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Insider’s Report for 2004 #21 
May/30/2004 Editor: Dennis Crenshaw


“This area of study is a two edged sword.  If the earth is Hollow then 
there has to be a conspiracy.  If there is no conspiracy then the earth 
is a semi-solid, lava filled, ball of dirt just as we are taught.  It’s 
that simple.” 
Crenshaw, Editor, The Hollow Earth Insider
In this Issue:
  The Bender Secret:
   Part 4 - Project X

"Unraveling the Secrets" is a free weekly Research Report from:

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This report from Security Focus submitted by Doug via my son Tom:

Area 51 hackers dig up trouble
By Kevin Poulsen, SecurityFocus May 25 2004 1:03PM


“To the Area 51 buffs who travel to the Nevada desert in the hopes of 
catching a glimpse of unexplained lights in the sky or to bask in the 
mythic allure of the region, 58-year-old Chuck Clark is almost as much a 
part of the local color as the Black Mailbox. …

“Even without aliens, the facility has its secrets, and last year while 
roaming the desert outside the Groom Lake base Clark stumbled upon one 
of them: an electronic device packed in a rugged case and buried in the 
dirt. Marked "U.S. Government Property," the device turned out to be a 
wireless transmitter, connected by an underground cable to a sensor 
buried nearby next to one of the unpaved roads that vein the public land 
surrounding the base. Together, the units’ act as a surveillance system, 
warning someone -- somewhere -- whenever a vehicle drives down that 
stretch of road …

“So when Clark found the new generation of road sensor, Arnu [Fellow 
investigator and owner of the area 51 website Dreamland Resort] drove out 
to help investigate further. The pair found that, at close range, they 
could use a handheld frequency counter to pick up the wireless signals 
given off by the devices as a car passes. Over the following month and 
half, Clark and Arnu engaged in a kind of geocaching game with the Men 
in Black, systematically sniffing out the road sensors with the 
frequency counter, exhuming them, and opening them up. They discovered that 
each device was coded with three-digit identifier that could be read off 
an internal dial, allowing Arnu to make a list that correlated each 
unit's I.D. number with its GPS coordinates, creating a virtual map of a 
portion of the surveillance network surrounding the Groom Lake facility. 
Some of the sensors were miles away from the base. …”

What they did next really pissed someone off … for the complete report:

Visit Arnu’s Dreamland Resort at:

********************************************************************************************* WAS HE TOO CLOSE TO EXPOSING SECRETS? ~ Dr. Eugene F. Mallove 1947-2004 ~ “We are deeply shocked and saddened at the loss of Gene, who was murdered in Norwich, Connecticut on Friday, May 14, 2004. Gene was in Norwich cleaning up a recently vacated rental property, a home that he spent much of his childhood in. An investigation is in full swing and when details are released, we will post more information on the specifics of the incident….” ****************************************************************************************** CHICAGO -- THE NEXT ATLANTIS? From ABC News: Scientists Say Chicago Sinking Every Year Shifting Land Caused by the Melting of Canadian Glaciers Causes Chicago to Sink About a Millimeter a Year The Associated Press CHICAGO May 20, 2004 — Shifting land caused by the melting of Canadian glaciers causes Chicago to sink at the rate of about a millimeter a year, a Northwestern University study has found. The shift also causes water in the Great Lakes to slosh from the upper Great Lakes into their lower reaches…. Continued at: ************************************************************************** From SPACE.COM: $5M Moon Rock Stolen From Malta Museum “A tiny moon rock believed to be worth about $5 million was stolen from a museum in Malta, 30 years after President Richard Nixon donated it to the Mediterranean island nation. …” ************************************************************************** MOORE CONSPIRACY THEORIES From the Left Coast Report comes the following: Moore Conspiracy Theories Michael Moore has become a GM-sized conspiracy theory factory. The fake-umentary maker recently suggested that Democrat donor Michael Eisner was conspiring with the Bush brothers to censor his latest film, "Fahrenheit 9/11." In the movie, which recently took the Palme d'Or at Cannes, Moore presents a conspiracy theory that involves Osama bin Laden, al-Qaida, the Saudis and the Bush administration. He bases the crackpot thesis on the news reports that, in the days after 9/11, about 140 Saudis were airlifted back home, two dozen of whom were members of the bin Laden family. Lost in Moore's mental machinations were the facts that Osama was estranged from his elephant-sized family and had had his Saudi citizenship revoked two decades ago. If he's looking for real conspiracy fodder, Moore might try checking out some of the new folks that Miramax Films has hired to promote his flick. Howard Wolfson is the ex-campaign press secretary for Sen. Hillary Clinton. Michael Feldman is an adviser from Al Gore's 2000 presidential campaign. Mark Fabiani and Chris Lehane are former Clinton White House advisers. And then there's the Miramax spokesman who's been talking to the press about the story. He's Matthew Hiltzik, and he worked on Hillary's U.S. Senate campaign…. The Left Coast Report whispers, Vast left-wing conspiracy, anyone? ************************************************************************************ The TAL Zone The Research & Writings of TAL LaVesque Cosmic etheric energy, underground streams, sun, wind, water, earth, and fire. The "Vesica Piscis" ("Fish Vessel") is the symbol of creation, of two circles which pass through the center of the other. All resonance’s generate this pattern. The Vesica Piscis geometrically links Stonehenge, the Pyramid, and the Earth forces. The world's largest underground stream (90% of the Nile River is underground) runs directly beneath the Giza Pyramid. Many underground streams diverge from a large complex spring at the