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February 4, 2005

Fear (ere) The March Of Flames - The God Awful Truth 8:10 AM

Yeah, Yeah The Receipt

Why was I the stupidest kid in the world? Am I still like that? So I got a new job. Stackin' chips. Got my baby girl. My subcultural girl. The one that shocks my world. And I got another journal now. I'm voxomkid in lj. Why am I giving out my info? Is not like anybody knows this even exists.. Ok bye. I love you Sweet Marie.

July 14, 2003

The Meteors - Crazy Lovin' 2:33 PM

Lazy Sunbather(s)

Well it's Monday again... Nothing to do. I have to get a job so I can get out of my house and not be so bored! Ouch, yesterday I went to the beach with GC, it was fun but the beach was weird... It was like a really big lake with a bunch of seaweed. I got the biggest sun burn on my back and on my face It hurts like crazy. Well that's it... Lower your inside voice before I take you outside.

July 7, 2003

TV - "The Breakfast Club"

I've Changed My Plea To Guilty

It's really late and I can't sleep... I haven't had a normal sleep since wednesday. Yesterday I woke up at 5 in the afternoon that's why I'm not sleepy now. I spent the whole day at home today bored as hell watching TV and eating like a baby dolphin. Right now I'm watching The Breakfast Club, I haven't seen it in a long time. Ahh the 80's, I wish I would've lived in that time so I could have feathered hair and a leather jacket, and be considered cool. Today when I wake up I'm going to go out on a job hunt, I really have to get a job, a real one. The movie is back on. Bye.

July 1, 2003

Saves The Day - Banned From The Back Porch 2:23 AM

How Soon Is Now?

So yeah, Sunday was GC's birthday, it was rad! I had so much fun with her. She looked so beautiful.. Ahh:) I went to see 28 days later with her and had a good time:). (Awesome movie! First time me and GC watch a scary movie and she doesn't hit me, congrats!) After the movies we went to Friday's and got stuffed out of our minds and while she was in the bathroom I told the waitress that it was her birthday, and by the time we had finished eating dinner they sang happy birthday to her.. she was so embarrassed.. It was nice I had a cool time with her, a cool date. Today she came to my house and we went to sleep and woke up like at 2:30, she thinks she has amnesia, oops I mean ANEMIA! lol.. Well guess who I am from Saves The Day?!?! chris-ta-ma-pher
You're Chris. GO you. He's the lead singer and so

Which member of Saves the Day are you?
brought to you by Quizilla Well that's it for now... I'm Chris, and you're not!

June 29, 2003

Armor For Sleep - Dream To Make Believe 1:55 AM

Dreaming awake

"I wake up and think dreams are real, I sleep so I don't have to feel, the truth that you can never be the one person that won't ever forget me." Awesome song by AFS. Today (Saturday I mean) I worked and it was a normal work day like usual... A joke. The highlight of work has to be when my brother found a frog on the street and got his golf club from his car and he started hitting it... It was pretty funny. Frog Golfin' lol. New sport. Ahh! Today is GC's Birtday. She's 18:) Happy birthday! I love you. Well that's it for me.. "It's funny how things work out, The ones we need don't know we're there, If I were sand and you were oceans, the moon would be why your pulled to me." I love you, GC! P. S. "Holla Back!"

June 27, 2003

Further Seems Forever - Snowbirds & Townies 2:47 AM

...I still pee my pants :-/

So today Monkey woke me up like at 9 and then he kept waking me up over and over again... It's ok, I still love him. After that I went to GC's house and helped her fix her computer and looked at some cute pictures (BAHH!!! Then we went to some thing there that was close to where I used to live before so I walked around my old neighborhood and like I passed by the elevator in which everybody used to pee in (including myself) so I decided to do it again so I can feel like a kid all over again, and I went up to the 4th floor so I had enough time to go down peeing. So, I pulled out the packet-o-wang on the 4th floor and started peeing and then got to the 1st floor really fast and I was still peeing and the door opened and I just pulled my wang back in, and PEED ALL OVER MY PANTS! It was hilarious. Not really. Whatever then I went back to were GC was and we started talking, it was a really good/interesting convo. Don't pee in an elevator... I love you, GC!

June 26, 2003

Where Fear And Weapons Meet - Critical Thinking 1:35 AM

Slumber Party

Well today was an ok day besides the usual parent struggles... Well, today I went to the mall and turned in some applications so I could get a job and make my parents happy and so I can get out of my house and not have to deal with them bothering me. Then like at 10 Monkey and Perez came and picked me up and we went to e2 to see who was there and I saw Carlos and then we left and went to Bird Bowl and went bowling for a little while... It was fun even though I sucked! Perez was first place, Monkey second, and me last! At the end Monkey jacked the shoes that they made us get right before we almost finished playing which sucks because Perez had to pay for it... I got home like 20 minutes ago and Monkey, Piero and I started talking about Piero's day (he almost got beat up) and then we came up and now Monkey is watching TV. He's sleeping over! Yeah!! Slumber party!!! I love you, GC!

June 25, 2003

Hot Hot Heat - Have A Good Sleep 2:52 AM

This is my first entry and I don't know what to write... Blah... Bye!
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