed to open the file (it may be either retyped or
copied and pasted into the appropriate window of the Adobe Acrobat 
Password: gry39fRRe

Aerielle Louise
UFO sightings continue

Posted by: 

New sighting in Sonora, CA! Sightings have been videotaped over Sonora, 
CA since May... and continue! Two separate sightings of white orb-like 
objects were caught on video this morning! You can see video clips of 
these objects at on the "October Clips" 
page. And, please Sir; look at the August and September clips as well. 
You will be amazed at what has been happening over Sonora. Triangular 
objects, cylindrical objects (June) and glowing objects galore (July, 
Aug. and Sept.) Four separate sightings of triangular objects have been 
videotaped (May 31, June 15, Aug. 8th, and Sept. 10) Sorry about 
rambling! I'm still shaking! 
Mark A. Olson, D.M.


UPDATE: Giant Skull
(See “Unraveling the Secrets”, Issue 2004 #37) 

Brazilian UFO Magazine [] reports:

Very odd skeleton in Brazilian museum might be of an alien being

The 350,000 inhabitants of the Brazilian city of Uberaba, State of 
Minas Gerais, are very uneasy with a supposed alien skeleton displayed in a 
local museum. The exhibition is at the Museum of Natural History Wilson 
Estevanovic, a private institution that also hosts the Astronomic 
Society of Uberaba and shows animals, mummies, and several kinds of stones.  
Both institutions have the common objective of taking culture and 
science to the city s schools. The museum belongs to the Estevanovic family, 
whose ancestors crossed the world with a circus in the end of the XIX 
century. In every place the family has been, they have acquired pieces, 
such as mummies, animal skeletons, fossils etc.

The Estevanovics went to Uberaba in 1956, and in 1997 they founded the 
museum which today counts on more than 20,000 pieces. In the end of 
August, two directors of the institution the attorney Wellington 
Estevanovic and the professor Carlos Magno Estevanovic came to me and to the 
researcher José Eduardo C. Maia reporting a very unusual piece in their 
collection asking us to take a look. It was a strange embalmed skeleton, 
which has been with the family for 96 years. The directors informed 
that the carcass called the attention of the local community and that was 
the reason why they decided to show the piece to the Brazilian UFO 
Magazine [] thinking it might be of an extraterrestrial 
being. We went to the place and thoroughly examined the skeleton together 
with Wilson Estevanovic Neto, another member of the Estevanovic family. 
Estevanovic Neto is a researcher of the subject, restorer, gemologist, 
and also an expert in the processes of mummification.

Some doctors contacted by us have talked little about the subject 
saying only that the bones do not seem to belong to a human being due to 
anomalies like a huge head and a small body. What was also surprising to 
the president of the Museum of Natural History is the diameter of the 
head, which is of 97 cm. In addition, the semi-mummified carcass seems to 
have belonged to a hermaphrodite with six-fingered feet. We estimate 
that it might be of a 10 to 12-year old pre-adolescent, as we could 
verify through orthodontic studies. When alive, this being had multiple 
anomalies. The most evident ones are the presence of hydrocephaly and 
palate-labial fissure, that is, a primary congenital malformation, he said 
to the Brazilian UFO Magazine. 

Extraterrestrial creature?

According to him, students and other people who have already seen the 
skeleton at the museum have no doubt it is of an extraterrestrial 
creature. Some people felt sick at seeing the carcass exposed while others 
got scared, but most of the children felt excited. Despite the intense 
curiosity there is no further information about the piece. The 
Estevanovic family does not know where the piece comes from or how it was 
embalmed, but they believe it occurred more than 200 years ago. The box in 
which the skeleton was kept was opened in 1997 after the death of Wilson 
Estevanovic, who revealed to his son, Wellington, the secret it 
contained. Before that, it was only a sealed box, said the director of the 

The ufologist Maia estimates that the material is very valuable and 
deserves profound studies. I haven t seen anything like this before, 
except in movies or pictures. Now we have a skeleton very different from a 
human one which we are going to study carefully, he commented. According 
to information from other researchers, Brazil has not the necessary 
conditions to perform examinations in the carcass to verify if it is human 
or not, since it is already mummified. Brazilian UFO Magazine 
[] has put up a team to further examine the skeleton in detail, in 
order to determine its real nature. If this is an alien structure, what 
could be concluded with serious scientific research, and then the world 
must know, said the magazine s editor A. J. Gevaerd, founder on the 
Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer Research (CBPDV).

