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well... not anymore... hehe...
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Todays Date (if this isn't right, don't expect today to be updated yet): it is indeed 1:14 AM, Monday, March 24th...

and yes... laura did drag me into baltimore to go see bela fleck... but no...
here's the scoop, drive brian (laura's sib) back to BWI Airport... drive north to baltimore... say eh... guess what? after walking around for 3 hours, what time's the concert at... after going to the lyric opera house... where the concert's at... hey, it's an hour b4 the show and no ones there... what's the dillio...? oh... oops... it's tomarrow... silly silly laura... hehe... i love the straight misplaced date... anyways... she's here... she's "napping" next to me... i'm thinking about throwing her out of bed... hehe... no i'm not that mean... (can you kick me out when dan says so?) sure... i'll do that... hehe... =) if you didn't notice... it's just a playful jest towards everything... anyways... up coming schedual? yah... i'm going to ... A) Ocean front Virginia... B) Ocean Front Boston... C)Baltimore... again... =( ho hum... hehe... anyways i'm tired, jumpy and whatnot... so i bid you all adieu... adieu...

Post for today is SUNDAY! March 23rd 2003... 2:12 AM

unlike on friday when my roomate told me to go to sleep and turn of my computer because he did... he's got james bond going on in our room... ah, i deal, i give him some crap with people staying over at really weird hours... *cough, laura*... yah... so to re-iterate incase you haven't heard... the last 12 days have been amazing... really it's only 11 Days and 19 hours, but.... still... my best friend, my sister, my girlfriend... same person now... well, in the same name... laura... i heart you! yah... watching probably the worst james bond movie in the world... after watching a pretty darn good movie... which movie... Tears in the sun? i forget... Why do all evil minions in James Bond movies all wear the same clothes... haven't figgered that out yet... anyways... what's been going on? it's lil sibs weekend, and my bro's not here... first off he's afraid to fly by himself, and it's a buttload of money to fly out here... "what shall we drink to mr. bond" how about more ascots... "an underground monorail, how clever"... this is just amusing... again... haha... so yah, Laura's brother brian is here... which is more than amusing, because it's the simple pleasures of beating on my brother, with the added effect of guilt... humorous... the gate! sharks with lasers on their heads...! i can't believe i'm turning my head to watch this... anyways, what happened today? SLEPT TILL BLOODY 4 in the afternoon, had a bit o nothing going on, went to krispy kreme, the new one... for the first time... and it kinda wasn't half as cool as the old one... yah... so... what's going on tomarrow? nothing... more sleep is neccessary... well, actually no... 11 mass in neccessary... muahahaha... well, that's cuz brian is leaving, and were dragging him to mass... and laura's seeing... "i mean what the hell can you do on a train for 16 hours, first thing you learn in gin rummy is never to take a card from the exposed pile unless you absolutly hafta... (pulls down the bed)... james what are you doing? plans if im unlucky at cards"... on that note... to all who read this... i have no idea if you do or not... but if you do... good night... and to laura my dear... have a wonderful night... *mwah*...

okie, went from two posts in one day, to no posts in 15 days... 2:41 March 21th, friday, 2003

yah... so a shiload o stuff has happened... fill you in from the beginning... 2/28 was the last day of school B4 spring break... also my birthday... good with that...
so anyways, about that... that morning, well the saturday morning (the first) i took, in this order, Laura, Caldwell, 2 in the morning, Amanda, Union Station, 5 in the morning, Me, Caldwell, 9 in the morning... it was good... laura and amanda got there fine... I didn't... so it took a gentle phone call from mike nestor, our group leader for Habitat for Humanity - Americus Trip, Spring Break... to say, Dan, get the fuck out of bed... are you coming or what? and i was like huh? supposedly my mom called and i talked to her, but i still have no reccolection of that at all...
so anyways, 16 hour trip down there, broken into 2 days, had a great time going down, kinda jumped out of the car on the hiway neer lexington, NC... bad ass traffic jam... hehe... umm... went to macaroni grill... stayed at an awesome house in bumblefuck georgia... built shacks for a museum of habitat... and came back... made a bunch o friends and was like ah... i'm back... this feels good...

