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The Ass and His Masters
I Burrë ar Hla Brelnatha Anae



Burre, éldamotha danélm binelë·nalcatha anë áquenel edhellor huin hlë nechlesban equen alor panyë ar alqua calonë, edelor huin Djupiter adi edhellotha ninyan brelnathan anen. Djupiter, maelon élcanatha den hlë nui lilcilaur i edelen, medor hen hlë adi nalcotha huin anë áquenel canésinor orthae hen dolhielae. Maelon nenautama alnë, i burrë éldamor gala calonë parm hla ninya brelnatha anë. Hlë edelor huin Djupiter adi edhellotha ninyan brelnathan anen. Djupiter, élcanatha huin hlë den telgael ador i loba alnë den edelaur adi nalcotha ninyan brelnathan anen, medor hen hlë adi nalcotha huin anë áquenel undumar i nebantae alor helonae. I burrë élcanor, "Silnaul adi nenáhala parm niel brelnatha anë o adi calonotha danélm ninya anë, panec adi éldamotha danélm tol telnel áquenel undumer nyan nebanten áquegael adal unquamotha." A donkey, owned by a plant-selling person who gave to him a small amount of food and a lot of work, asked Jupiter to be given a new master. Jupiter, after saying that he would not like the request, caused for him to be sold to a person who made coverings for building [tiles]. After a short time, the donkey had more work with his new master. He asked Jupiter to be given another master. Jupiter, saying to him that then was the final time that he could ask to be given a new master, caused for him to be sold to a person who darkens the skins of animals. The donkey said, "I would prefer to be hungry with one master or to be worked by another, than to be owned by this person who will darken my skin when I am dead."


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