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Maria - xAmber Romancex

So you managed to sneak into my sneaky one! Lol! Ok, well Idk if anyone is actually gonna visit this site...but ok. I made this site so that I could show off my poetry (which I don't think is any good) and to put up my pix and other stuff. I'm still thinkin of what to add....any suggestions, hit me up at msn.
Email suggestions or add me to messenger :


Its really raining all badass here....wooohoo! Im really bored and I don't know what else to add to this website...any suggestions PLZ email me!! Ok, anyway...I might be working (voluntarily) with! I hope I can be a writer there...if anyone else is interested visit the site and email for more information....Love you guys!

BTW: Tomorrow is my mom's birthday (Jul. 21)-


Posted by: x-[[Maria]]-x - Jul.20, 2005 @ 6:20 pm

I got everything back....finally. Its gonna be 4 AM already, but Im up working on this site...woohoo! Go me! I got back Dreamweaver MX, all my music, all my site files, and I'm happy to be updating again. Its good to be back here. Yay! Nothing much has reallly happened, I already learned all the words to the song we're gonna cover, eventually....and hmmm, thats about it. Might go out of town (which I doubt big time...but if I do, I will provide pix, if I take any).....Laterz ya'llz!

Posted by: x-[[Maria]]-x - Jul. 14, 2005 @ 3:45 am

Aaaw, now I can say I've had a song written about me...woohoo! Thanx!! You're a great pal.
Moving on to other things, Mike has been doing a great job in makin me seem like that bad one in the relationship....practically saying I'm gonna dump him for another guy in front of his mom and then telling her that I think hes gonna go see some other! He should begin by telling her that HE accuses me a lot more and doesn't trust me! Man, guys are weird.

Posted by: x-[[Maria]]-x - Jul.4, 2005 @ 1:22 pm

Ok, so Preemptive St!ke has gone back to being xAmber Romancex....according to one of my ''sources'' the band name is taken by a band from Florida, that has released 2 LPs under said name...sounds kinda fake though because I researched that name before deciding on it....but whatever...maybe it just slipped away from my sight and I missed it....oh yea, we're xAmber Romancex again.

Posted by: x-[[Maria]]-x - Jul. 3, 2005 @ 10:18 pm

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