then you have march eleventh... something just snapped in me... i was with laura that morning and, somewhere deep inside me, i've always had an attraction to her, my best friend, since the day i met her back when... like 2 weeks into school, i was in a dilemma, should i get into a relationship with her because that could kill our friendship... and i made myself not get into a relationship with her... but i was in lieu of everything else... and she was just there... she was just beautiful... and i kissed her that morning... yah... i fell in love with my best friend... an amazing thing... i don't think i've ever been this intoxicated on anything... except possibly God... and this isn't done yet, but my roomate's going to sleep... so i'm gonna try to finish this after he goes... so... yah... ttyl two post in one day! it's 11:49 2/25/03

first thing... it's not in link format... i'm kinda lazy right now... but it's SOOOOO Cool... kinda graphic (showing of multiple penii)... but it's about emo... and it's fun... muhahaha... umm... what else... yah so i skanked with Good Charlotte... i love my friends from West Chester & the one from Loyola COLLEGE... not university as some of y'all from home would know... duh... College = Baltimore Area, University = Chicago Area... anyways... Failure By Design by Brand New... song of the day... soon enough i'm gonna have an entire section of christian thoughts that go up... yah... it's a beautiful thing... duh... if you read this @ all sign the Guest book just to say you signed the guest book... "Tell all the english boys you meet about your american boy back in the states, the american boy you used to date, who'd do anything you say..." ~ Brand New - Jude Law and the Semester Abroad... Just got back from rosary... found myself having trouble concentrating... ugh... figures... my room is a mess... i'm doing laundry tomarrow... i'm going to go start finish packing for my trip to americus, ga... gonna be hot... yah habitat for humanity... umm... what else? gonna thrift store it up... go buy some jeans... some flood jeans... some long jeans... some short jeans... and it's gonna be good... 20 bucks at the thrift store... getting a whole messload of stuff... i'm gonna enjoy it... what's more? i'm gonna go play the Getaway right now... and clean my room afterwards... and maybe touch the calc book and figure out what's going on... that and do chemistry... yah chemistry... anyways... night all... happy tuesday...

yah... hi... it's noon twenty six... on febuary the twentyfifth two thousand and three

Much has happened in the last few days... since maybe friday...
Friday: Rain, lots of it, Tests, Not bad at all... Car Drive to New Jersey... not bad... jersey smells when you get into the state... mostly cuz of stupid dupont plant right next to the state line...
Saturday: Polish Food, Singing, Mass, Singing at mass... Late night screaming dashboards and brand news and taking back sundays with our shot voices...
sunday: mass @ 8 am... and 10 am... and nine pm... good day... drove home from jersey... went to a diner, had a decent ruben... wasn't astounding...
monday: forgot to go to most of my classes... studied a bit... went to the All-American Rejects/Riddlin Kids/Wakefield/Homegrown Show... during Wakefield some guys showed up in back... i originally thought they were posers dressed up in good charlotte like clothing who go to 'punk' shows... umm... upon later inspection they were indeed good charlotte... joel hit me in the nose while we were free-moshing (well i was) mike was learning how to skank... so i was free moshing... because i could... anyways... i got class in 10 mins... i'll add later..

