TC is teh Awesoem! (and gayness...)

Welcome, my friends. If you haven't gathered this is a site making fun of someone that I hold in high regard.
This man never says blasphemous things about religion, idolizes this girlfriend(s), flunked out of a community college, believes himself to be the smartest man alive, draws wonderful illustrations, and has no musical talent what so ever. These are only his good points. He also never forgot any of his old friends and chased the skirts of girls that caused him to be the most lameass emo kid I know. None of this. He only thinks all girls are after his, and I quote, "body." Why, I wouldn't think twice about hopping the sack with that herpe invested dicksmack.

This is only a site to make fun of all those flaws and more. In short, me and everybody I know, fucking hate his guts. And this site will tell you why.

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