center of Stonehenge. The old temples of Britain, China, Egypt, Mexico, Greece, and Peru always set on "blind " (below surface) springs. Sacred caves and the Pyramid had "spirit holes" leading down to a water source. Animals make trails and burrows along underground streams, and they nest and give birth on blind springs. The streams are traveling paths, and springs are resting and meditating places. Throughout the world, the energy is called the "dragon" and "serpent" force, identical to the kundalini bio-energy life force of your body, but on a planetary scale. Springs are the acupuncture points. The spiral energy flow expands and contracts, reversing its direction with the waxing and waning of the moon. Water spirals always generate loops in multiples of seven (0,7,14,21,28,35,42,49...never more than 49). Each seventh loop is a stronger one. With eight, it begins again. This corresponds with octaves of sound (do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do), light (black, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, white) the chakras (kundalini, sacrum, spleen, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, crown, a kasha), and the trig rams of the I Ching (“chien"-creative, “tui"-joy, "li"-radiance, "chen"-power, "sun"-penetration, "kan"-depth, "ken"-stillness, "kun"-receptive. The spring in the center of Stonehenge radiates pulse waves as a vesica piscis. Each seventh wave forms a standing wave, a circle which encloses the two circles of the vesica. The standing waves are marked by the stones, which accumulate the resonance and re-radiate it at a steady pulse. The Alter Stone is green sand stone. This is enclosed by a horseshoe of blue sand stones, then a horseshoe of red sand stones, then a ring of blue sand stones, then a ring of red sand stones. The quartz crystal in the stones has a spiral structure. Similar to the DNA in your chromosomes. _______________________ What follows is an IDEA for a TEMPLE / HOUSE . SEE : Steven Travis...Natural Structures 20180 Old Big Basin Road, Boulder Creek, CA 95006 Voice and Fax: (831) 338-3952 E-mail: Go to his HOME PAGE : ************************************************************************** A NEW WORLD ORDER UPDATE: YOUR FRONT SEAT FOR THE BATTLE OF THE BONES MEN (Continuing with the surprising current debate into Skull and Bones). [In my 10 years of research into this, the most dangerous secret society in the world involved in the Controllers plan for an elitist New World Order, this election year is the first time the goals of that sinister bunch have been brought front and center in ANY discussion. (Not that we’ll learn the real truth, but you know how I love taking a peek under the rock). This is great background information to add to the mix! …Dennis]. From the Guardian, posted May 20, 2004: “Skeletons in the closet “While at Yale University, both John Kerry and George Bush joined an elite secret society, the Order of Skull and Bones. How might their lifelong allegiance to the club affect their relationship - and political decisions? Suzanne Goldenberg tracks down other Bones men to find out.” Suzanne Goldenberg Thursday May 20, 2004 The Guardian “There is a secret that binds the two men who would be the next leader of the free world….” Read the report at:,3858,4928121-110878,00.html ************************************************************************** THE BENDER SECRET: Compiled with editorial comment by Dennis Crenshaw Part 4 -- Project X From the back cover of “They Knew Too Much about Flying Saucers” (1956-1967) by Gray Baker: “One by one, the leading figures amongst flying saucer researchers, who have challenged the government denial that saucers come from outerspace, have been silenced. “One by one these researchers have been visited by three men in dark suits. Nobody will tell what transpired, but each man they visited was reduced to silence…” * * * * * Gray Barker was trying to uncover the information that had brought these things to pass. Gray was now waiting for information from Harold Fulton, head of the Civilian Saucer Investigation of New Zealand. He only hoped the men in black hadn’t already gotten to him yet. He was mainly looking for information on “Project X”. He felt that this secret project was a key to the whole question of what had the top members of the different groups found out to bring out the strange powerful men. Then he received Fulton’s file on Bender. From correspondence between Edgar R. Jarrold, the head of the Australian saucer group and Mr. Fulton shared with Barker was one line that had given Barker the clue… “It would seem wise to suspend further investigations into Project X until after we both received the Oct. 15 “Space Review, Jerrold wrote Fulton.” (Page 126). We’ll pick up the story from here in “They Knew Too Much about Flying Saucers“: “Project X. “Why had not Jarrold or Fulton mentioned it in their correspondence to me. “Maybe it was something so fantastic I might laugh at them. But the entire saucer field was becoming day-by-day, so fantastic that now few people were laughing. “Though Fulton had opened his files on Bender to me he had divulged nothing about “Project X”. “Could it be the Antarctic Theory mentioned by Bender in his letter to Jarrold dated September 14? In this he had said, “We would like to refrain from comment on that until after our October 15 issue is published. “When I was talking with Bender he visibly started when I mentioned the South Pole… “I had never connected the Antarctica with saucers, though I did recall that Admiral Richard E. Byrd had seen some mighty queer things during his expeditions to Little America. … Why had Bender in Connecticut, and Jarrold in Australia, been concerned with Antarctica? “The new files on Bender read like the progress of the mystery from my end. … On November 3 he [Jarrold] sent a worried letter to Fulton. “He had reviewed all of his IFSB correspondence, had come to certain conclusions about the dissolving of the American organization and Bender’s odd behavior. He felt sure that he knew the “particular facts”. ““Ever since that startling realization had hit him he had been upset, hoping tremendously that the interpretation he made was a