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Atlas Turned to Stone

Gorgons were terrifying dragon-like creatures covered with golden scales and snakes for hair. They had huge wings and round ugly faces. Their tongues were always hanging out, and they had large, tusk-like teeth. Medusa was not immortal, but she was a gorgon. Looking at Medusa's face would turn any mortal to stone. The hero Perseus, a foolish young boy, volunteered to kill Medusa and bring back her head. With the help of Hermes and Athena, Perseus cut off Medusa's head. From her blood sprang the winged horse Pegasus. According to Atlas, Perseus arrived on the scene of Atlas's area of punishment after he destroyed Medusa. Atlas asked Perseus who he was and from where he came. When Perseus's words failed to persuade Atlas to allow him to pass, Perseus had to show Atlas the gorgon's head, thus turning Atlas to stone. Because of this, the Libya mountains were named after Atlas. His beard and head changed into forests. His shoulders became the cliffs and his hands were the ridges. The spot where his head had been became the place where the soaring summit rose; his bones were turned into stone.

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