D I S C L A I M E R  The following layout, graphical work, and animations are all exclusive property to Abdul Haseeb. This is made for the use of Sean Lewis in EWE, and wherever the fuck he intends to use it, apart from aWo (Anal Whores Organisation). You Can Steal this layout, but beware, I have encoded spy ware and viruses in the sql coding, the script is so clever, its invisible under your cheeky sons of bitches "view source" method. So you can steal, but your computer will get raped quicker than your mother on a night shift, so dont be an asshead, wear a condom. Have a Nice Day. This roleplay is exclusive property of Sean Lewis. 

{ scene one – yep }

The scene opens up inside of the exact press conference in which Shawn Ashlocke’s roleplay took place. The track from the DJ featuring a crowd full of cheering people is playing as the fans look confused by the fact to why they give a damn about his long lost sister…

That Ashlocke sure is a funny guy…

Jimmy coughs as the DJ hits the laugh track again… then quickly the curtain busts open… “Smart Went Crazy” by Atmosphere starts up and Sean Lewis walks threw… all the jaw in the room actually drop to the floor… Sean nods his head at the rest of the table as he sits down… Shawn breaks into a temper tantrum…

Sup fellas?

The people start to cheer as Sean cracks a little smile…

I thought he wasn’t coming… or something something…

Sean stands up and clears his throat…

Did you all really think that you could get rid of me that easy?

The crowd erupts…

Sure… maybe I am a big lying staff dick sucking bastard… maybe I really am the wrestling god that I am hyped up to be… we could play the maybe game all night for all I care… what matters is… I’m here… and things are going to get interesting…

Sean pauses…

First things first… congrats everyone here… all six of you… from the former Champion, Chris Ceno… to the X-Division and All American Champions, Cameron Hayden and Dan Taylor… to the Canadian prick, Shawn Ashlocke… to the new guy, Predator… and the King himself, Chris Steel… you all are getting a chance to be in the biggest main even in EWE history…

Sean stops again…

Seven men will walk down to the ring on Sunday night… Seven men will bust their ass to be at their best… and six men will come up short… but honestly boys, that’s life… and with me back in the match… that’s just how the cards are dealt… because I can already pick the 6 men that will be coming up short… and I can see them all at this table on both sides of me…

Sean pauses as the crowd cheers…

You need to understand what you are against ladies… I’m Sean Lewis… I’m arrogant… I’m a prick… and I’m better then you… as harsh as that may be, it’s the damn truth… and who can prove me wrong when I say that? It’s not like any of you here have done anything to prove me wrong as of late… in fact, unless your name is Johnny Chaos, White Tiger, Muhammad Hassan, Ciaran Michaels, Rikku, Edge, Kris Jaxson, or Eighteen… you haven’t beat me in a match… and you can flap your gums all you want about Wrestlemania Ashlocke… because you did lose… I was there…

Sean stops and walks down to where Ashlocke is sitting…

Now, you may have been able to fool the people here earlier… but not me… you’re no hero Ashlocke… you aren’t the man that got Sean Lewis to leave EWE… in fact, you’re nothing… since losing to me at Wrestlemania you have done nothing but lose matches and complain about losing matches… I’m not surprised about that eather…

Sean pauses…

It takes a special kind of man to commit to the fact that he is better then everyone else in a federation like Extreme Wrestling Entertainment… it takes a real man to admit defeat and figure out that he’s not god’ gift to Extreme Wrestling Entertainment… and don’t look at me like that kid… because believe me, I do think I’m better then everyone at this table… especially you… and the belt I have sitting out in the car speaks for that statement with a lot less words…

Sean stops…

I’m glad you brought the gay parade with you as well… your little ban of goons… Dan Taylor and Cameron Hayden… I have quite the history with Mr. Taylor…

Sean pauses again… and walks over near Dan Taylor…

Dan Taylor came into this company after I made an open challenge to him while he was still in AWO… he was claiming to be the Franchise… and there were always rumors of some bad blood between the two of floating around on the spoiler sites… but what most people didn’t know was that Slug actually spent some time in the AWO back in the good old days… yeah, I said it… when AWO was a legit fed, I was in it…

Sean pauses again as he laughs a little bit…

I was actually quickly noticed as a threat to the AWO’s big guns… known as the Player’s Club… which Dan Taylor happened to be a member of… well, Don tried his best to get me to join… but I didn’t… from there on out, I was my own man… and I guess I could say I owe a lot to the AWO for who I am today… but on second thought… NOT!

