D I S C L A I M E R  The following layout, graphical work, and animations are all exclusive property to Abdul Haseeb. This is made for the use of Sean Lewis in EWE, and wherever the fuck he intends to use it, apart from aWo (Anal Whores Organisation). You Can Steal this layout, but beware, I have encoded spy ware and viruses in the sql coding, the script is so clever, its invisible under your cheeky sons of bitches "view source" method. So you can steal, but your computer will get raped quicker than your mother on a night shift, so dont be an asshead, wear a condom. Have a Nice Day. This roleplay is exclusive property of Sean Lewis. 

{ scene one – step two }

The scene opens up from a slight blur to show the back of Sean Lewis’ Pontiac GTO going down the road. The camera is obviously in another car. It is raining out and there is some heavy traffic…

Traffic is a dead stop out there because of these flash floods…

All the cars in the traffic slowly come to a stop… the door of the car that the camera was in swings open and the camera man and a woman, which turns out to be Meg, run towards Sean’s car… they pull open the door and hop in, Meg in the back seat and the camera man in the front seat…

What the hell?

We heard on the radio that we’re going to be here for awhile… so we figured we would film some more of the Road to Wrestlemania documentary…

Whatever I guess… what cliché questions do I have to ask now to add to this motivational story?

Meg laughs… the camera man zooms in on Sean watching it rain…

What does Wrestlemania mean to you?

Sean pauses for several moments… he cracks a little grin before letting out a deep breath…

Well… Wrestlemania is exactly what every person in this industry wishes they could be apart of. I wasn’t in the EWE when the first one happened. I was injured at the second one. I headlined the third. I’m grateful to be involved in the fourth…

Sean pauses…

Everyone works their ass off to get to Wrestlemania… people talk about it for 354 days after it happens… because until the national anthem is sung on Sunday night… last year’s Wrestlemania is still big news…

Sean stops again for quite awhile…

Last year I was so nervous… there was so much riding on my shoulders… not only was I the fan favorite, but so many people had poured their hearts and souls into me… and I felt like I was fighting it for the people more then myself…

The feelings are different for this year?

Obviously… Shawn Ashlocke and I aren’t enemies… I respect the man to an amazing extent… and it’s not like we have been sneak attacking each other or anything… Shawn has his eye on the same prize as me… and I can tell that he actually really wants to upset the balance of the EWE and actually walk out of Wrestlemania with the title and a win over me…

But so many people are picking him to beat you… how would that be an “upset”?

People are just expecting me to win because I’m Sean Lewis… all controversy aside, I don’t understand what all these people’s problems are… I was just as much of an Ashlocke fan as all of them when he was UKW… and I was way stoked when he came to the EWE, and came back, and back again… now he’s the champ, and I’m still happy for him…

Sean pauses…

But like I said… eyes are on the same prize…

Any chance of seeing a “WWE type Heel turn”?

Obviously playing the bad guy doesn’t work out for me… I highly doubt that Vince would want to piss off Canada and screw another one of their kids… and I wouldn’t sign my life away. Last time I did my little heel turn I did it for myself… Sean Lewis isn’t a sell out…

The traffic starts to move a little bit…

You guys going to chill in here or should we pick this up at the hotel?

We’re going to head back to the van actually… you’re the best Sean, and I know your mind is going a mile a minute with Wrestlemania on it’s way, but it’s a hell of a story too…

The camera man turns opens the door and Meg crawls out as well… they head back to the other vehicle as the scene fades away with water dripping on the camera lens…

Fade to black

{ scene two - #1 Canadian }

The scene opens up backstage at some sort of studio. After the camera pans the halls a little bit it ends up being a Redbull commercial set. Sean Lewis is shown walking down the hall of the studio holding a can of Redbull while wearing some street gear… Sean notices the camera and waves…

Yeah, it’s Wrestlemania… but, you still have to pay the bills… the EWE pays nice, but it never hurts to get in the public eye with a little advertisement… and Redbull was nice enough to let me be one of their spokesmen…

Sean’s speech ends as he notices someone walk into the room… Sean quickly walks over to the man…

There is no fucking way…

The man looks a little confused…

You’re a god around here… you’re BJ Tomczik… professional skateboarder!

Canadian Pro Skateboarder to be exact…

Dude, I’m such a huge fan… no joke… I really liked that one picture you have in that UK Skateboarding magazine that was printed by Don Hinson…

Good old Don… how is he these days?

Well, from time to time he tells people he’s going to kill himself… but I honestly haven’t talked to him for awhile… I’m guessing he’s working on a new fed, making up girlfriends, or playing X-Box 360…

What a life…

No shit… so I take it you are also on the Redbull team or whatever… I mean, why else would such a stunningly handsome 20 year old stud like yourself just be chilling around here?