lot of nonsense. But as the pieces fell together into a disquieting pattern he could see it was not absurd.” ““It explained Bender’s behavior and experiences, left only a small margin of doubt. ““I informed Mr. Bender to that effect the very next day after making the deduction, feeling the course a definite duty. Since then, for very strong and vital reasons, the information has not been divulged to anyone else.”” “Jarrold didn’t know what to do with the knowledge since he considered it “highly dangerous.” ““At the moment the matter - for reasons which cannot be discussed - must remain at that until positive information is at hand from other sources. Believe me when I say that no one hopes more than I do that the interpretation of certain material is wrong. Since making the deduction I have been more worried than I care to say and at first wished I had never undertaken saucer research.”” “What had he run across? It indeed sounded portentous. “Whatever the theory was, Bender was no help to Jarrold and the latter remained in as much befuddlement about the American investigator as the rest of us. “But Bender had given him some advice. … “If you have found out the mystery of the saucers, for heaven’s sake, do not get yourself into trouble over it.”” “Bender and Jarrold, I thought, must have found out the same thing. And now Jarrold was apparently silenced by a mysterious visitor who perhaps had confirmed the very thing he suspected. “I now had the answer, perhaps, if I could put them together … maybe I would be happier if I remained in ignorance.” (Pages 137 - 154). * * * * * “By this time Fulton had decided to send me the details on “Project X,” since no breach of confidence would now be involved. After all, thought Fulton, it looked as if Bender had completely divorced himself from saucer research, was no longer concerned about it. “Bender had suggested to him that “Project X” be formed.” Page 156). Bender also informed Jarrold and Fulton that “they were to watch their files carefully, for “any material which might disappear.”” “Had someone or something taken material from Bender’s own files? He didn’t enlarge on this statement“. Bender noted the fact that there were “many sightings in the Australia and New Zealand area.” and continued with his idea of “Project X”: ““ I have wondered about a theory of an organization here in the United States that believes the source of the saucers is the Antarctic. If this were true it might account for the numerous sightings in your locale, and the mysterious actions of July 21 and 22. They are probably nearer to you than you realize”” “So “Project X” did concern Antarctica, as I had guessed. “Jarrold suggested that he and Fulton investigate the possibilities of an Antarctic saucer base. Jarrold could conceive of such a saucer base, for one strong reason. It would be relatively free from human observation. It would be the perfect spot for such headquarters, providing the entities involved could survive the intense cold, or had a way of shielding themselves from it. Or did not need to, if the temperature there were similar to that of their home planet….” (156-157). “ … If the crafts movements were found to have a standard pattern, then mapping each arrival and departure might point to the place they were coming from - might reveal the location of their secret base. “This is what Jarrold and Fulton decided to do. “It would be a big task, for it involved going through thousands of reports, many of which did not clearly state the direction of arrival or departure. They would first sort out those reports which stated directions clearly, then determine two points from each account: 1). The approximate directions from which the objects came. 2). The approximate directions of their departure. “The directions of arrival and departure would be drawn on a map projection as a series of lines. If many of the lines had a tendency to intersect in any certain area, that might indicate the location of a base or rendezvous point for the craft! “They would enlist the help of the IFSB, and if all the findings jibed they felt they would have something real and concrete to present to their specific governments and to the press. “But immediately after this proposal was in Bender’s hands he informed the world he could no longer have anything to do with the saucer mystery. “Fulton believed it would be wise to soft petal the Antarctic theory until things quieted down in Bridgeport. Maybe that had been the last straw that would have broken the back of the mystery, the theory brought the three men on the double. Bender’s strange actions, coupled with Jarrold’s concentration on his own disturbing theories and his subsequent visit from an enigmatic caller postponed the investigation indefinitely. To my present knowledge “Project X” still remains in Fulton’s files for future action. He has never followed it through.” So ends the story of “Project X”. Maybe someday someone else will take on the monstrous task of tracing the flight patterns of the so-called “UFOs” and the answer will finally give us a good idea what’s going on. There is one more piece of evidence from these happenings we need to look at. After much debate Bender finally agreed to a sit down interview by other members of IFSB. But, only with the understanding that he would revel nothing that might jeopardize nation security. To be continued….. ___________________ FROM THE HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER RESEARCH REPORT’S paper filled FILING CABINETS: The 1965 Chilean Sightings For collaborating evidence concerning Bender’s Antarctica hypothesis we turn to… none other than the US Department of Defense. This information was obtained by use of the Freedom of Information act and has the heading “Department of Defense Intelligence Information Report.” This report consists of four pages. The first on DD Form 1396. The last three on DD Form 1396c. Report Number: 1 817 0046 65 Report Date: 23 July 1965 Country: Chile Subject: Unidentified Flying Objects Originator: U.S. Air Attaché, Santiago Chile Prepared by: Hubert A. Brandon, Colonel, USAF Approving Authority: G. F. Sharp, U.S. Navy, DATT Source: Personal Contact with Chilean Nationals Newspaper articles Chilean Air Force Personnel Summary: A rash of unidentified flying object information has been reported personally and through various newspapers in the Latin America area. A resume’ of these reported sightings is provided. