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The North Wind and the Sun
I Anesta Elosfë ar I Lumnë



I Anesta Elosfë ar i Lumnë frecamond emér áquenel ador galui áteca, áquegael enuilatha anë penyor parm lilertha pethrë. Delinarond den i anë áquenel brelnor i gescorten líyeni hlan pethren adaur galui áteca. I Anesta Elosfë anhelor ériol átecui ériol télminor, erin áquegael anhelor, i gescortë endomor hlan pethren galui nenenlasnui. I Anesta Elsofë prelor. Telgael i Lumnë silnessor átecui, ar egleryui i enuilatha anë hlan pethren. Telsel i Anesta Elosfë élcanor den i Lumnë ador galui áteca. The North Wind and the Sun were fighting about who was stronger, when a traveller came with a warm coat. They agreed that the one who could make the man remove his coat would be stronger. The North Wind blew as much as he could, but when he blew, the more gripped his coat more tightly. The Sun gave up. Then the Sun shone strongly, and quickly the traveller removed his coat. So, the North Wind said that the Sun was stronger.


acc. adj. - adjective is accusative form
adj. - adjective in nominative form
adv. - adverb form
cond. - conditional form of a verb
n. - noun in nominative form
opp. - the opposite of the root
p. - person
pl. - plural
part. - participle
past - past tense
pres. - present
sing. - singular

I Anesta Elosfë ar i Lumnë frecamond emér áquenel ador galui áteca,
The North(adj.) Wind(n.) and the Sun(n.) fight(past)(3rd about who be(past)(3rd p. sing.) more(adv.) strong(adj.),

áquegael enuilatha anë penyor parm lilertha pethrë.
when travel(pres.)(part.) person(n.) come(past)(3rd p. sing.) with (dim.)hot(adj.) shirt.

Delinarond den i anë áquenel brelnor i gescorten líyeni hlan pethren adaur galui áteca.
Agree(past)(3rd p. pl.) that the person(n.) who force(past)(3rd p. sing.) the man(acc. n.) (to remove) he(acc. adj.) shirt(acc. n.) be(cond.)(3rd p. sing.) more(adv.) strong(adj.)

I Anesta Elosfë anhelor ériol átecui ériol télminor,
The North(adj.) Wind(n.) blow(past)(3rd p. sing.) as strong(adv.) as can(past)(3rd p. sing.),

erin áquegael anhelor, i gescortë endomor hlan pethren galui nenenlasnui.
but when blow(past)(3rd p. sing.), the man(n.) grip(past)(3rd p. sing.) he(acc. adj.) shirt(acc. n.) more(adv.) (opp.)loose(adv.).

I Anesta Elsofë prelor.
The North(adj.) Wind(n.) stop(past)(3rd p. sing.)

Telgael i Lumnë silnessor átecui, ar egleryui i enuilatha anë hlan pethren.
Then the Sun(n.) shine(past)(3rd p. sing.) strong(adv.), and quick(adv.) the travel(pres.)(part.) remove(past)(3rd p. sing.) he(acc adj.) shirt(acc. n.).

Telsel i Anesta Elosfë élcanor den i Lumnë ador galui áteca.
So the North(adj.) Wind(n.) say(past)(3rd p. sing.) that the Sun(n.) be(past)(3rd p. sing.) more(adv.) strong(adj.).


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