here is the date... 332 am feb 20... that's all you get.... =2

at the behest of laura... it's 1:32 19 Feb 03

and you are loved...
duh... anyways... what went on today? umm... woke up two ish, my mom called... "dan are you asleep?"
"no... mom i'm not..." (still lying in bed) i woke up like noonish...
"oh that's good to hear..."
"but i got a headache..."
"why don't you take something dan?"
"because i dont know..."
"am i going to hafta call you every time you get a headache to remind you to take something..."
"no mom..."
yah beginning of my morning... later... knock on my door... hey guys can you come into the hallway... (jon the lovely ra asks...) no problem... i think...
"dps has been contacted on a possible gas leak in the building, we don't hafta evacuate yet, but we may, and if we do then we'll pull the fire alarm..."
oh lovely... i's half nekkid... only in my pjyama pants... and was gonna run to get dressed incase it happened in a few minutes...
never did...
grr... so what did i do? i just sat around and posted on the TJT board till like four was like... hmm... i should probably do work... didn't start work till five... and even then i was on the TJT board at the same time... grr... i wasn't getting any work done...
so i stopped doing that, put my away msg on, turned on the music and started physicsing... and that was a pain in the but because i realized how much some of my physics stuff sucked... mostly because of the fact that some of the questions were damn near impossible and i was freaking out on how to do them... pain... but i'm grateful that i don't have a test today (wednesday) like i normally planned... but ended up studying for a while... went to dinner, sat with music peeps (paul and chrissy)... eh... ate dinner, unsatisfying as usual... i hate that... but maybe we'll get normal service finally... psha... never will happen...
moving on... came back... did nothing more... and i was happy with that... made some iced tea... mmm... iced tea... tried to convince becky (i owe her $2.50) to let me barter with her...
i'll give you blank cd's...
i'll give you iced tea...
i'll give you books...
i'll give you shelving units
wait wait wait... what about that iced tea... what kind is it... oh n/m i'm partial to money...
damn moneygrabber... =2
cleaned part of my room... yelled at my computer... did more on the TJT board... wrote some lyrics... again... primarly about girls... duh... and being able to be with one would be nice... duh... and laura... i sympathize... duh... i mean, as much as we could go out... i'd ruin so much i think in the end... bleh... no good...
moving on... umm... turns to bout now... jason's been in here all day playing Gauntlet: DL and he's getting kindof like static... and that's buggin me... grr... he needs to go find more to do... this cabin fever feeling is no good...
and lastly... i gotta re-file my fafsa... no fun...

so where does that end us now? right here... thank you laura for making me do this... i needed to... Thank God for my friends... and thank God for sleep... =2...

to my friends... this song as a prelude to a good nights sleep... well... not really =2 it's just taking back sunday... what me and laura were singin earlier

September never stays this cold
where I come from
And you know
I’m not one for complaining,
But I love the way you’d roll
excuses off the tip of your tongue
as I slowly fall apart (slowly, quietly, slowly)
fall apart

This won’t mean a thing come tomorrow
and that’s exactly how I’ll make it seem
Cause I'm still not sleeping,
thinking I’ve crawled home from worse than this

So please, please (please)
I’m running out of sympathy (I'm running out of sympathy!)
and I never said I’d take this
I never said I'd take this lying down

She says
"come on, come on, let’s just get this over with”
She says
"come on, come on, let’s just get this over with”
(I never said I’d take this lying down, let's just get this over with,
and I've crawled home from worse than this)
She says
"come on, come on, let’s just get this over with”
She says
"come on, come on.."

You always come close but this never comes easy,
I still know everything
You always come close but this never comes easy,
I still know everything
You always come close but this never comes easy,
I still know everything
You always come so close...
I still know everything, I still know everything, I still know...

You always come close but this never comes easy
You always come close but this never comes easy
You always come... you come in close

I never said I'd take this lying down
I never said I'd take this lying down
I never said I'd take this lying down
but I've crawled home from worse than this

If it's not keeping you up nights
then what’s the point
then what’s the point
then what’s the point
then what’s the point

I'm in your room
now is this turning you on
am I turning you on?

I'm in your room
are you turned on?

I'm on the corner of your bed,
I'm practically naked,
are you turned on,
are you turned on?

252h 17 feb 03

I hate it... but what do i love?

18 inches of snow
Walking through it to get to 9 pm mass
Having the girl who broke my heart sit next to me at mass
Saying the Our Father, holding hands like you'd normally do, and crying
Trying not to look like your crying at the sign of peace right afterwords when i hugged her
Going up to receive the Body and Blood of Christ... and just saying why God why...
Realizing that things our out of contro to me, but not to Him

yah... thats story of my night... i stole food from north dining hall... because i'm a street rat... I'm going skiing tomarrow... that's cool... but yah... that's my day... i woke up earlyish... (2 ish) to more snow... and canceled school for tomarrow... and that's beautiful...
Song of the day is this...
instant romance by Christie front drive...
may i point out that it's impossible to put up the lyrics, mostly because they don't exist... and it's really hard to hear them... but it is an INCREDABLE song... like the movement of old radiohead with the slower, more melodic sound jimmy eat world... imazing... invinceble... oh yah... i realize that not going to the TJT concert tonight didn't kill me... it's def the work of God... providence in our lives... amen to that... night all...