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sequence of Events and/or appearance of Unidentified Flying Objects in Latin America. 1). On 21 June a fundo owner and his wife who live near a little town of Mininco, approximately 900 kilometers south southwest of Santiago reported to the Air Attaché the following three instances of having seen strange objects. These events were reported prior to the time that any reports appeared in the newspapers. a. During the last week of February 1965 about 2000 hours local, a round red and yellow object descended in the vicinity of their farm, hovered for a few minutes, and then disappeared in the sky. b. About one week later another strange object appeared for about 10 minutes between 2230 and 2300 local hours. This object however was white, and bluish white in appearance and had 4 or 5 appendages (rays of light) which at various times traversed over a nearby lake and around a small mountain at speeds in excess of those which could be explained of an aircraft. c. On 19 June there was a re-occurrence of b. for about 5 minutes between 2330 and 2300 hours local. NOTE THE 19 JUNE DATE. [Note in caps on original]. 2). The 4 July 1965 edition of Diario Illustrado, Santiago newspaper contained the following: “Nine members of the base Pedro Aquirre Gerda observed the apparition of a curious celestial body while doing routine meteorological observations for a period of 20 minutes. They followed its maneuvers noting its white luminosity at an angle of 45o seen in the southwest if Decepcion Island moving northeast southeast at high speed on an oscillating course. The radiogram adds: ‘On the 5th Chileans communicated with the English base - British informed that the day before at 1945 five members of that base saw celestial object in the north moving on a zigzag course and later stopped from 5-10 minutes, then disappearing at great altitude. It was red, then yellowish, then changed to a green color. The angle was estimated at 20o and of the size of a star of the first magnitude.’ “Communiqué from Argentine Detachment on Deception Island between 1945 and 2044 hours said that 16 persons, among them 3 Chileans, observed a celestial object in the north of the Island going north--northeast at very slow speed with an oscillating course and of changing yellow, green and orange color, leaving a tail at an elevation of 30o of ventricular (sic) shape disappearing at altitude in cirrus clouds and whose trajectory was followed by Theologize and powerful field glasses. Corporal Uladislao Duran Martinez who was with the detachment took 10 pictures in color through Theodolite and field glasses. “Same day. Detatchment Orchadas of Argentina at 1705 hours. Two meteorological observers saw a celestial object moving at very high speed during a period of 15 seconds with a parabolic trajectory moving from east to west with luminous white color which caused magnetic changes in their geo-magnetic instruments, registered changes notably out of the normal. Between the base mentioned no previous communication existed that could induce a group phychosis of that type observed--which fact is estimated to be of great interest to interested scientific organizations.” 3). The 7 July 1965 edition of El Mercurio, Santiago newspaper carried the following: “Eighteen days ago, the Base Pedro Aquirre Cerda announced that at 1600 hours on the 18th of June [this date is underlined in original] all the personnel of this base saw celestial body of intense luminosity--a star of the first magnitude. It appeared in the east of Decepcion Island at an elevation of 60o making a turn of 180o to the left and continued on an eastern course. The object previously made a turn to the right heading in a southerly direction. This phenomenon was seen for a period of 40 minutes--meteorological conditions clear, but dark. Strong winds prevented mounting photographic equipment. On Saturday a similar body was seen at a lower altitude of 45o. It passed at high velocity and was seen for 20 minutes. At this time Chilean, Argentine and British bates IN THE ANTARCTIC saw it. [These caps are mine … Dennis]. “The Commander of the Base (Pedro Aquirre Cerda) of the Chilean Air Force, Mario Jahn Barrera explained the phenomenon seen by the members of his base. “They saw an object moving at tremendous speeds giving off a blue-green light which caused interference (electro-magnetic) in meteorological equipment located in the Argentine Base directly in front of our location. “This is the second time in less than a month that we observed these celestial bodies. The first was in the 13th ofJune and the last this Saturday at 1920 hours, it was during the last observation when our entire group saw this phenomenon while making atmospheric observations. The color of the body was red yellowish changing to green to yellow and to orange. It was at a short distance at an angle of 45o with respect to our position in the extreme north of the island. It later took a zigzag course. During one of its maneuvers it maintained a stationary position. Rapidly with the apparatus at hand (theoloite and long range binoculars), we observed this body in a stationary position for a period of 20 minutes. During this period Corporal Ulsadislao Duran Martinez of our group quickly got his camera and took 10 photographs (more or less) which he believed to be perfect. He not only took the pictures directly but he also took them using the theologize, and the long-range ! binoculars. Unluckily, we must wait until March of the coming year in order to develop these pictures. To corroborate my statement I later communicated with the English base. People from this base said that they had observed an object of star of the first magnitude. This communication was made at 2030 hours. The same thing happened with personel of the Argintine base Orcad. In this case, we were more certain that we were dealing with a strange solid object because their electro-magnetic equipment showed abnormal interference from the moment during which it appeared. 