The Crazy Papayas Shall Destroy You
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Crazy Papayas shall rule the world

"Welcome to the website of the Papaya empire that will one day rule over you."

E-Mail The Crazy Papaya

What Miliarty Job do you ask for in the Evil Papaya Army?

Why do you think you are worthy of this position?

Who do you think wlil be the first to go once the Papayas gain control in a complete and evil monarchy?!

What is Your Name (So we will know not to destroy you when the Golden Age of Papayas Come)

The Crazy Papaya shall destroy You. He will have no mercy. No survivors=No problems. Then you will feel the wrath of the Crazy Papaya!

This website is made in association to the [)ark Walrus (AKA Blizzard Cyclone). I am not as forgiving as he is. I will not tolerate insolence and treason. Resistance is Futile.
Also in association with The Dark Penguin (
While the [)ark Papaya lurks thru the night... (

Surrender now or you will be destroyed.