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Check here for new updates and current contests!
-Updates-8/25/03|I finally got around to making a guild layout with everything that we need on it. The guild is still somewhat under construction.But I am sure we will be very shortly finished with it all so check back soon!!!!!!
-Contests-No contests are currently up. But we will have some up as soon as absolute_princess03 thinks of some.

Weekly spells and newbie packs
-Newbie Packs-to recieve a newbie pack you must be in our guild for at least two weeks. After your two weeks are up please neomail absolute_princess03 and she will take it from there. You can find the newbie packs in her trade just click here.
-Weekly Spell-The spell of the week is a rain spell. So u can make it rain. (It works really well)

"ancient gods and goddesses I invoke thee, waters from the sky let it be. I command thee now to thee all listen to my desire, rainfall."