4). The 18 July edition of La Nacion, Santiago newspaper carried the following: “On 17 July several people in Colonia, Uruguay observed the landing of a flying suacer on a beach. The report stated that the strange object remained on the beach close to two minutes and then continued silently on a vertical flight toward the River de la Plata wher it remained suspended in space for several minutes at an altitude of 10 meters, later continuing in horizonal flight calculated at approximately 500 meters. “The people who viewed the object stated no troops were observed; that it left an “X” on the beach sand similar to a retractible mechanical foot and that it was reddish in color and difficult to look at due to its luminosity. “A little later strange objects were sighted flying over Buenos Aires. One of the spectators took a photograph of the objects.” 5). The 20 July edition of El Mercurio, Diario Illustrado and La Nacion carried accounts of a strange object flying in the vicinity of Antofagasta for a period of approximately 25 minutes. “On 19 July in the Provinces of Tarapace and Antofagasta, Chile, a strange object was observed flying at a high speed ejecting explosions of great force and very loud. The object was first sighted at 1555 and was described to be in the form of a cone with the point to the rear. It was observed by six laborers at the Maria Elena Nitrate Mine.” 6). On 23 July 1965 the Diario Illustrado, Santiago newspaper contained the following: “On the 20th of July at 0400 in the morning an occupant in a hotel at Chanaral was awakened by a loud noise. He looked out the window and saw an intense red object that had a diameter of approximately 10 to 12 meters land on the sand in the vicinity of the hotel and 4 to 5 minutes thereafter it left with a violent noise and was seen no longer.” Comments of reporting officer; There may be a connection between some of the sightings and the U.S. space program, e.g. A check with NASA indicates the objects 1965 46D and 1965 46E which were part of the 1965 46A (COSMOS68) series which was launched on 15 June had a decay date of 19 June 1965, [this date is underlined in original] time and area of re-entry unknown. A check with Chilian Air force commanders of Antofagasta and Iquique reveals that none of the personnel of the Chilian Air Force at those places observed or heard the occurrence reported in that area on 19 July. Some credence must be given to the existence of the occurance of some type of phenomenon in as much as reports eminated from such widely reported locations as to rule out mass histeria or collusion. Amembasey, Santiag, Chile Joint Weeka 27 of 9 July carried item on initial report of sightings of unidentified flying objects. [End of Department of Defense Intelligence Information Report # 1 817 0046 65]. A QUICK REVIEW OF THE ABOVE REPORT This must have been an explosive report to those in the government working on the saucer issue at the time. UFOs were “hands off” to those in government and the military in the 60s. The year following this report, 1966, would see the forming of the “Condor Committee,” the government sponsored UFO study group secretly controlled by the CIA, whose secret goal was not to gather evidence to solve the mystery but to “get rid of UFOs“… anyway they could. By reading the report closely it becomes obvious that the reporting officer’s weak excuse that this was only “space junk” returning into earth’s atmosphere was added as an after-though so as to be “politically correct” at that time. There was a no-tolerance attitude in the military in regards to sightings of unidentified objects in 1965. It’s obvious that the writer of this report believe the witnesses had seen what they claimed to have seen. He was just covering his ass… as they say in the military. At the time this report was probably a hot potato. I mean this particular report would have been hard to just explain away. The craft in this report were observed by highly trained observers who report that the craft had the ability to stand still in one spot for long periods of time; shoot off faster than any aircraft know; make zigzag and 90o turns; or change direction on a dime. The strange craft observed in this flap were obviously intelligently controlled. These reports probably would have never have been released were it not for the Freedom of Information Act. I mean this wasn’t just a bright light in the sky seen by some guy on his way home from the saloon. It couldn’t have been gotten rid of so easily. It was easier to just classify the report so no one would see it for years. Which was done. Returning to the facts of the sightings. First off we have more than enough reliable witnesses: Witnesses: *13 & 19th, & 21 June 1965: A farm owner and his wife. *18th June: Nine members “of the base Pedro Aquirre Cerda.” *4th July: “5 members of the “English---British base.” *5th July: 16 people at the “Argentine Detachment on Decepcion Island.” *7th J July: it was reported that the 18th 0f June sighting witnessed by “all the personnel of this base.” [Pedro Aquirre Cerda]. *Etc., etc. What’s amazing about this case is that most of the witnesses were military of all ranks, scientists, or expert meteorological observers. That fact that highly believable people including professionally trained observers have reported more UFOs sightings over the years than are reported by kooks has always been overlooked in establishment news reports. How the establishment controllers have been able to keep that one very obvious fact from the general public is beyond me. The complete mind control over most of our population when it comes to UFOs is a sad state of affairs and proof positive that the human animal is in big trouble. Not only were the UFOs in this case seen by 32 unimpeachable witnesses, but one of the “group quickly got his camera and took 10 pictures” … “which he believed to be perfict.” The craft were also observed through “theodolite and long range binoculars” by people who were very familiar with the use of these pieces of equipments because they routinely used them in their dayly tasks. But the bottom line as to what was