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Jeff Hardy - ' The Forgotten Soul '

Roleplay Title:
' No Guts, No Glory '
People Mentioned:
Does It Really Matter?
Numbers Mean Nothing
Coming Soon...


[[ Static ]]

[[ What is War? -- The starting point for deciding whether or no a war is just must begin with ah definition of war. War is not merely "organize" fighting. It is not a series of skirmishes or rioting, nor is it simply the use of weapons. War is, by definition, a state of conflict between two or more sovereign nations carried on by force of arms. For war to exist, a nation must fight another nation. A true war cannot be fought between two individuals... ]]

Boy were they ever wrong.

[[ This coming Thursday night the question that has rested on our "hero's" mind throughout his lifetime will finally be answered when the night is all said and done: "Can he really do it?". Smackdown is the place to watch it all unfold for the first time ever as Jeff Hardy takes on the biggest challenge in his entire career and steps up to the plate. Will his body and mind be able to hold and stick together as the world championship is on the line Thursday night. What will happen? Will it finally be "his" time to shine in the spotlight? Will the fans accept him as the #1 contender and will he even contend with the world champion himself? So many questions to answer... yet really only the actions will speak for the two warriors once the battle commence... ]]

[[ The scene opens up as we appear once again in the middle of downtown in the big city. Steam floats out from the beneath the sewers as we see homeless people surrounding barrels which have fires lit in them. They gather around trying to warm up from the cold night tonight in Philadelphia. Some wheel their shopping carts full of cans and clothes while others sleep on the hard, cold pavement up against a wall which belongs to the stores. A man then walks as he coughs and walks by a man sleeping on a piece of cardboard paper. It's Vince Russo. ]]

[[ Vince Russo ]] Son of a bitch, now why in 'tha fuck would Jeff want me to meet him 'round these parts of 'tha city? And it's fuckin' cold and he KNOWS I hate 'tha cold.

[[ Vince pulls out a piece of paper. He reads it, looks back up, and continues to walk forward. The camera follows him for several city blocks as he passes by more homeless people, prostitutes, and other things you'd find during the night in the middle of the Redlight District in Philadelphia. He continues to walk forward until he comes upon to what appears to be a large arena. What is this place? Vince looks around as he tries to warm himself up. Suddenly a loud bang of something falling down is heard. ]]

[[ Vince Russo ]] Anybody here? Whoever that is, come out right now or else -- or else I'm gonna whoop ya ass!

[[ Suddenly Jeff Hardy emerges from a dark area outside the arena ]]

[[ Jeff Hardy ]] Now, now, Vince let's not get too jumpy...

[[ Vince Russo ]] Augh damn, Jeff, ya nearly scared 'tha shit 'outta me.

[[ Jeff Hardy ]] Nearly? C'mon Vince, let's not fool ourselves here. Did you bring what I asked for?

[[ Vince Russo ]] Yeah but I 'juss don't understand why in 'tha hell you'd want me to bring a fuckin' crowbar. Here take it.

[[ Vince hands the crowbar to Jeff ]]

[[ Jeff Hardy ]] Watch.

[[ Suddenly Jeff messes with the door's chains and finally is able to open the doors. He opens them wide to reveal something to Vince. ]]

[[ Jeff Hardy ]] Vince... welcome... to the Extreme Championship Wrestling Arena!

[[ Vince Russo ]] Holy shit! 'Tha E C dubbya arena in this flesh... but Jeff -- why 'tha fuck did you drag me to this shit-hole?

[[ Jeff Hardy ]] Because I'm here to prove something. Let's go.

[[ Jeff and Vince walk into the ECW Arena as they make their way into the main part of the arena. The chairs are all set up as apparently a wrestling show from another promotion is to take place sometime soon. Jeff and Vince make their way down as they reach the guardrail. Jeff pretends to be a small child and he leans over the guardrail a bit and pretends to high-five a wrestler. He then moves back and takes a seat. Vince does so too as he puts his feet up on the guardrail. ]]

[[ Jeff Hardy ]] See, Vince... or should I say Rhino -- this is where you THOUGHT you made a name. Losing blood every night, breaking something every few months... destroying people's backs by driving them through tables. All that... well all that you did it here. In this very arena was where you drew the fans as they cheered their heads off screaming "GORE! GORE! GORE!" This is the very place where you did "it"! Where you did "it" and the fans screamed until they could scream no more. Yeah, you made a name for yourself. You made a name for yourself from being a crazed man and pile-driving women in their bare panties from the ring down through tables resting on the arena's floor. Your callling card was spearing and mangling athlete's bodies through wooden tables and making the fans go wild. You made every man in that locker room shake in their boots when the name "Rhino" was mentioned. You made yourself an important man in this business by simply doing what you loved to do and what you did best... and that wasn't "wrestling" Rhino, no. Instead what you did that made you an important asset was be "hardcore". Being "hardcore" was what made Rhino a household name and it's what you owe your career to... being "hardcore" ended a lot of wrestler's careers and you were the one who either ended them... or tooks months from them. You did it best back here.

[[ Vince Russo ]] Killing people's careers is what 'ya did best, Rhino. But see that was back here in 'tha E C dubbya and 'ya ain't in 'tha E C dubbya no more bitch. 'Ya in 'tha C dubbya F and it's a whole new fuckin' game 'cause you messing with the big boys. Back here 'ya were nothin' but a damn coward by beating women damn it! 'Ya beat women and 'ya had 'ta use weapons to beat your opponents! You could never do it the honorable way and that was to just simpley BEAT your opponent with 'tha 1-2-3. Yeah 'ya kicked ass, pile-drove women through tables, speared the shit out of men through tables, and yeah 'ya got yourself a fuckin' title -- BIG DEAL! -- but see it wasn't the largest prize in 'tha game, no instead it was 'tha fuckin' Television championship! It wasn't no stinkin' E C dubbya World championship, it was some damn title that had been held by some grass-smokin' dumbass! What good does that do ya?

[[ Jeff Hardy ]] See Vince is right, Rhino, because sure you were the last man to hold the ECW Television championship -- that's a big accomplishment -- but it isn't anything to be proud of. See Rhino you never did or could beat anyone without using a table. If it wasn't the table, it was the chair... and if it wasn't the chair... then it was the belt itself. Well you got past all that and you came to the CWF where you're now the world champion. Sure it's terrific that someone like you could defeat two men in under ten seconds... sure it's thrill that you were able to go through the world title tournament untouched until you won the gold at the Royal Rumble. That's all fine & dandy but do you really think the record books are gonna matter when you lose the strap? Do you think it actually matters to have the longest streak as an active champion when you've then lost it? Wouldn't you rather have that world championship over your shoulder or around your waist? Isn't that what this business is all about? To reach that certain pinnacle in your company and be the MAN TO BEAT? You think all this I've done... the breaking & entering violation and the destroying property is all an adrenaline rush?

[[ Vince Russo ]] Property destruction?

[[ Jeff Hardy ]] Watch this.

[[ Jeff suddenly starts kicking the chairs out of place as he knocks the guardrails over. A table rests by the ring area for the ring announcer and time keeper. Jeff grabs a chairs and starts to smack the table as it smashes into pieces. He knocks all the guardrails surrounding the ring and kicks more and more chairs out of place and even throws some into the ring. He tears the banner on the bottom of the ring to reveal everything lieing beneath the ring. Jeff grabs a fire extinguisher and starts to spray it all over the place. He grabs paint and spills it all over the ring and the chairs and ring posts. He's gone mad. ]]

[[ Jeff Hardy ]] Let's go... got one more spot to visit for Rhino's old-times sake.

[[ Jeff starts to walk up the entrance way connecting the ring to the backstage area. He passes through the curtains with Vince close behind. They walk through the backstage area until the camera switches view. We're now in a yellow hallway... a door lies at the end of it. The doors opens and Jeff & Vince walk through as they both look around. Jeff has a smirk on his face as he then leans up against the wall. ]]

[[ Jeff Hardy ]] Bring back any memories? Rhino, you there? This hallway bring any memories of the old days when you carried that Television championship proudly over your shoulder? Do you even know where we are? I'm sure you do... hell this is the place where the world got to see the true-side of the man-beast Rhino. This is the place where you called all of "them" out. This is the very place where the battle lines were drawn. Where the challenges were made. Where you called them all out. Where you threatened them. Where you mocked them. Where you ridiculed them. This is the same place where you'd go absolutely nuts and warn guys like New Jack... guys like the Sandman... guys like Sabu, or Tommy Dreamer -- yes even him. This is the same place where you'd walk this hall and pace back and forward awaiting for your cue to go out there and defend that title of yours. You'd hit the walls with your bare hands and yell as the camera caught it all in action. Remember now? Remember all the times you'd swear you wouldn't lose your championship? There's sort of... an aura in the air. You can feel the tension. You can feel the anger and pain that's be in this hallway for years now. Almost... as if though it captures a soul and then overtakes it. Right... BUT WHAT DO YOU KNOW?