Sean stops again…

But Dan… he’s a smart man… he came to the EWE and we had a little feud… and as of recent events it looks like he still thinks it’s there after I beat him twice already… and I know it’s not my style to just talk about who I have beat before… but when it comes to how badly I beat Dan Taylor on that Xplosion and at Final Destination… I get a little room to brag… but enough about the reject… lets take a look at the new guy… Predator…

Sean walks over by Predator…

Now… I’m confused buddy… but who in the blue hell are you?

The crowd boos… Sean smiles…

I mean, I know you came from Chaos… but who are you trying to impress with a resume like that? Sure, you came out and saved my ass from some Cameron Hayden chair shots… but still… I have no idea who you are…

Sean stops again…

Off the top of my head, you’re a multi time EWE Mideastern Champion… guess what slick… been there, done that… in fact, I was the Mideastern champion at the exact same time that I was the X-Division and Tag Team champion… now, can you say that? Can ANYONE at this table say that?

Sean looks around as no one says anything…

I’m one of the most decorated superstars in EWE history… and all of you here are considered the new generation of EWE… How did you even earn this match… and this is what will some day replace me? Get over it people… I’m here to stay… and look what I have here…

Sean walks away from Predator and over to Chris Ceno…

Look what the cat drug in… or Panther… or whatever you’re going to call yourself this week… now, if there is one person at the table that I have beaten up more then Dan Taylor… it’s this guy… Chris Ceno is here to save the day, and ruin the Retribution main event…

Sean pauses as the crowd laughs…

Having you in this match, Chris, makes it just that much more of a FACT that I am going to retain my World Heavyweight Championship… and yeah, I know it’s almost been a year since you pinned me to the ground after I knocked myself out from leaping off of a hell in a cell… but since then, you have done nothing but gotten beat down by me… in fact, the last time we had a good fight was at Chill Factor… and I made you tap in the sharpshooter!

Sean pauses…

Chris Ceno has lost to me more times then anyone cares to keep track… he may be a two time World Heavyweight Champion and a former X-Tag Team champion… but he’s still an ass head…

Sean starts to walk away from Ceno…

Speaking of ass… we have the King… of… Porn…

Sean pauses as the crowd erupts and Chris Steel does a little salute to the crowd…

There is no doubt that Chris Steel is a big freaking deal here in the EWE… he’s a former Mideastern and Television champion… plus he’s won a lot of our battle royals at our pay per views… he was once the leader of the embassy… a UKW legend… and honestly, once of the coolest guys in the back…

Sean pauses…

But you can’t let the free naked celebrities fool you… Chris Steel knows how to get the job done… if you all can remember back to when he took on Law for the EWE Championship… Chris Steel put on a hell of a show and came up short… now, I’m not saying I wouldn’t expect much of the same for this coming weekend… but if Chris Steel does win… who wouldn’t mark out?

Sean pauses and walks over by Cameron Hayden…

Ah yes… the final bitch in the kennel known as the Exiles… our current X-Division champion and X-Tag Champion with Mr. Ashlocke… Cameron Hayden… now, people made a big deal about when I went heel… you just can’t keep yourself happy with what side you’re on…

Sean stops…

You could easily be the most dominant man in the EWE… but you can’t cut your ties with your little trainer… look at Predator and Danny Danger… so you see them hanging onto Shawn like you do? Are you worried you’re going to lose a few matches or something… because to be honest… the last few tag matches you two lost, were all his fault… and you know it…

Sean pauses…

Hell, until he came back to the EWE… you were on your way to being the top star on Xplosion… all you had to do was wait until after Wrestlemania to get a title shot… but since then, your ranking has obviously gone down… You need to get off Ashlocke’s cock Hayden… because we both know that if you do pull this off on Sunday and walk out as EWE World Heavyweight Champion… Ashlocke will dump you for himself… be a smart man Cameron… be a SMART man…

Sean pauses and takes a seat at his chair…

Alright… I guess I’ll take some questions…

A man raises his hand and Sean points at him…

How about this dumb guy… what is your dumb question?