3:13 pm, Valentines Day Feb 14th...

ok... spent the last 2 hours studying chem with amanda... perk of living in flather... listening to Dan breath heavy in his sleep... yet another perk... listening to matt whine and complain... another perk... not having to hear people yell and scream until five in the morning... yet another perk... being here? kinda weird... but home like... anyways... after i wrote that... went to dinner, finished movie all my stuff circa 10:30 pm... worked on physics... sucked that up bad... bleh! it was really weird obscure questions.. bothered me so much i'm going to do physics on tuesday from now on...! yah... where else?
the valentines day writing festival will begin sometime later... so look for updates @ the bottom of the lyrics page... oh yah... it's a work in progress...
ok, next gripe... I was going to go to the National Press Club tomarrow (actually today) at 1 oclock... not gonna happen now that i got a chem test @ 4... hopefuly sai will be nice to us (the ta)... and give it to us on monday... hopefully! umm... what else? chem sucks butternuts... mostly because there's nothing really to understand, it's all boils down to two ideas... that q=product of the concentration of producs divided by the product of the concentration of reactants... and that the rate laws go like this... zeroth, first, second... 0th is division, first is ln [a], second is 1/[a]... but it doesn't work out that easy... so egh! annnyways... lyric of the day?
hands down by dashboard confessional... it's valentines day, and it's a beautiful song...

Breathe in for luck breathe in so deep
this air is blessed you share with me
this night is wild so calm and dull
these hearts they race from self control
your legs are smooth as they graze mine
we're doing fine
we're doing nothing at all.

My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me.
So won't you kill me, so I die happy.
My heart is yours to fill or burst
or break or bury
or wear as jewelery,
which ever you prefer.

The words are hushed lets not get busted,
just lay entwined here undiscovered.
Safe from the earth and all the stupid questions..
"hey did you get some?"
Man, that is so dumb.
Stay quiet, stay near, stay close they can't hear,
so we can get some.

My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me.
So won't you kill me, so I die happy.
My heart is yours to fill or burst
or break or bury
or wear as jewelery,
which ever you prefer.

Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember,
I'll always remember the sound of the stereo,
the dim of the soft lights,
the scent of your hair that you twirled in your fingers
and the time on the clock when we realized it's so late
and the walk that we shared together.
The street was wet
and the gate was locked so I jumped it and let you in
and you stood at the door
with your hands on my waist
and you kissed me, like you meant it
and I knew that you meant it, that you meant it, that you meant it,
and I knew, that you meant it, that you meant it.

5:15 pm Feb 13th

right now? moving out... latest news? my dad got a job! hurrah hurrah! umm... what's next instore for the pozzie's? umm... my mom's going to florida for spring break, i'm going to georgia, my brother's staying home for tennis camp... my dad's working... it's a busy busy time... umm... t-minus 15 days untill my birthday... if you haven't got a present for me don't worry, you'll get one eventually from me for christimas... =2 just send me your addy and i'll get yah a little somethin... but anyways, thanks for all the prayers for my dad... umm... right now pray for God's will on the house/rm applications for me... because I need it... i think that i need God to give me a hand here and let me be an RM or a House member... because... i need to get out of the house a few weeks early... because 3 months at home... dear God help me... =2 hopefull things will have calmed down by then... b-cuz my dad got a job and that definatly put alot of stress on all fo us... and i need to keep packing, so i'll update about the TJT concert i'm going to what i've been doing... and soforth... so i'll ttyl all!

