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Clan Ghost Bear Recruitment Form

Clan Ghost Bear Enlistment Form

Note: You must have been authorized to fill this out by your recruiter. If you have not yet been tested, then please contact us by emailing here or on the zone by anyone in a CGB uniform.

To fill out the form click on the e-mail link here or below and include the following information.

-CGB Callsign=for example= CGB_xxxx_CDT. Just replace the XXXX with the name you wish.

-Current e-mail address=This address will be used on the touman page and to send you information on upcomming training events or battles.

-Previous units=If you have been in other units list them please.

-Recruited by= This is IMPORTANTOnly keshik members can finalize the recruitment, include the keshik persons name.

-Avaliblity=What time you play on-line, either morning, afternoon, or night, or anytime.

-Experience Level=How you rate your skills, newbie,decent,good,very good.

-Games Played=Tell us what Mechwarrior related games you have.

-Most importantTell us why you would like to join CGB.

click here to open an e-mail link and send the required information.