actually flying in those far southern skies actually comes out in this important statement from the Commander of the Chilien Air Base: “In this case, we were more certain that we were dealing with a strange solid object because their [the British] electro-magnetic equipment showed abnormal interference from the moment during which it appeared.” If this were any other subject other than UFOs most people would agree that we could make a very good case for their existence with just the information furnished in this one DOD Intelligence Report. And this is just one of thousands of thousands of similar cases. Besides this being a case where anyone with an open mind can clearly see that what these people observed were solid aircraft that were intelligently controlled there is another very important fact that adds credence to our own investigations. That all-important fact is only mention once. It’s a telling quote from a newspaper article hidden away in the body of the report that many reading it would have missed had I not capitalized it. From the 7 July 1965 edition of the Santiago newspaper, El Mercurio: “At the time it was seen by Chilean, Argentine and British bases in the Antarctic.” Nowhere else in this report does it mention that all the bases cited as places where witness saw the craft during this flap are in Antarctica or in Chile close-on to the white continent. Were it not for the above one line in the report many would miss the most important fact to be learned from this official document: These craft were observed coming and going from Antarctica. When looked at from that perspective the “Department of Defense Intelligence Information Report“. number 1 817 0046 65 of actual sightings of flying saucers at the bases in Antarctica collaborates Bender’s investigations and the preliminary findings of Project X 100%. _____________________________ ANTARCTICA posted 5/27/04 by Drama/Dean to his Hollow Earth research group, Allplanets-Hollow. Take Bender’s Project X findings. Add the Chilean sightings taken from official files along with the next article … stir the mixture briskly …and we could be starting to unravel some of the secrets backed up by real documentation. Article from a UFO Newsgroup September 1997 There are lines of magnetic force emanating from the South Magnetic Pole. What is strange about the north and south poles is the way in which the magnetic lines of force move. The magnetic lines of force originate from a "hole" just off the coast of Antarctica. There are Chilean and Peruvian scientists/bases being near or along the route of UFOs emanating from inside the Earth. Many UFOs fly directly south north along South America. I could never quite reconcile that with the Antarctic. But if one draws a line f rom South America, through the Antarctic bases of Chile, etc through the South Pole to the South Magnetic pole - then you get a straight line. What's interesting about this potential "UFO route" is that UFOs coming from Inside the Earth would end up flying over the America South Pole base. However, the line of flight is such that the only places in the Antarctic where you'd stand a chance of seeing these UFOs is in the "Weddell sea" area where South American countries have their bases and at the Scott Base at the South Pole. The other parts of the UFO route is somewhat offset from the commonly traveled routes and so there's little chance of running into UFOs by accident at any other places. That would explain why the US Govt. doesn't like visitors to the South Pole base: It's not that the hole is AT or NEAR the South Pole base (as we originally thought), but along the route from the real hole in the oceans off the coast. Bob Borino, in his article, 'UFO Bases Found in Antarctica' (Globe, Jan. 18, 1983) quotes from certain scientists who believe that a subterranean UFO Base is located beneath the strange 'Polynya Sea' in the Antarctica's Weddell Sea region. Malcolm W. Browne, in his article 'Underground Tunnels Threaten Town in Hungary's Wine Country' (NY Times Nov. 8, 1967, p.2) tells of over 60 miles of ancient tunnel systems of unknown origin and purpose which have been discovered beneath the town of Eger, Hungary, some of which have collapsed. The civilization which built the tunnels must have been fairly advanced in engineering and science in order to create such a subterranean system. _________________ Drama/Dean cannot find the source for the above article. If anyone has any info about who wrote it and where it was published or originally posted please let us know. There are clues to other sources in here we really need to look into. Join Drama/Dean’s very active list at: : ************************************************************************** DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE INTELLIGERCE INFORMATION REPORT: Number: 1 817 0057 65 This report, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, is two pages long. The first page on DD Form 1396 and the second on DD Form 1396c. Date: 13 Sep 1965 Country: Chile Subject: Unidentified Flying Objects Place and Date of Acq: Santiago, Chile, 8 Sep 1965 Originator: U.S. Air Attache’, Santoago, Chile Prepared by [Blacked out] Approved authority: G.F. Sharp, USN, DATT Source: Newspaper Article Summary: Unidentified flying objects continue to be reported at irregular intervals. This report contains an eyewitness account of one of the Chilian National Airlines pilots. _____ Sensational declarations made by pilot Mercelo Cisternas, Chief of LAN flight operations. Strange experience lived by the five-crew members of the DC-6B over the skies of Arica. “It was something mechanical--zigzagging--its movements were not precise--suddenly it changed direction and came directly toward us--it gave me the impression that it had located us with radar …” These are the declarations made by Marcelo Cisternas, LAN pilot, who together with all the crewmembers saw a strange flying object in Arica on Monday, 6 September. “During 13 to 14 minutes this strange object followed us. It gave me the impression that when it located us it tried to identify us. At once we requested information from the Flight Control Tower in Arica and Iquique. We wer informed that