4:30 am Feb 10th...

holy smokes... every time i get on here it's later and later... figures... umm... yah it's 4:30 in the morn... i just finished my laundry like 45 mins ago... got online... and ya... blah blah blah... simpley stated... i'm kinda tired... i jsut felt like i should post something because i haven't... umm, the weekend was uneventful...? yah... did zero zip zilch... played mortal kombat... and started playing Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers on PS2... niiiice... ummm what else is neat nifty... oh yah... possible trip to cleveland... on a school night... actually it's a thursday... going to see the ataris AND the juliana theory... laura and mine's fave bands respectivly... muhaha... umm... i realize i gotta get up in four hours to go to class... blah blah blah... ! actually it's five and i just didn't realize it... chem is at ten... so i'm gonnna go to sleep... i'm gonna go see some bands shortly... and i hope the juliana theory and something corporate didn't sell out yet... ahh! that'd be bad... oh yah... and i gotta pay 400 bucks so i can get a spot on campus again next year... anyways... remember this phrase because it's gonna come up in my first single... it may be titled it, or have it as a phocus (yes a phocus) of the song... "planning out my yesterdays" yah... thanx brian for converting to the dark side and buying womens products (a.k.a, those bitchen cool shoes... duh their red... =2 ) and umm... yah, laura, your sock is still somewhere in my room... unlike you who isn't... i just chugged a mountain dew in less than ten secs... and i'm gonna pass out... nigh nigh nigh...

3:02 AM Febuary 5th

Ok... eh... i keep adding new lyrics to my lyric page... btw... their my own, their rough, they kinda suck, they're not to be made into songs yet, gotta work on the rhythem and balance of them, because primarly that's what's slowing them down... that and i need an electric guitar... i'm incapable otherwise... annnnnnnyways... it's 3 in the morning... i really don't have a song to put down... all i know was it was kinda a shitty day untill house mass... no one's fault really, just compounding emotionall duress was about as good as i could put it... procrastinated a little bit on my english... ok a lotta bit... but still, i'm working on it, i got 4 days, i finished my CAD work and i'm two weeks ahead... so i'm peachy keen i believe... i added some things, and my computer froze... mostly i added the guestbook under the section of miscellany... which isn't neccesssarly a bad thing, but it's there... use it by your own discression, comment about my stupidity on there... that's it's primary function... i wanna hear ppl's feedback... you can be anonomous, whatever the hell ya want... but it's here... use it... k? kdokie... sounds good... moving on... i'm moving tomarrow... well, packing, some stuff... and i hope i don't lose stuff... that'd be bad... but i need to take all my pictures off the dresser and the back of the armoire...
new things though happenin... started night prayer, me and laura and matt... sounds good... =2 i'm gonna go to the basillica and pick up some prayer books... "shorter christian prayers" "litany of the hours" and so forth and the like... the classics? and what what? i'm still a charasmatic "liberal" catholic (i hate that term) because i believe in emphasising portions of Tradition (yes with a capital T), and not others... bringing back our grassroots Catholicism... which has supported an innumerable amount of Saints and what not... and they can't really harass us for tweaking with the Tradition when they did the same thing MULTIPLE times in the 1100 years or so of the old mass... but i just look at this way... the people... who it's all dependant on, have ceased using their hearts... their minds know, their hearts don't... let their hearts sing... is it really 'wrong' per se to sing of God's mercy and grace with a piano, guitar accompniant and clapping? is the praise and worship band wrong? i don't think so... were giving glory to God and that's all that really is important in that area... when it comes to the Eucharist, that's something different... the Eucharist is the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus... and it needs to be treated that way... i understand that... but isn't Jesus looking for our hearts to recognize that he is Lord and Saviour...? isn't that the point... to lead a Christian life with a Christian Mindset?... i'd think so... just because we have our individual differences on how we glorify God does it make it really any different, were all glorifying God... and that's the real point behind this... eh? oh back to the liberal catholic thing... i'm conservative when it comes to morals and values... like i'm not to the point to say homosexuality is wrong... but i'm like, practice Chastity... it's hard, it's a real hard life to live chastely, but married life it's even harder... so take for granted what you have... umm... i'm definatly big on the Social Justice idea... which makes me differ from my Republican Church Going friends... i full heartedly support the idea of Charity... and people don't practice it... and people get greedy... let it balance out... it's always the rich verses poor... ahh... what else... i'm just kinda peeved at the fact that I get pushed a bit because i believe that Jesus can evoke feelings out of us with the Spirit... that the Spirit produces great things in us, miricles and revelations of the heart... what's wrong with being charasmatic? nothing... appeal to the people on the basis of truth... the truth is... over the last 100 years... church people have felt to go to church out of guilt... just look at the 30-70 year olds... they do it out of habit... they don't understand a thing because the church kept it quiet... they didn't want to go because no one really cared... so they turned away... i just look at the lost sheep parable... those people have kids... and they're lost sheep... holding on to something they haven't been exposed to just because it starts making sense... we draw people in with their whole bodies... their ears, sing music... maybe protestant composition... but since when do we hold that against making music to God... the entire point of music is to give glory to God... isn't it? if it isn't... then someone please tell me what it's for? who cares who wrote it... their still children of God... eh... more? yah... i'm tired... i'm going to sleep... so what if were kinda touchy feely, whole person, immerse yourself in the spirit, dive head first type of people... were lacking that in our Church today... St. Polycarp anyone? dive in...

