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Welcome to our meadow ^^

This site is Final Fantasy/Legend of
Zelda oriented with smudges of
Legend of Dragoon if I ever get
around to it...

Hello! Welcome to Fantasy Soul Forever. We are Sage and Assellus the Megami no hoshi no tsuki. We are also the Fantasy Soul no miko! Fantasy Soul is a 'fansite' which means we mostly carry fanfics and fan art. We accept fanfics and some art (don't be offended if we don't accept your art, we want to keep that to a minimum.), but that's not all we do! Currently, Assellus and I are working on our own (non-fan) projects such as our web "manga" and my Novel (which I'll never finish... ;.;) N~e~WAYZ! The updates are below and the links are wandering around here somewhere... >.>; BAI!

questions? Coments? Totally off topic yet relevant junk? Or maybe you have fan stuff...yea that's probably it...

Shin Ra Mansion's Basement Library -

Temple of Time Archive of Manuscripts - Illumination...

Sage's Toybox - My newest obsession...

Manga Reveiw - Reviews on Manga's Sagey's read.

March 25, 2003
Working on new FF7 and LoD fan fics. Also working on a new layout for the site and a possible move to a new host thingy. The What's New area has been changed to a Manga Reveiw area until further notice, and the Cyber City Oedo thing will be changed to Sage's Toybox, a new little project of mine. Not that any of you care...seeing as no one actually visits this site.

Sorry to those of you who hate Yuffie...I just couldn't help myself!

All featured characters are property of their creators (SquareSoft, Nintendo, Urbanvision Entertainment, and original chars).
Click here for a more specific Disclaimer!!