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Lord Soth

Once, he was a proud Knight of the Rose who fought evil and brought justice to his people. His castle, Dargaard Keep, sat near the big merchant city of Kalaman and always shone glory. But the darkness always hangs near Loren Soth. Although his father, Aynkell Soth, was only a clerk and philanderer, Soth managed to acheive great status as a Knight of the Rose. His climb in power included the assasinations of Aynkell Soth's illegitimate heirs by his seneschal, Caradoc.

The darkness finally came to Soth after his wedding. He married Lady Korinne Gladria of Palanthas and brought her to his keep. In the beginning they were a perfect couple. Lady Korinne, a noble's daughter and an only child, always filled Soth's heart with joy, and supported him with her love.

Not long after their marriage, Soth was summoned to Palanthas in order to attend the Knights' Council. On the way to the great city, he and his men came across a mob of ogres attacking a small band of elven women. The knights easily defeated the brutes. One of the elfmaids, Isolde Denissa, who was on her way to take her vows as a Revered Daughter of Paladine, dazzled Soth with her innocent beauty. Soon they became secret lovers, and thus the knight Loren Soth betrayed the sacred marriage and his code as a knight.

Several months later, his wife died during child birth. It is rumored she was killed, due to the fact she gave birth to a "hideous monstrosity". Later the truth was revealed that Isolde Denissa was pregnant, and the child was Soth's. This news brought speculations of the Lady Korinne death. Soon, Dargaard Keep was under siege.

But the gods gave one last chance to Soth. They showed Soth the Kingpriest of Istar's inentions. Sooner or later, the proud Kingpriest of Istar would demand that the gods give him power to eradicate evil completely out of Krynn, an action that would upset the balance of power. If he was allowed to so boldly demand such things from the gods, the world would be punished severely. Soth was given a sacred quest by Paladine himself to stop the Kingpriest. That night, the gods made all the troops that were besieging Dargaard Keep fall asleep, so Soth could race his horse to Istar freely.

Yet Soth never reached the city of Istar. The elven women he had once rescued now poisoned his mind with intimations of his wife's infidelity. Soth returned to his castle before his quest could be completed. Raving like a lunatic, he confronted his bride, the mother of his newborn child. At this very same moment, the Kingspriest os Istar raised his prayer to the heavens, demanding the power to eradicate all evil on Krynn. The demand upset the gods and the gods decided to punish mankind for their arrogance.

As a flaming mountain struck Istar, a fire engulfed Dargaard Keep. Isolde, trapped in the blaze and dying, held out her infant for the fallen knight to rescue. Still possessed by jealous rage, he turned away. And for failing in his quest, and for letting his own child burn to death before his eyes, Isolde called a curse down upon Soth. "You will die this night in fire," she wailed, "even as your son and I die. But you will live for every life your folly has brought to an end!"

Soth was also burned in fire that night, but the fire did not kill him. Blackened and burned, he was reborn as an unliving, undead creature of evil. His armor once gleaming silver, became charred in black. The rose insignia in his breatplate became as black as his heart. From that night on, he has been known as Lord Soth, The Knight of the Black Rose and one of the servants of Takhisis, The Dark Queen of Krynn.

Hundreds of years later the Dragonarmies, the infamous armies of darkness, tried to conquer all of Krynn in the great War of the Lance. Lord Soth was attracted to Kitiara, a Dragon Highlord of the blue wing.

In 358AC, after the aftermath in Neraka, the Dragonarmies were scattered. However, the blue wing was still intact under the leadership of Kitiara. And in her quest to conquer the world, she tried to help her brother Raistlin bring Takhisis to Krynn while she attacked the city of Palanthas. This battle of Palanthas, known also as the War of Blue Lady, proved fatal to her, as Soth betrayed her by telling the plan to Dalamar, a Dark Elf Mage.

Just as Soth planned, in the end of the battle, Dalamar killed Kitiara, and he came to the Tower of High Sorcery to claim her body. He planned to resurected her as an undead companion to acompany him forever. However, this plan failed, because Caradoc betrayed his master, and Soth was drawn to the mists of the Domains of Dread.

Lord Soth entered Ravenloft in Barovia and confronted Strahd von Zarovich, The Vampire Lord of Barovia. During his travels, Soth met Azrael the were-badger and Magda the Vistani, however he killed Magda's grandmother, Madame Girani. Before she died, she laid a curse upon Soth; "A pox upon you, Soth of Dargaard Keep! You will never return to Krynn again, though your home will always be in view."

Soth later discovered, and followed Caradoc into the mists to destroy him. But the mists, sensing Soth's great power, trapped him in the mists to become a ruler, and prisoner in a realm created by Soth's psyche. He formed the domain of Sithicus and lived in a keep he named Nedragaard. The word Sithicus is an elven word which means "land of specters", and was a fitting name for his kingdom of shadows.

Many years later, Soth started to lose interest in his domain, withdrawing into private reveries. He rarely rose from his throne in Nedragaard.

About thirty years after the domain of Sithicus formed, Magda was killed in a trap set by Azrael. As she died, she released Soth from the curse her dying grandmother laid on him. On the night Magda died, a white moon appeared in the Sithican sky. And a series of eerie and unnatural events, such as the Night of Skulls and the appearance of a third moon in the Sithican sky, culminated in a cataclysmic event known as the Hour of Screaming Shadows. During a siege on Nedragaard by Invidian mercenaries and Sithican traitors, Nedragaard Keep was destroyed. But Soth was nowhere to be found after the battle, forever dissapearing from Sithicus.

Soth reappeared in Nightlund, Krynn, shortly after the Knights of Takhisis began their plans of conquest.

During the War of Souls, in Krynn's 5th age, Soth was offered control of the armies of dead in "the One God's" army. Knowing that this "One God" was Tahkisis, Soth refused her emissary, the human girl Mina, and spurned his former queen's "favor". Not taking Soth's refusal seriously, Tahkisis tested Soth's resolve by making him human, and harming him in order to scare him into submission. Her plan backfired and Soth let go of his hate, fear and mistrust. Seeing she could not win him over, Takhisis granted what Soth had been searching for: Rest. Crushing him with all of Dagaard Keep, Soth was finally granted peace, and in the afterlife, began his search for the wife and child he wronged so long ago.

Lord Soth and his Skeletal Warriors Lord Soth and Kitaria Lord Soth on his Throne Lord Soth Lord Soth Lord Soth Lord Soth