2:00 AM Feburary 4th

Ok... First of all Lyrics to Another Friend by The Movie Life straight outta long island...

All I ever see is one or two feet in front of me, And no matter how far I get, I always got one demon left, And all the time I gave, I dug myself a deeper grave, And it's not the same. I need to wake up, 'cause this ain't a fucking game.
I need to know where I stand, 'cause I don't need another friend. Why can't things once just go my way? Stop telling lies to me, I know it seems like every day things don't go my way. Things don't go my way.
And all I ever see is centimeters in front of me, And no matter how far I get, I always got one problem left, And all the time I gave, I dug myself a deeper grave, And it's not the same. And in the end (in the end) I'll be the one to blame.
I need to know where I stand, 'cause I don't need another friend. Why can't things once just go my way? Stop telling lies to me, I know it seems like every day. Stop telling lies to me.
I need to know where I stand, 'cause I don't, No I don't need another friend. No I don't need another friend. Just let me know where I stand.

ok now that i'm there... thing for song of the day is brandtson - ninevah... they hail from middle of nowhere ohio... and they play real good emo... top notch... btw... if you wanna download any of these songs... check my AIM... duh... =2 go to get file and steal whatever you want...

without further adieu, the lyrics to ninevah...

it's so hard for me to tell you how i feel. and i can never say exactly what i mean. you are my nineveh and i've been jonah from the start. and i can't let you make the same mistakes i've made. if for a moment i could overcome my fear i wouldn't have to hide behind this fiction wall. sometimes i wonder how i call myself your friend. a failure to myself. a failure to him. what if i told you. would you reach for him after all. would you fall down to your knees. would you walk away from it all. would you fall down at his feet. and i watch you live in months between the sun. i can't help but feel that i wanted more than this. and still i smile inside and know it's not the end. because the light of hope is brighter than this wall of silence

eh... life... reading these lyrics make me kinda sad... in an emo-ey sorta way... like it's my hearts desire to see all my friends find Christ and love him... but it really really digs deep because this is what i am... all i see sometimes...
ok, now i'm just going to spout off stuff about today... went to classes, hated classes, calculus wasn't that bad, waste of time, english wasn't that bad either, but still a waste of time, chemistry was a waste of time and sucky, physics, well, could have been better, and still not be a waste of time, but it was. Played frisbee for 2 hours... pain... went, ate dinner, ok... stole a road sign... beautiful, but we can't get rid of the post it's attached to... so we dumped it untill we can get a hacksaw...
so here i am at bloody 2 in the morning... almost feeling like i should be crying, because i feel like shit... i don't know why... i'm just getting the blues... like right now, no one really cares anymore... and i hate that feeling, i know people do... i just don't see it anymore and it's bugging the hell out of me... =( so yah... that's that... anyways... Swing Swing by The All American Rejects is top notch, check it out...

2:22 Feburary Second...