~Dumb Guy~
What are you doing here… I thought you walked out of the EWE?

Sean looks confused…

You must have me confused with a certain drunken Scottish man with a body stink problem… because I know Roddy Piper left the EWE earlier in the week… but I don’t remember EVER hearing about Sean Lewis leaving… Next dumb question…

Sean points at the next guy…

~Jerry from Wrestleview.com~
Jerry from Wrestleview.com… Sean, you’re defending your title against six other men… do you really think you can pull it off?

Well Jerry from spoiler site dot shit… yes, I really do… how many times have I over come the odds… shocked the crowd… and did the unthinkable…

Sean pauses…

Yeah, I lost track too… see my point… listen folks, I am defending my EWE World Heavyweight title against Shawn Ashlocke, Cameron Hayden, Dan Taylor, Chris Ceno, Predator, and Chris Steel… sure it doesn’t sound like an easy task, but I’ll do my best… and I’ll save you the time of having to give a shit about my long lost sister, my campaign to become president, or the journey to find my father… because I’m here for one thing this week people… and that’s to do what I do best… win…


Sean stands back up from his chair and walks off the stage as the crowd keeps asking him questions… the scene fades away as he goes backstage…

Fade to black


Next Match: Sean Lewis vs. Ashlocke vs. Hayden vs. Predator vs. Ceno vs. Steel vs. Taylor
Card: Retribution
Stipulation: King of the Mountain

Singles W/L/D Record: 43/12/00
Tag Team W/L/D Record: 24/4/00

-Last EWE Undisputed Champ-
-3x EWE World Heavyweight Champ-
-1x EWE Tag Team Champ with Rikku-
-1x EWE X-Division Champ-
-1x EWE Mideastern Champ-
-2x EWE X-Core Champ-
-Longest Reigning X-Division Champ-
-Longest Reigning Tag Team Champ-
-Longest Reigning World Heavyweight Champ-
-2007 Xplosion Rumble Winner-
-2006 Superstar of the Year-
-2006 Best Male Feud-
-2006 Final Cut XTC Last Man Standing-
-2006 King of Xtreme-
-2005 Stable of the Year, PJ-
-2005 Storyline of the Year-
-2005 Tag Team of the Year-
-#1 Match of 2006-
-#6 Match of 2005-
-#2 Match of 2005-
-2004 Most Improved Superstar-

Found Gloria:
Alex Stone
Android #18
Benji Homan
Billy Kidman
Brooke McGuire
Cameron Hayden
Chris Burgess
Chris Ceno
Chris Jericho
Ciaran Michaels
Dan Taylor
Dylan North
Dylan Styles
Emperor Ben
Eric Dunkle
James Cage
Jason Scott
Jeff Rodgers
Jenny Rodgers
John Cena
Johnny Chaos
Juventud Guerrera
Kid Chaos
Kris Jaxson
Lance Mikes
Lynx Madison
Mark Chaos
Mark Cothiq
Mark Jindrak
Mark Payne
Mr. Man
Nero Phoenix
Petey Williams
Randy Orton
Red Light
Rob Van Dam
The Sandman
Seb Charleswood
Shaggy 2 Dope
Shawn Ashlocke
Slade Craven
Super Crazy
Triple H
The Undertaker
Violent J
Will Westbrook
White Tiger

Name: Sean Lewis
Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Height: 5'10
Weight: 190 lbs
Finishing Moves: Gloria/Sharpshooter
Nickname: The Franchise, Slug
Allies: White Tiger, Eighteen, Rikku
Enemies:Chris Ceno, Johnny Chaos, Dan Taylor, Shawn Ashlocke, Cameron Hayden