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Welcome to the Deoxygenerate Strategy Page

Clan Terapalite:
Member List & Rankings
Member Forums
CT Buddy Icon & Logo
Membership Application

My History
Planet Type-Specific Guides
Ranking Systems
Sector Leader Guides
Frequenly Asked Questions
Submitted Questions
Message to Cheaters

Warcraft III:
Human Strategy
Night Elf Strategy
Orc Strategy
Undead Strategy

Starcraft-Brood War:
General Strategy
Terran Strategy
Protoss Strategy
Zerg Strategy

SK Formulas
Blizzard's War3 Page
War3 Ladder Rankings
Advanced Warcraft Strategy
Unofficial War3 Site
War3 Forums

This page is currently under construction.  I will update it as frequently as possible with my current course load taking up most of my time.

To all SK players:  No, I will not be back next game.  I feel I've put my best foot forward in the past, and yet I have not been happy with the results of such games.  I no longer feel SK is worth my time, but I'll still be happy to help you out if you so desire the help. 

Clan Terapalite Members: For now I'm going to be working on the SK portion of this page. You might see the member list come up soon, but most of the Brood War and Warcraft 3 strategy will have to wait until I'm done with Starkingdoms. The reason for this is that I'd like to advertise the site on SK and cannot do so until it's complete (although some people have started advertising it already..*cough* Tom *cough*). So for now, use the original CT website for communication until I get the CT Forums (yes, real forums this time!) up and running.

If there's a bad link or something's not working, please email me here.  Be sure to include what browser and OS you are using in the email.

I hope you find this website helpful.


SK- Newbie Guide by Fantasmorgi, Openness Guide by Rarshack, Newbie Guide by Deoxygenerate, Example SL Voting Thread, Frequently Asked Questions, Visitor Question Submittion Page.

CT- Member List, CT Logo picture.

Coming Soon:
Deoxygenerate's Desert Wasteland Guide, Deoxygenerate's Volcanic Guide, Deoxy's Sector and Alliance Ranking Systems, SK Funnies (jokes, stories, threads, etc.), Ultimate Build Order by Psycho Estates

Guides written by Fantasmorgi will be unavailable after tonight until I get personal permission from him to post them here.

I've recieved some questions via email that I'll be adding to the ?'s page today or tomorrow. These primarily include questions on AL, SL and planet types. Those who sent in ?'s, namely Mr. Priest and Day Walker, should check their email as well. I like to email responses just in case they don't check here regularly.

Some of you have been waiting for the Warcraft 3 help pages. My best advice until I finish writing these is to check out Advanced Warcraft Strategy.

For clan members, I have purchaced a premium WC3 account on AWCS. Contact me for the user name and password. This is free to all CT members.

The Submitted Questions and Answer page will finially go up today.

As a new game of SK has started, many of you have asked me to log in and look at your account to give advice. I don't mind helping out, but realize that even logging in to that game gives me bad chills now. So don't take it the wrong way if I'm tenative to help out. You can always cut and paste on IM ;).

And to answer a few other questions:
1) No, I am NOT playing SK this game, despite what you might hear to the contrary. I have never hid in the past, and did not do so this game.

2) Thus I'm NOT an AL, and Imagine is NOT my alliance, but Onkos'. I appreciate the good comments of those who were in Ecstasy and Asylum, but I'm afraid I'll never lead (or co-lead) an alliance on SK again.

3) No, I'm not playing Galaxies Ablaze either. The closer a game is to SK, the less likely I am to play it. Most of my time now goes to my girlfriend first and foremost, then my classes, and if I have any relaxing time, I'll play a few games of Warcraft.

Sector Ranking System and Alliance Ranking System are now available.

Coming Soon:
Due to popular request... No Res/Bar strategy.

Let me know what you think of this website, things you would like to see added or changed, or questions you want added to Vistor Questions page. Email me at "" and include "Deoxy" in the name of the email, otherwise it will be deleted as junk mail!