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General Kolberg

Name:  Laura Kolberg

Function:  Commander of Imperial Legions


Special Abilities: 

Bio:  First and so far only recipient of the raptor medal.

Vital Stats:
Strength: 10
Intelligence: 12 (You cannot be an effective military genius without a brain)
Speed: 7
Loyalty: 9
Courage: 10
Firepower: That is Top Secret Information
Skill: 11
Sex: Female

Known Powers: Other than excellent night vision, cloaking abilities, and wings to fly, other powers are Top Secret

Responsibilities: To set up satellite camp of the Empire and force its growth as part of the ever-extending boundaries of the Empire

Personal History:

Laura first realized that she was going to be a leader when she was informed as a child that when your second toe is longer than your big toe it meant you were bossy and a leader. From that moment on her visions of power and leadership grew exponentially. She worked hard until one day Emperor Andy saw her on the battlefield skillfully fighting an 8 foot man and defeating him. Andy realized that she was the One to rule his armies From that moment her life has been absolute bliss.

But time marches on, and the time came when Andy needed the ever-loyal Kolberg for a higher purpose. She was ordered to set up a base of operations in South Carolina and work to overthrow the government there for the glory of the Empire.



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