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Link's links

Shigeru-by Logan
Gamecube-by Nick

3/30/02>>>>Nick>>I have the Samus, Mario, Link pages done but I will still need time to get the others done. After that I will do the secrets section and the game modes and that type of thing after. When I am done with SSBM I will get the stuff about how the Gamecube works and thing like that. After that I'm not quite sure what game I will do.

2/18/02>>>>Nick>>I got all the pics to show up on the melee page. All of you who don't know how to access it just look on the bar beneath the Gamecube Etc. part. Click on SSBM. It will take you to the page. I'm am working hard on many things so I might not get around to this to much but it will get done. I have 10 hour school days 5 days a week, another web site, and a MUD to work on. To find more on what MUD's are or how to play go to my part of the web site and find on the bar the word MUD. It will take you to my mud page. How ever this link is not currently in place so be patient!

2/14/02>>>>Nick>>I have started my section and I have added it to the list. I hope you enjoy what I put out on the new Gamecube system. Also you will see lots of zelda pics on my pages because I dearly hope the Zelda for Gamecube comes soon because I love the zelda games. I will have plenty of pics and screenshots of the system and games too! Enjoy!

4/5/02>>>>Logan>>ok now. neither me nor Nick have heard from mahesh and his site isn't goin up all that fast so we might just........destroy him!!!!!!.......or whatever. hurry up mahesh. Oh and I started to work on nicks site because my site S-U-C-K-S!!!!!ok cya!!!! this is a "site that is under construction-since it is made by 3 people that live in othe parts of the world, It doesn't always get updated as fast as it could be. Mostly, to put a link on this site, we all need to discuss it over AIM or e-mail~Oh, and by the way- this site is a complete Zelda, miyamoto, and the new game cube!!!!so if those things scare you for ne reason, get off of this site because it will have no interest to you whatsoever, but be warned...we'er waching u!!(evily)HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA