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~~This Site is Best viewed outside of chat~~

Thank You for visiting Lustique Designs. We were closed for almost a year, but we are getting back into the swing of things, w/ new ideas and a new look. 

This page is currently under construction. 

The Links are temporarily closed for the next few weeks. They will be up and running soon.



 Full-Time, Part-Time and Guest Painters positions are in need to be filled. If you would like to become part of the Lustique Designs Family, plz go to the link at the bottom of the page named "ApPlicAtiON" =]


PLz bookmark us ,we will be up and running b4 you know it =] Don't forget to check back to see what new things we have in the up coming weeks.

Avatars: We have over 50 pages of avatars for male and female avatars to be published

Bckgrnz: We Have Cerebrl'z collection and many bckgrnz we have collected over the years, soon to be published. 

Gestures: We are looking for a gesture maker, we already have one (( Cerebrl.Synz )) But we would like to have another gesture maker on the scene.

Paint Contests: There will be epaintz starting in the next couple of weeks, and paint contests in Babbleon. 

Babbleon Server >>


Lustique Family  


..::HoME::...::STAFF::...::FEmALe aVatARrs::..::MaLe AvaTars::..::Bckgrnz::..::LinX::..::Email Drop Off PainTZz::..::ApPlicAtiON::..