The Estevanovic family has been very helpful opening all doors of the 
museum to researchers, once they also want to see the mystery solved. 
The biological sciences student of the University of Bahia, Veruska 
Estevanovic, granddaughter of the institution s founder concluded after 
studies on the origin of the piece that the skeleton probably belongs to an 
extraterrestrial being. Among other examinations, the carcass underwent 
a morph anatomic evaluation. In her report, Veruska talks about the 
development of the skeleton in a more detailed description: it has a 
palate-labial fissured skull with a reduced palate and a slender and 
protuberant central structure projected through the nasal cavity and two 
canine teeth on its distal ends.

Eye orbits

The morph anatomic analysis of the skeleton has indicated that the 
distance between this structure and the upper maxilla is of 5 cm. The nasal 
cavity presents a crack at its base which is interrupted by the 
projection of the palate-buccal structure, said Veruska to the Brazilian UFO 
Magazine []. The upper maxilla is incomplete, with a 
central fissure directly linked to the nasal cavity with only nine teeth. 
The lower maxilla is smaller than normal anatomic patterns too long and 
narrow on its horizontal axis holding only nine teeth. The eye orbits 
are shallow, relatively far from one another, presenting an ossified 
central structure, which is circular with a central orifice and one 
ossified optical nerve. 

Such body structure does not match the human anatomy. The skeleton does 
not have the auditory pit, as well as the auditory canal. The cranium 
presents typical cranial cracks and the front region has two relevant 
protuberances. The carcass is divided in head, trunk, and limbs without 
any known proportion. The cranium s dimensions are 1 ½ time the chest. 
Veruska continues: The creature presented a bone characteristic which 
allows us to define at least two severe congenital abnormalities: 
hydrocephaly and palate-labial fissure, that is, two syndromes very known in 
the medical literature. 

The skeleton certainly belonged to an individual with congenital 
malformation or anomalies, which consist of developmental failures in the 
occasion of the birth. In the universe of congenital malformation, no 
classification of an isolate nomenclature is universally accepted, that is, 
all of them are limited. Each one is directed to a specific purpose in 
the study of teratology branch of science that studies abnormal 
pre-birth developments with principal emphasis with respect to already known 

If human, the causes of congenital malformation in the skeleton might 
be chromosome abnormalities, mutant genes, environmental factors, 
multilateral inheritance, or even a combination of genetic and environmental 
factors combined with other unknown causes, has declared Veruska 
Estevanovic to the Brazilian UFO Magazine. 
Photos at 

Report and photos by Paulo de Carvalho Nogueira
Exclusive for the Brazilian UFO Magazine []
Translated by Eduardo Rado


Coral Castle Code Broken
Ed Leedskalnin left behind the blueprints of nature, a Secret Knowledge 
of the Ancients. It is the base for all structure in creation. I 
discovered the clue Ed Leedskalnin left for the world. This will be the first 
time people can see the Genius behind this man who learned natures 
biggest secret.


The world's oceans are now so saturated with noise that whales and 
marine mammals are dying, biologists say.
The UK's Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society is launching a 
Oceans of Noise, to tackle what it says is the increasing problem of 

It says key sources of undersea noise are the search for oil and gas, 
the use of low-frequency military sonar’s.

The WDCS is proposing an action plan to regulate submarine noise 
and says a worldwide treaty may be needed.

Long-distance effects

It says there is evidence that noise is causing hearing loss in 
(whales, dolphins and porpoises), injuring them and causing them to 
themselves, and is sometimes killing them.

It also believes excessive noise is seriously interfering with 
ability to communicate with each other.

The WDCS says the frequency ranges of some noise sources of human 
origin may
be blotting out other, biologically important sounds, preventing 
mothers and
calves from staying in touch and masking sound cues for predators and 

It says: "Flight, avoidance or other changes in behavior have been 
in cetaceans from tens to hundreds of kilometers from the noise 

"It has even been suggested that the abilities of the great whales to
communicate with each other across entire ocean basins has now been 
by orders of magnitude."

Bowhead whales: Mothers and calves may lose touch
The International Whaling Commission said in July there was "compelling
evidence" that entire populations of marine mammals were at potential 
from increasingly intense man-made underwater noise.

Its scientific committee said low-frequency ambient marine noise levels 
increased in the northern hemisphere by two orders of magnitude over 
last 60 years.

The WDCS says one problem is the expansion of oil and gas exploration 
the deep seas and the resulting growth in seismic testing to find 
fuel deposits.

Out of sight

Shipping is another cause of concern. The society says: "Large vessels 
typically loud vessels and the increase in traffic has actually
fundamentally changed the noise profile of the world's oceans."

And the use of powerful sonar systems by some of the world's navies, it
says, is raising noise levels still further.