[[ Jeff starts to bang his hands on the walls as he starts yelling. Vince can only watch but yet... with an even smile on his face as he watches Jeff go wild. ]]

[[ Jeff Hardy ]] I WILL BE CHAMPION! I WILL BE THE WORLD CHAMPION AFTER SMACKDOWN! I won't allow for my dream... my dream which was almost eliminated at the Royal Rumble be taken away from me once again! If I can't be the man to walk into Wrestlemania looking to win the world championship, then I'll be the man who walks into Wrestlemania WITH THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! That TITLE BELONGS TO ME AND ONLY ME! The MAIN EVENT AT WRESTLEMANIA IS WHERE I BELONG and it is where you'll be able to find me one day! You can go ahead and have your friends help you out match time but no matter WHAT THEY DO, I WILL WALK OUT SMACKDOWN WITH THAT WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP HANGING OVER MY SHOULDER... not yours... BUT MINE! I've got Vince Russo to help me out if it's needed and he's go this buddy the Louisville Slugger with him... THAT'S ALL I NEED TO KNOW! I just need to know that I've got something as my backup and I have it already! Jack Victory, Steve Corino, Tommy Dreamer -- ALL OF THEM ARE MARKD ENEMIES! All of them are on my hitlist and by the end of my time here in this promotion... all of those men will have known who I am and just why exactly I am this way. All of them can bring everything they've got, and I know you'll BRING EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT because that's exactly what I'M GONNA BRING! I will not FAIL! I SIMPLY CANNOT! I've failed once... NO MORE!

[[ Jeff yells out loudly as he can't contain the anger anymore. Vince shouts encouragement as Jeff continues to hit the wall. He kicks it and even manages to land a few small headbutts into the wall. This kid's sick! ]]

[[ Vince Russo ]] THAT'S IT, JEFF! Hit that wall! Envision that son of a bitch Rhino! Rhino! This is gonna be you come Thursday night! And there ain't a damn thing that 'ya can do 'bout it! Rhino you sick piece of shit, Jeff Hardy's coming for you title, and he won't take "no" for a fuckin' answer! Whether Steve Corino, Jack Victory, or even Tommy fuckin' Dreamer don't like it, they can go ahead and just suck my dick! I could give a shit about what they think and I've fed this kid all the energy he needs! I've taught this kid everything he needs to know and more and everything he's learned is exactly what he's gonna bring come Thursday night. I guarantee you he'll get 'tha 1-2-3 without my help because he's way too fuckin' determined not to win this match-up!

[[ Jeff Hardy ]] Rhino it'll all be over before you know it! I've gotten my chance before and I didn't seize it... but NOT ANYMORE! Thursday night is MY NIGHT! And I'm gonna finally prove to the world that Jeff Hardy is a force to be reckoned with! Jeff Hardy has finally arrived in full form and everyone's gonna see a side of me they've never seen before! You, Rhino, will realize that you were never prepared for what is going to happen on Thursday night. And you're true emotions will come out after you've realized that you're not what you used to be back in Extreme Championship Wrestling. NO TABLES, NO CHAIRS, NOTHING -- SIMPLY GUTS! That's all I'm gonna need to show that you were never meant to carry that world championship and everyone in the locker room is finally going to find out what this kid is made of! I won't back down and I'll be coming at you full-force. But just know one thing... know that when you're staring up at the arena's ceiling... as you manage to hear some sort of high-pitched noise... just know in advance that it'll be the ring bell ending the match -- right after I've pinned you and have become the NEW WORLD CHAMPION! The whole world better strap themselves on real tight... because they're all going to experience the same ride. They've all been waiting for this and Thursday night is when Jeff Hardy becomes what he's always wanted to become -- a WORLD CHAMPION! Grab on tight because once Thursday night has come and gone

[[ Jeff Hardy ]] Yes... you can bet it will happen... oh yes... *Gentle short laugh*

[[ A voice is then heard as Jeff continues to laugh maniacly. ]]

[[ Security Guard ]] HEY! Who's in there?!

[[ The camera turns around to the other door at the other end of the hallway. The door bursts open as several security guards swarm the hallway. There's nothing. The camera then turns around to reveal nothing but the hallway. Where did Jeff Hardy & Vince Russo go? The camera then turns around once again to show the security guards in pure confusement. The scene fades out slowly as the feed is then cut off. ]]

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