The Juliana Theory - This Is Not a Love Song
this is not a love song to any of you...
the time is two twenty two and i hope your wish comes true, but you say i'll know before you do, and i hope your right, why can't we talk this way, we allways speak, when your so far away... and i'm sitting right here, it's 10 oclock your time, and it's one by mine... and i often wonder, why you even care... do you ever wonder? ever wonder why, we met here... the time is 2:22 and hope my wish comes true, and i think i'll know just when you do, and i hope i do... maybe this is just what i need... and maybe i'm wrong... maybe i'm wrong... maybe i'm wrong... and your so far away, and i'm sitting right here... it's ten oclock your time, and it's one by mine...

ok so anyways, here i am... song of the day btw is The Movie Life: Another Friend... hot dog... i'll put up the lyrics tomarrow if i don't forget

what's going on in the last 24 hours... drank... when i didn't want to... peer pressure... laura i love you still no less... but i cracked... i really wasn't that strong... hence in my profile "how strong are your convictions"... that's really killed me... but i'm over... i'm starting again... i have been straight edge for 25 hours now... my last streak was 1 year 7 months three weeks and two days... my longest, 2 years four months... egh... yah...

so what else... talked to ALOT of people today online... i talked to a bunch of my young apostle friends... yah Young Apostles... some stl peeps and some minnesota peeps... and i love you all your my catholic all star team! i'd not know where i'd be without you guy'ses support! umm... yah... i convinsed Jess Daniels to apply here at CUA... which i was happy bout... =2 considering shes probably one of the SN north peeps i've never talked to =2 but divine providence man... divine providence... thank GOD! umm... thank God for Lydia, mi amiga... and laura... my partner in crime to the bitter end... mike and brian... my guy night crew (that includes patty-o, rob and john roddy the third)... to ryan pit... including barbara, lisa, keely, karen... i love you all... to my flather peeps, the fourth flowers... meaning y'all on 4... and all you crazy guys on five... including but not limited to afro matt, dan, tony, i'm trying not to redundify, dunch, matt carnavos, jon young even... hell i quoted him... umm... i don't know any unanapeeps... and my south side people don't have my IM anyways... the houser's, my friends from home... i wanna bid you peace and good night!

It's 1:44 AM, January 28th...

yah... so here i am... it's 1:44... and i'm doing crappy today... it's not the day i wanna be having, i sucked it up on both my physics and my calc quiz... i feel so dumb... egh... depressed... probably? clinical... possible... fuggit.... i got so much stuff to do and worry about... all i need is to get back on track... listen to some of the juliana theory and work my life out... feel better about myself, be a girthy, yet sensitive guy... it's all in the me being me part... if your reading this, one of three things... you really do like this, you had it some where deep in your links or your stalking me... ONE OF THE THREE... but hey... copy and paste it, they got an awesome site, awesome music... i'm just too lazy to do the link... even though it's not hard... ugh... i hate being such an emokid sometimes... like it's easy dress espcially for the midwest emo stylee... fake punk... eh... the dark hoodie, old sneakers, youth mediums and pair of fitted jeans... and now i'm listening to my first real new school emo song... i got into the old school emo stuff kinda during my sXe phase... oh yah, i forget that kids out here in the boonies may not know sXe... sXe is straightedge... a way of life... kinda like how being emo is a way of life... it's a condition, a state of mind... well, although i still have the straightedge code (no drinking, no promiscuous sex, no smoking (anything), no drugs)... because i just put that in my catholic context... easy enough... kept it when the rest of me walked away from the hardcore scene bcuz all my friends left sXe... hence... i left my friends, started my new trail as the embittered 15 year old attending shows, doing the classic emo tremble without all the moshing of the venues here of kids who just go to mosh... it's os different than home... anyways, without further adieu... lyrics...
The Juliana Theory - This Is Not a Love Song
this is not a love song to any of you...
the time is two twenty two and i hope your wish comes true, but you say i'll know before you do, and i hope your right, why can't we talk this way, we allways speak, when your so far away... and i'm sitting right here, it's 10 oclock your time, and it's one by mine... and i often wonder, why you even care... do you ever wonder? ever wonder why, we met here... the time is 2:22 and hope my wish comes true, and i think i'll know just when you do, and i hope i do... maybe this is just what i need... and maybe i'm wrong... maybe i'm wrong... maybe i'm wrong... and your so far away, and i'm sitting right here... it's ten oclock your time, and it's one by mine...