The WDCS action plan includes a proposal for an international treaty to
regulate marine noise pollution, and for an independent body to 

Mark Simmonds of the WDCS told BBC News Online: "It's a problem that 
have much noticeable effect on us, unlike chemical pollution, and we 
see it either.

"And that means it's hard for us to realize the problem exists, let 
alone its extent."

The End of the Misty3 Reports


I don't believe the theory that earth hummm is caused by sea waves, 
currents, surf or even waterspouts. The deep earth is so vastly 
mysterious, the sea-waves hum is scien-tease --babble to dispel suspicions that 
black Ops are digging inside earth, that they're causing heavy 
vibrations from down deep or doing weird experiments with aliens, earthquake 
causing, antigravity or causing green fireballs!? So what new evidence of 
earth hum … what frequencies? … where?…  etc can we learn to trace the 
cause-effects of the patterns of sounds coming from inside Mother Earth 
be they natural or manmade? 
Gaia grunts
 micheal sunanda

My long time friend Timothy Green Beckley (Subterranean Worlds Inside 
Earth - 1992) etc. writes:

[We here at Inner Light Publications are] thinking of doing a limited
reprint of Brinsley's hollow earth book (200 copies) Would anyone be 
interested? Do you have a copy of hardcover edition I can purchase? Also 
do you have any hollow earth material on cassette -- would like to do 
an inner earth CD set. Of course, I do have the Shaver - Palmer 
interview with Long John I sell. 

I am sure that you wouldn’t have any problem selling a lot more than 
200 copies of this very rare, and most important hollow earth book.

I do have a hard copy of “Secret of the Ages: UFOs from Inside the 
Earth” by Brinsley Le Poer Trench.  Unfortunately … it’s not for sale at 
any cost. … It’s too important to my collection.  

Can any of you out there help “MRUFO” with the project by selling him a 
copy?  At least let him know that you would like to have a copy of this 
book that I feel is one of the best documented, hollow earth books ever 
written  UPDATE: Tim has located a copy … I’ll keep you updated on this 
chance to own this very informative book from the late great 
research/writer, Brinsley Le Poer Trench.

And send Tim an email letting him know you think its worth his time to 
continue this project and that you‘d be willing to shell out some bucks 
for this truly rare classic. 

The Expanding Trilateral Commission
Posted by:  mevlevi2000
Source: The New American

Spinning a Larger Web
by John F. McManus

The Trilateral blueprint for shaping a community of the developed 
nations of North America, Western Europe and Japan has been extended to 
other parts of the globe.

When it was formed in 1973, the Trilateral Commission’s benign-sounding 
purposes included gathering prominent Western Europeans, North 
Americans, and Japanese to promote the "enhancement of cooperative relations," 
"analysis of major issues," and "the development [and] endorsement of 
proposals on questions of vital mutual interest." Nothing in its initial 
literature mentioned world government, but this has been the underlying 
purpose of the Trilateral Commission (TC) from its outset.

A great deal can be learned from knowing who initiated this new 
organization, who had sufficient clout to gather into its fold the movers and 
shakers of these major industrialized regions, and who supplied its 
finances. The name of David Rockefeller figures in every aspect of the TC. 
Because nothing this man has touched in his 80-plus years has been good 
for national independence or personal freedom, it would be ridiculous 
to expect the TC to be anything but another Establishment-spun web to 
entrap mankind. …
Continue the report:
Source:  Wired News

Don't Mess With Librarians 
By Adam L. Penenberg
02:00 AM Sep. 15, 2004 PT

Jessamyn West is a 36-year-old librarian living in central Vermont. But 
she's not your stereotypical bespectacled research maven toiling behind 
a reference desk and offering expert advice on microfiche. 

She's a "radical librarian" who has embraced the hacker credo that 
"information wants to be free." As a result, West and many of her 
colleagues are on the front lines in battling the USA Patriot Act, which a 
harried Congress passed a month after 9/11 even though most representatives 
hadn't even read the 300-page bill. It gave the government sweeping 
powers to pursue the "war on terror" but at a price: the loss of certain 
types of privacy we have long taken for granted. …,1848,64945,00.html?tw=wn_5polihead

Index of UFOINFO News Articles of interest:
The Research and Writings of TAL LaVesque
ASTRONOMY: Evidence That Mars Is A Former Moon!

Mars is generally accepted as one of the solar system's
primordial planets. It certainly "looks" like a legitimate
planet, but was it always orbiting the sun?