no other flights were scheduled in that zone. Then I told them what we were watching.” The pilot of the DC-6B LAN flight #904 is Chief of Flight Operations. He has been a LAN pilot for eleven years. “I have never had a had a similar experience. I didn’t believe in “them”. It was not an optical vision due to atmospherically reflections. I am sure it was a mechanical apparatus. The plane was flying at an altitude of 8,500 feet at a speed of 500 Kms. The night was cloudy and without stars. I was not the only one who saw this strange object; the co-pilot, the engineer, hostess and steward also saw it. It omitted a light of an intense color, then changed and turned to radiant white. It was suspended at a distance of about 3 Kms, from us, in a straight line--it was more or less 2130 hours. Suddenly the same way it appeared it withdrew at an incredible speed, without leaving any track. “Pilot Marcelo Cistarnas was interviewed by La Nacion when he arrived, and then called urgently to the LAN Vice President’s office.” Comments: Many sightings have been reported in the northern area of Chile. Personal conversation with the Chilean Air force Wing Commander at Antofagasta reveals that none of the Chilean Air Force personnel in that area have been fortunate enough to catch site of one. [End of Report] ********************************************************************* WE GOT MAIL! An E-mail from the “Dean” of Hollow Earth on the web. Dennis, I look forward to catching the next report. I do read them because they merit my reading. I agree that we have some similar wave link, or whatever. You are the one person who stresses the conspiracy aspect of the Hollow Earth Theory. Many people consider the theory in a vacuum, but it really has to be looked at in terms of the big picture. In fact, the conspiracy side is the biggest obstacle for people to accept. It is not so hard for people to consider the possibility of the planet being Hollow, but then they say, “No, it couldn’t be.” They would've told us". And then they think, "Well, what about the satellites". And then they think that a conspiracy couldn't be that big, it just couldn't be. Because in that case, every major institution would have to be infiltrated at the top, even the physics departments of almost every major university, what to speak of every newspaper and every bank (actually, banks we already know about!) And most governments. And people think that it couldn't be THAT bad. But I say, hey- look at the way the royal order was infiltrated 5,000 years ago. Celestial beings as well as demons took birth in human bodies (Guess who has the upper hand right now, and who pasted the surface of the Moon and Mars?) Think about how the Egyptians used to deify demons with human bodies and animal heads and such. Oh well I am going to stop my run-on babble before the Greys came and get me. ( Excuuuuuuse me! Hollow what? Who said hollow? ) Dharma/Dean _______________ Dean, In a way you are right. The conspiracy angle is the hardest one for anyone to accept. In fact that was what kept me from studying the possibility of a Hollow Earth during my first 10 years of studying UFOS. However, if you do start to look into the Hollow Earth and related subjects eventually you must come to the realization that you need to look at that very possible situation. Either that or drop the whole Hollow Earth idea. Like I told Jan Lamprecht years ago during a phone call from him while he was researching his most important book “Hollow Planets” (1998), “This area of study is a two edged sword. If the earth is hollow then there has to be a conspiracy. If there is no conspiracy then the earth is a semi-solid, lava filled ball of dirt as we are taught. It’s that simple.” At the time Jan was having a hard time accepting the idea of a conspiracy. Ask him what he thinks today … or just read his posts.. As for the fact that “every major institution would have to be infiltrated at the top, even the physics departments of almost every major university” those who haven’t read it yet might want to read my report “Who Controls Knowledge?” at: Or better yet read the completely documented book, “How the Order Controls Education” (1985) by Antony C. Sutton. Anyone interested in learning more about the Controllers conspiracy should study the books of Antony C. Sutton. This is a great place to start. His research, like Eustus Mullins’ (Secrets of the Federal Reserve, the New World Order etc.), is well documented and the bottom line … his findings are undeniable. ************************************************************************** TAKE A LITTLE TRIP, TAKE A LITTLE TRIP, WITH ME These 9 drawings were done by an artist under the influence of LSD -- part of a test conducted by the US government during it's dalliance with psychotomimetic drugs in the late 1950's. The artist was given a dose of LSD 25 and free access to an activity box full of crayons and pencils. His subject is the medico that jabbed him. First drawing is done 20 minutes after the first dose (50ug) … You can follow along on his trip: ************************************************************************** SPOTLIGHT ON VENUS Report from: UFO ROUNDUP Volume 9, Number 21 May 26, 2004 Editor: Joseph Trainor [Full Report] "An extremely rare event will take place on Tuesday morning, June 8 (2004), when the planet Venus can be seen passing directly between the Sun and Earth everywhere east of the Mississippi (River) and in several states west and north of the river." "This 'transit of Venus,' as the event is called, will mark the first time Venus has been seen crossing the face of the Sun since 1882." "When the Sun rises over the (USA's) East Coast that morning, the transit will already be in progress. Viewed through a filter, Venus will appear as a dark spot slowly moving across the Sun's disk. It will not be spectacular like a total eclipse, but it is a much rarer astronomic event." "Transits occur because the orbits of Venus and Mercury are closer to the Sun than Earth's orbit. From time to time, they pass directly in the sight line between Earth and the Sun, and this is called a transit." "Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, transits 13 times