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Spanky Speaks_ Who would have guessed?

Reason's to change my name.


Feathery pens, are my new love. They are so flowy and beautiful, awe. Well, anyway if you didn't read already I have changed my name on my site because of those reason's. I am sad to hear that Jeff Hardy will not be appearing naked this summer in my backyard. He skipped out on rehab and now is jobless. He's major focus this summer will be to anally deflower all the straight men in Port Vue. I have been thinking lately about how many gay men I know and it makes no sense to count because just about every guy experiments at one time and changes his views at some point. I am going to exclude Nick from that statement but if he would ever turn gay I would gladly do anyone thing that he would ask of me anyone thing (but remember you would have to prove it to me). So anyway I am outta chips and outta pop, so must I do but go grab me another pop, screw the chips they suck anyway. so this sunless tanner stuff I put on today smells so good. I was wondering if anyone knows any other good sunless tanners that don't streak and smell as nice as this Coppertone. Yeah well Nick is my 1 gurl guy. YAY! I think if I move to London than I am gonna have to get me an English accent. Who do you think should have died on Dawson's Creek. I was hoping it was Jen but then again it was so sad to see her die. I must admit that I cried the whole final episode of Dawson's Creek. I am a sucker for all that soulmate, love, death, life decisions, and a good mixed drink. I wish they would have brought Audrey back for the final episode but they didn't and there is nothing I can do about that but it makes me sad cause she was a total bitch and loved to watch people squirm. I think a person like Audrey and person like me would fight all the time but would be friends for ever. My father is in the pissest mood lately. I don't know what his problem is anymore but I would really like to just kick him in the face. I tried to be nice to him when he came home from the store and all he did was yell that he couldn't breath cause I painted my nails. Well, you know what you all suck, and my brother hates all the perfume I wear cause it bothers him to breathe. I say you all learn to breathe again and then we won't have a problem. There are a few things that have been bugging me lately but you know what I think I will save those for later. Those things will be revealed as they occur. I can't really say what they are because it all depends on how it plays out. So sorry if my update is lacking a real sustenance for details and information. I wish I wasn't so stale and boring anymore. All I do is work and never party but like one day a week. So my thought skills and funniness or retartedness has been quit lacking because I have been gaining back all my brain cells. So I don't know if you all ever heard of Bio-trim, but it is this new weight loss pill and it's all natural. I am going to order some on Friday and hopefully it will get here soon like before summer is over. I don't plan on losing for anyone but myself, because if I do it for me than it will work out better. I know you could all careless but you must remember I don't care what you all think cause this is my site and if I wanna talk about taking a shit then I will talk about taking a shit. But speaking of shitting I swear I shit on a certain schedule. I go at certain times during the week without fail. Also girls don't you hate how much you shit when you start your period and for some of you longer. I am going to leave you all on that wonderful note and hopefully talk to you all again soon. _______________sPankY

Whatever dude

