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Chaos Reapers to be remade, with a new style!

Alright. A lot of you are probably like, "What in the blazes happened to our clan?", well the truth is, I've been quite busy with many things, and since FFXI is so far from release, it didn't strike me as an important task to managed a clan when the clan would eventually go inactive due to Square holding back the release of the game in which the clan is based on.


But not to worry, I have been working on a (yet another) layout for the site. This one wont be all that great looking graphics-wise, I am quite un-experienced in graphics making still. However, this layout will be a bit more professional then older layouts, and also, I plan to get a new forum for the clan. A forum programmed with the web scripting language "PHP." 


But to do that, you need a host that supports PHP. So, I've decided to buy a host. And that means many things. For starters, there will be no more ads in the forum and on the site. There will also be other features for every one to feast upon, such as posting messages like this, and other advanced web scripts.


The new layout will feature a different theme of colors then the boring old red-an-black. This post is a demonstration of the color theme, though with the new iframe layout that I have put in, this color theme can easily be changed if it could be improved.


The new site will also have a new ranking system, that works quite different. This ranking system will not feature six, seven, or eight ranks like older ones, but a whoppin' fifty ranks!


But clan related things such as Ranks and Profiles are not the only thing being put in this layout. There were also be a good amount of FFXI information.


With the new features, website, and style of organization, CR will be back and active around the release of FFXI. Expect a lot in the feature, though I may not be able to bring every thing I promise to bring, I hope to see you all in FFXI soon. ^_^



Dyne Agoti,

Leader, Founder, and Administration.


Contact Dyne Agoti