each century. But there have been only six transits of Venus since the invention of the telescope almost 400 years ago. They enabled early astronomers to calculate the distance from the Earth to the Sun, the size of the Sun, and, ultimately, the scale of the solar system, giving a clearer understanding of humankind's place in the universe." "Transits of Venus take place in pairs separated by eight years. After this year's transit, a second will occur in June 2012, but it will not be visible from North America. The next transit after that won't happen for 105 years--in 2117." "Compared with Mars, Earth's other neighbor is not a very nice place. The surface temperature is 900 degrees Fahrenheit, and lava covers most of the landscape. It's always overcast, but it never rains. The clouds are made of sulfuric acid." "'When they found the sulfur, that was the nail in the coffin,' said planetary scientist David Grinspoon. The consensus" 'Fire and brimstone,' he said, 'Venus is hell.'" "But Grinspoon, a researcher at the Southwest Research Institute, has another idea." "Grinspoon is a leading advocate for the thesis that Venus' battery-acid clouds might very well support microbial life--like the 'extremophile' microorganisms that Earth's scientists have found thriving near volcano outflows." "'There was a long history of people believing there was life on Venus,' Grinspoon said. 'It was about the same size as Earth. It had clouds. It was commonly believed it was tropical--wet, hot and steamy.'" (Editor's Note: True enough! In the 1930s, Edgar Rice Burroughs and C.L. Moore wrote science fiction stories set on a "tropical" Venus. When Mariner 2 made its flyby in 1962, your 12-year-old editor was downright crushed to discover that "my Venus"--with its unplumbed oceans, trackless rain forests, prehistoric cities, dinosaurs, eternal cloud cover, multicolored humanoids, Bronze Age warriors and princesses, and weird alien ruler, the Alendar--didn't exist, and that the planet was just too darned hot to sustain any form of life.) "The bloom began to fade in the late 1950s when radiation measurements suggested that Venus was hotter than tradition had taught. This view was confirmed in 1962 by Mariner 2, the first Earth spacecraft to embark on a voyage of exploration." "And after more than 20 subsequent flybys, Venus in a few short decades fell from its perch as the solar system's darling to become 'the example of how a planet couldn't possibly have life,' Grinspoon said." "But maybe it can. Scientists generally accept that Venus had large, warm liquid water oceans for at least several hundred million years, and Grinspoon said they could have lasted as long as 2 billion years." "At some point, however, the oceans heated up and boiled away. The result was a 'runaway greenhouse effect,' in which water vapor from the oceans trapped the Sun's heat on the Venusian surface, causing the temperature to rise higher and higher as more vapor boiled off." (See Parade for May 23, 2004, "The Hot Planet Crosses the Sun," page 8; and the Duluth, Minn. News- Tribune for May 23, 2004, "Despite its fire and brimstone, Venus might have had life," page 16A.) (Editor's Comment: Makes you wonder, doesn't it, just why Venus' prehistoric oceans "boiled off?" Perhaps Venus was once further away from the sun, and a rogue planet like Nibiru pushed it closer. It could be that our solar system is not quite as stable as we think it is. ************************************************************************************* THEI’s COMIC BOOK PAGE Check out … Hellboy in an underground adventure! We can thank David Ellis for sharing this via a posting at the ************************************************************************** What’s CURRENTLY in our CURRENT NEWS stream? Sheriff's Office Receives Calls About Lights In The Sky ... KTRE Thu May 27 16:45:00 EDT 2004 ************************************************************************** AND FINALLY Tired of the hustle and bustle? Spent enough time chasing the carrot? Ever think about just chunking it all and running away? You could always become a gypsy. Why not. No worries, no bills. Lots of carefree travel. Of course your first excuse is you don’t have a gypsy wagon. No self-respecting gypsy would hit the road without a proper wagon. Well never fear just click right here: Talk to these people and you can hit the road in style! ________________________________________________________________________ NEXT WEEK: The Bender Secret: The Interview *** The goal of this publication is to bring to our readers attention news and reports they may have missed, or didn’t have the time to look for while surfing the web. Then we throw an editorial comment or two into the mix just to wake up the nodders. ********* All copyrighted materials are highly respected and proper credit is given for all snip-bits and links used. If you find anything in this publication that you had a hand in creating or bringing to my attention and feel that you are not given proper credit, please let me know and I’ll do whatever it takes to correct the mistake. *** Let it also be noted that the views and reported ideas might not always be those of the Editor or staff at THEI, but we do believe that everyone should have a place to offer their own ideas about those matters which we look into. We want THEI to be that place. "Unraveling the Secrets" is YOUR newsletter. Your thoughts and research are just as important as anyone else’s here. This is a "free press" area, and we‘ll turn this soapbox over to anyone who has anything relevant to say. *** We urge you to pass these reports along to your friends and associates who might enjoy our little excursions into the outer edges of knowledge as we attempt to Unravel the Secrets. But, please pass it along unedited. And if you only want to send part of it to someone, please do. I only ask that you include a link to our site. *** If you received this Insider’s Report by e-mail from a friend and you like what you read please join our list so you don’t miss another issue. It’s easy. Just type in your e-mail address at the prompt on our web page.

Hope you enjoy this report. Until next time, see ya’ll! Dennis Crenshaw Editor