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Mafia Online Magazine
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A-Town's Mafia is a New Age Fraternity of the Kaulimaniti Society based in the city of Atlanta Georgia. The Kaulimaniti and A-Town Mafia Frat. were founded in the year 2000 (The Year of the Dragon!) and reborn again in the year 2002. Our Society's founder is The Emperial Dragon Don Robert Dinero Cauley.
Our Society is the alternative to a traditional minoral Fraternity, whose Greek roots did not include any minorities. Our Society is guarded by the Mesiah Yeshua(Jesus) and is organized under the watchful gaze of the Almighty GOD. Our Society and Fraternity has it's own culture, it's own History, and was created by the Beautiful Minds of it's own people. The A-Town Fraternity offers a new brotherhood and sense of family ties which we take strong pride in and with strong passion call Mafia Loyalty. Our Fraternity brothers are all Descendants of the Dragon,a creature which is respected through-out all history and cultures for it's power and wisdom. Through our actions as a society our Fraternity will change the image of what a Black man represents.
Do you believe that you are a Descendant of the Dragon? Would you like to join the Immortal Dragons of the A-Town's Most Wanted Fraternity? All are not worthy to be born again as a Dragon. But for those of you who believe that we are your Destiny use our website as your guide and refrence to our Black and Red Nation and wish you blessings on your journey.