Yeah… we’re actually going to be in the commercial together…

What a fucking honor… maybe you could send a few hot babes my way after this thing… I mean, I’m new to town…

Oh come on… after you win back the EWE World Heavyweight Championship from Shawn Ashlocke at Wrestlemania you shouldn’t have any troubles picking up ladies… maybe not at my level of expertise… but close…

Wait… you watch wrestling?

From time to time… and anything is better then TNA…

Oh come on… AJ Styles?

AJ Styles is just a watered down Sean Lewis in my opinion…

Wow… I didn’t expect that… but thank you sir…

No problem dude… you just get that title back… I’m a true blue old school EWE fan… and you just can’t have the UKW dude at the top… Cocklocke needs to go…

I’ll do what I can…

It would have been way awesome if it could have been a ladder match… I love ladder matches!

Me too!

Yeah dude, Sean Lewis ladder matches are freaking awesome!

Holy shit… we are so much alike… minus that I am American and ride BMX while you’re Canadian and skateboard…

Well, if you stick around after Mania, maybe I’ll take you out to one of Canada’s awesome skateparks…

Shit, I don’t have my bike…

It’s all good dude, you can ride mine… I think it might fit you perfect…

Sweet man…

But yeah… I still have to go slam a few more of these Redbull and smoke some crack before this commercial starts and shit… I guess I’ll see you around…

Two chicks walk up and each go under one of BJ’s arms as they carry him off… Sean wipes the drool off his face and walks down the hall some more and into his dressing room… Sean looks into the mirror as his door shuts and it goes silent…

Today is gonna be the day that they’re gonna throw it back to you… By Now, you should of some how, realized what you gotta do… I don’t believe that anybody feels the way I do… about you now…

Sean laughs a little bit and keeps humming the popular 90’s tune…

So Sean… here we are… exactly a year later from the big triumph… the match of 2006… the most amazing and anticipated matches of all time… and a tough main event to follow up… so Sean, the big question you need to be asking yourself is can you commit… can you perform… and can you conquer…

Sean takes another deep breath…

It’s a whole new world kid… you’ve grown up a lot in the last year… yet everyone seems to think you’re the same punk kid… you couldn’t pick a better place to do something about that… Shawn Ashlocke… The Franchise… EWE Wrestlemania 4…


Sean hears his voice being called from outside in the hall… Sean smiles in the mirror again before walking off…the camera slowly zooms into the mirror until the scene fades to black…

Fade to black


Next Match: Sean Lewis vs. Shawn Ashlocke
Card: Wrestlemania 4
Stipulation: Japanese Deathmatch

Singles W/L/D Record: 41/11/00
Tag Team W/L/D Record: 24/4/00

-Last EWE Undisputed Champ-
-2x EWE World Heavyweight Champ-
-1x EWE Tag Team Champ with Rikku-
-1x EWE X-Division Champ-
-1x EWE Mideastern Champ-
-2x EWE X-Core Champ-
-Longest Reigning X-Division Champ-
-Longest Reigning Tag Team Champ-
-Longest Reigning World Heavyweight Champ-
-2007 Xplosion Rumble Winner-
-2006 Superstar of the Year-
-2006 Best Male Feud-
-2006 Final Cut XTC Last Man Standing-
-2006 King of Xtreme-
-2005 Stable of the Year, PJ-
-2005 Storyline of the Year-
-2005 Tag Team of the Year-
-#1 Match of 2006-
-#6 Match of 2005-
-#2 Match of 2005-
-2004 Most Improved Superstar-

Found Gloria:
Alex Stone
Android #18
Benji Homan
Billy Kidman
Brooke McGuire
Cameron Hayden
Chris Burgess
Chris Ceno
Chris Jericho
Ciaran Michaels
Dan Taylor
Dylan North
Dylan Styles
Emperor Ben
Eric Dunkle
James Cage
Jason Scott
Jeff Rodgers
Jenny Rodgers
John Cena
Johnny Chaos
Juventud Guerrera
Kid Chaos
Kris Jaxson
Lance Mikes
Lynx Madison
Mark Chaos
Mark Cothiq
Mark Jindrak
Mark Payne
Mr. Man
Nero Phoenix
Petey Williams
Randy Orton
Red Light
Rob Van Dam
The Sandman
Seb Charleswood
Shaggy 2 Dope
Slade Craven
Super Crazy
Triple H
The Undertaker
Violent J
Will Westbrook
White Tiger

Name: Sean Lewis
Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Height: 5'10
Weight: 190 lbs
Finishing Moves: Gloria/Sharpshooter
Nickname: The Franchise, Slug
Allies: Cameron Hayden, White Tiger, White Tiger, Shawn Ashlocke, Rikku
Enemies:Chris Ceno, Johnny Chaos, Dan Taylor, James Ceno