Urban Leg.
My Email

9/28/03 I haven’t done anything to the site in quite some time but I figured I would clean it up a little for Halloween

3/9/03 I made a trip to hell town today, I don’t have a page on this yet but ill get one up and the pics too.

3/8/03 I went to Rogue’s Hollow today so I will have pictures and a description of the area up soon so check back.

1/22/03 This really isn’t news about the site but its on topic. I got into the Spiritseekers of Ohio so when I go somewhere ill post the picks I get.

12/5/02 I got my very first award its from horrorseek.com, kinda nifty and with any luck more will be on the way.

11/26/02 I put the a new legend up about Sleepy Hollow Road

11/23/02 I just found out today while looking at my stats that people were come to me from yahoo.com so now im up to 2 search engines and counting

11/01/02 Good news I got crawled by google.com my ranking isn’t to high but none the less its on there.

I appreciate the email that I get from every one but please don’t ask me to get directions for you. If you have a question about the place itself im more then happy to help out but please don’t just ask how do I get to this spot from some town. Search for the spot or a nearby town on mapquest.com, being lost in the middle of nowhere at 3am is half the fun.

Day till Halloween!

This site is about legends not facts so take the stories for their entertainment value and form your own opinions on the paranormal.