T. Van Flandern has, in fact, tabulated 16 Martian anomalies
that might be explained if Mars were instead once a moon of a
10-earth-mass gas giant that exploded 65 million years ago. We
list some of the (to us) more profound of the 16 Van Flandern

-Mars is much less massive than any other planet, except
Mercury, which itself was probably originally a moon of Venus
(an early Neith!).

-The centers of mass and figure are far offset, a common feature
of moons.

-Mars' southern hemisphere is peppered with craters; few are
seen in the north.

-The above crustal dichotomy is almost a perfect great circle,
suggesting that nearby cataclysm.

-The smooth crust of the northern hemisphere is only about 1-
kilometer thick, compared to 20 kilometers in the south.

-Sudden massive flooding occurred during the planet's history.
Cause and water source not known.

-Xenon-129, a fission product of great explosions, is
anomalously abundant on Mars.

Van Flandern accounts for the foregoing observations and the
nine others he proffered (but which we did not list) with his
EPH (Exploded Planet Hypothesis). Before the postulated
explosion of so-called planet V, 65 million years ago, this gas
giant swung around the sun close to where Mars orbits today.
Planet V owned at least two major moons: Mars and Body C, which
became the source to today's comets and chondrites. Van
Flandern claims that the consequences of the explosion of Planet
V can be seen throughout the solar system, not just on Mars.

(Van Flandern, T.; Mars Rovers And The EPH, Meta Research
Bulletin, 13:12, March 15, 2004)

Comment. If Planet V did indeed explode 65 million years ago,
the earth could not has escaped some of the debris. Presto: we
a [sic] source of the dozen or so terrestrial craters of about
that age as well as the extinction of the dinosaurs!

Forwarding permission was given by William R. Corliss.

Source: Science Frontiers, No. 155, Sep-Oct, 2004, p. 2

[Science Frontiers is a bimonthly collection of digests of
scientific anomalies in the current literature. Published by
the Sourcebook Project, P.O. Box 107, Glen Arm, MD 21057. Annual
subscription: $8.00.]

Be Informed

Disaster preparedness is no longer the sole concern of earthquake prone 
Californians and those who live in the part of the country known as 
"Tornado Alley." [Or in Florida’s Hurricane Heaven…Dennis].  For 
Americans, preparedness must now account for man-made disasters as well as 
natural ones. Knowing what to do during an emergency is an important part of 
being prepared and may make all the difference when seconds count.

Terrorists are working to obtain biological, chemical, nuclear and 
radiological weapons, and the threat of an attack is very real. 
When preparing for a possible emergency situation, 
It’s best to think first about the basics of survival: 
fresh water, food, clean air and warmth. 

The Department of Homeland Security 
wants to help you Prepare :


The Official Web Portal of the US Federal Government

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response

Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program
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Department of Education
Emergency Preparedness Plans for Schools

Department of Health and Human Services
Disasters and Emergencies

Disaster Help

Environmental Protection Agency
Emergency Preparedness

Federal Citizen Information Center

Federal Emergency Management Agency

FirstGov for Consumers

Threat Alert System
Information for Citizens

USA Freedom Corps

Exiting the TAL ZONE

Here's the latest newsletter from UFO Casebook.


The Reptilian Stare

Thanx to “Rick.”
Up-to-the-minute UFO Reports 24-7

The goal of this publication is to bring to our readers attention news 
reports they may have missed, or didn’t have the time to look for while 
the web;  along with information from our files which, until now, has 
not been available on the web.  

Then we throw an editorial comment or two into the mix just to wake up 
the nodders.

All copyrighted materials are highly respected and proper credit is 
given for 
all snip-bits and links used. If you find anything in this publication 
you had a hand in creating or bringing to my attention and feel that 
you are 
not given proper credit, please let me know and I’ll do whatever it 
takes to 
correct the mistake. 
Let it also be noted that the views and reported ideas might not always 
those of the Editor or staff at THEI, but we do believe that everyone 
have a place to offer their own ideas about those matters which we look 
into. We 
want THEI to be that place. 

"Unraveling the Secrets" is YOUR newsletter. Your thoughts and research 
are just as important as anyone here. This is a "free press" area, and 
turn this soapbox over to anyone who has anything relevant to say.
We urge you to pass these reports along to your friends and associates 
might enjoy our little excursions into the outer edges of knowledge as 
attempt to Unravel the Secrets.  But, please pass them along unedited. 

However if you only want to send part of it to someone, please do so. I 
only ask that you include a link to our site.  (and if you want you can 
do a little raving about how great THEI is when you do).  <Grin> … and 
I ain‘t bashful either.
If you received this Insider’s Report by e-mail from a friend and you 
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Hope you enjoyed this report. 

Until next time, see ya’ll!

Dennis Crenshaw