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-Lamorak Midgard-

WRATH FANBOIS IS RECRUITING NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111
Recruitment Forum here!

Applications must include: Name:
Past Characters Levels ( ect ):
why you are a wrath fanboi:
Why you think you would be benificial to :

And you must agree to the following terms:

" I pledge alligence to Wrath, that I will only make a level 50 Parry / Shield Thane. Follow wrath around as they kill stuff and spam
There will be no killing in . We are cheerleaders. Except we date the nerds instead of jocks.
This job includes:
Posting <3 @ threads on vn
Making videos
Standing outside of keep sieges cheering us on
giving us money
and no making fun of darq, hes sensitive.

Also i would like a 1 page essay on why you think Nukelearr ( aka mgcruff aka daocleader aka Fightmaster) is such a nerd

Applications accepted till July 27th.

Who is Wrath FanBoi Wrath FanBoi is an organization of online and real life friends
d by GrayRage, founder and former GM of wrath. We are dedicated to team and guild P
layer Vs. Player interaction in a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game environment. Once Wrath FanBoi , always Wrath FanBoi . Wrath FanBoi
may very well be young in age however some of us have been playing in excess of 5-10 years together. The guild was actually started in the early days of Rallos Zek by Inorcist, and with his permission, the name is born again. Most of us are former Wrath FanBoi members who left to start something BLA BLA BLA BLA PENIS r and balanced PvP. This will be the most anticipated release of any g
ame in history for the PvP community and we will be dedicated to kicking ass and taking pictures What is DiE's purpose? Wrath FanBoi does and will do what its members
have been doing for years. We fight the ongoing stru
ggle and we do not fear death.POOPPPOOOOOOOP We are an Offensive and Defensive Player Killi
ng force that will stop at nothing to ensure the prosperity of our people and the defeat of our enemy. Is Wrath FanBoi a raid guild? Yes, Wrath FanBoi is a raid guild specializing in PvE and PvP raids. We believe in proper balance of both and will succeed in both aspects of the game. PvP will always come before PvE, if there is a threat to a raid that threat is to be dealt with before thebla bla BLA BLA BLA BLABLABLABLBALABDSFASDG raid. If there is a threat to a current ongoing raid that threat is to be addressed before continuing the raid if the situation permits and will be decided by officers. If I join Wrath FanBoi do I have to raid? Attendance is mandatory on all raids. Persons online and not attending a raid will be removed unless they are under the Wrath FanBoi both PvP and PvE raids that have been BLA BLA BLA. If you are logged on and cannot attend a raid you need to give an officer a valid reason. Wrath FanBoi however, the same rules apply as far as conduct when a raid is in progress. Why does everyone hate DiE? Because they are not in DiE. This hasn't changed in the last decade so don't expect it to change now. Some ancient scholars tend to believe we are hated because we Wrath FanBoi is, the community is overwhelmed by people who want to play on a PvP server just so they can say they play on it, however they want no part in the PvP aspect and scorn those that do. Will everyone try to kill me if I am in DiE? I certainly hope so. Just as all non-team members are kos, as will KITTY CATES!!!!!!! How do you deal with PvP? Quote: We are a merciless group who ask for no mercy and offer none. If someone can be killed, they must be killed. There is no negotiation, no diplomacy. It's a game and our goal in the game is to win. Winning is killing the other guy. Don't join Wrath FanBoi and plan on making deals with the me...after we are done with them, they won't listen to you anyhow. One of our battle cries is "NO MERCY!" Another is...of course..."Wrath FanBoi !" -GrayRage- Raids: Raids called by officers or the GM will be conducted in the general c
hannel and all raid rules apply, which means only designated members should be talking. Please remember using Teamspeak is mandatory in Wrath FanBoi

Hi im darquex ( see pic ) and i made this site for my guild!
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Click here to see a penis!

k bye r