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Hello & Welcome to the Realm of the Moon's Tag Room Rules.

If you would like to play this game please put on a totally black regular sized av.

Yes, change now.

If you dunna have one I am sure someone in the room would be willing to share.

The rules to this game are as follows:

You may "not" click on the person's name to find out where they are!

Clicking and holding your av and dragging it until the lil bubble for the connecting is "not" allowed.

Now WHY this isn't allowed im not sure!!

<whispers> So on this part I would cheat!

Above all else - have FUN.


Note to all: When someone new pops into the room, it may be a good idea to rearrange your position,

they may be able to know where some of you are by the text.


Re-enter the Black Hole

to begin the game.

(wicked grin)


Black Hole