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Poetry comes in all the colors of emotions,
You will understand... if you will try and feel who i am....

Eagle's Cry

Eagle's Cry

The year, 2000... 29 years of this life...

This is to the man who changed my life,
The one who changed the way I view the world,
The one whom I will always love so dearly,
but I know we may not ever be together...
The one who made me realize I was not fulfilled,
The one whom I have never met...

We Are One
Your voice inside my head, I can hear so clear
Your soul inside of mine
I have waited to find you for hundreds of years
now I suffer a little longer from this thing called time
my world has stopped, since the day I have met you
I can't believe this has happened to me
and now that I have finally found you,
my soul is has been set free
every waking moment, I want nothing more than to be with you
You are the star I have looked upon
You are the face I have been watching on the moon
I am lost inside your soul,
knowing everything you feel
waiting for that final moment
to give you all of me, showing my love is real
it may seem it's all happening too fast
in reality we have conquered time
a little more is an easy task,
I've always been your's and you mine
I hold on to all the pieces of you
keeping you with me, every breath I take
for the final day we are one, patiently I wait
I long for you as I know you me
our souls, finally found each other
and as one, soon we shall be, for eternity together

The Most Beautiful Thing I've Ever Seen
I can not breathe
I feel weak
The most beautiful thing I've ever seen
In my head is where you will stay
Many thoughts of you, and dreams by day
It seems as though the moon is all but is there
But I can feel through my fingers, your soft flowing hair
Your eyes, are as if I am in the ocean
Deep and pure, my loyal devotion
If only I can show you, inside my mind
Without me, you would not want to be
And I know how you feel, I know what you need
I'll reach the ends of your mind
I'll make you feel so alive
Once you learn of who I am
You'll want more than you ever imagined

So Close, I can Almost Touch You
But so very far away
Hoping you will always be there
Until we join, my heart will bray
You're like a star I'm always watching
Making sure you don't burn out
Your voice is in my head
Your eyes glisten in my heart
If only once, I could touch you
I could imagine how you taste
Hoping sooner than later, we will meet
For now, in pain, I shall wait

I don't understand what could have gone wrong ~
I know this feeling is right
Although time passes so slow
I still hold on tight
Every night as I lay down to dream
I know of me, you're dreaming too
I can feel this in my bones
I can hold this in my heart
~ You ~
I can touch this in the wind
I can see this in the sky
~ You ~
I will keep this in my dreams
This is all I'll ever need
~ You ~

One, of many things that made me believe we were soulmates....
Our first two letters of our name sounded the same
and our last names held exactly the same letters, just scrambled... and the only letter short, in my name was .... U
To say our names together, was so beautiful on the tongue... i could go on...but no need to..
there were so many things that fit so perfectly...
but he lived so far away, a place i have lived many times and always felt right at home...
but my family is here, my children, and his with him... so what could i do..???


Charlene Marlette Cormier aka ~ ZMermaid

Zmermaid's Mystical Oasis