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Brian's Home -
***** E-Mail Address Change *****
Please go to my profile page to get details and my new hotmail e-mail address.

My Favorite Links
  1. A good dating place, try PlanetOut
  2. The searcher of search engines, Metacrawler
  3. A place to chat or hangout would be at Bolt
  4. A bigger collection of links to check out are here
  5. If you want to know more about me, here is my profile & pics
  6. This site isn't complete without pictures of my friends
  7. Come check out this remake of an annoying web page. Just make sure you gotta couple of minutes.
  8. Last but not least, an advice column for people to share their thoughts on topics or create their own. **** NEW ****
This is my little home on the internet. I am alwayz rebuilding here so it will never be done from being underconstruction LOL. If I am ever done, I will have everything I want here. Thanks for your patience. Try some cake while you wait!
This is me people. The great & wonderful Brian. This is what I look like after I get doing this page. Dont worry, I usually smile. Click me for the other pictures and my profile.
This the defender of my site. Anyone who trespasses will be locked up in a cell with his so-called buddies.Go ahead click the alien and see who you get to be with.