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Team Emo Blows

The above picture was stolen offline. But it is so damn true.
Yeah, this is a site dedicated to how much emo fucking blows. We Are Team Emo Blows. And if you don't like it, suck a dick.

As of right now, Team Emo Blows is Ken Kranz, Charlene Smith, Eric Reyes, Danny Raciborski,Jackie Babicki, Rich Page, TJ Robinson, Jason Day, Mike Piscazio and Joel Gaeta. More to come as soon as the great word has spread. Sign our fucking guest book damnit.

"Alright, so the war on Emo Kids is getting pretty lame. Emo music sucks, and don't give me that crap about how all music is emo blah blah blah. It's not. Get over it."-Charlene

"DEATH TO EMO KIDS!!!!!!! EMO SUX MY LEFT NUT JUST BECAUSE THEY WANT TO...FAGS!!! i keep telling them i don't want them to... but then they drug me up and touch me inside me pants...and im so fucked up i think they're like, chicks or something" -Kenny

"emo kids can suck a big fat dick and go cry about it" -Jackie

"Emo made depression, Emo makes me sick, Kill emo kids, especially the fat stupid poopy ones" -Danny

"Emo music is sad, depressing and shitty. I dont have a problem if you like but keep that filth away from me. The music is the very definition of shit and if you dont like me cause i hate the music then you can go jump off a fucking bridge and hopefully land in a spike pit with alligators waiting to eat your impaled corpse."- Eric


"Emo kids have week vaginas." -Mike


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