D I S C L A I M E R  The following layout, graphical work, and animations are all exclusive property to Abdul Haseeb. This is made for the use of Sean Lewis in EWE, and wherever the fuck he intends to use it, apart from aWo (Anal Whores Organisation). You Can Steal this layout, but beware, I have encoded spy ware and viruses in the sql coding, the script is so clever, its invisible under your cheeky sons of bitches "view source" method. So you can steal, but your computer will get raped quicker than your mother on a night shift, so dont be an asshead, wear a condom. Have a Nice Day. This roleplay is exclusive property of Sean Lewis. 

{ scene one – the strip }

The scene opens up outside of the MGM Grand in Las Vegas… just hours before the King of Xtreme pay per view will start. Sean Lewis is shown sitting on a bench out in front of the building doing a little bit of people watching…

I look around here tonight… and I realize that the dream of one man is going to be fulfilled… and the dreams of a few others will be destroyed… last year, I had my dream come true… now, they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas… but that isn’t true at all on a night like tonight… because what happens tonight in Vegas… directly effects what happens at Wrestlemania 4…

Sean pauses and laughs a little bit…

To me… life is a lot like Vegas… I live my life 24 hours a day… I’m putting on a show every hour on the hour… I’m a hard working kid… plus, I like the drinking, gambling, and the hookers. Vegas is one of the biggest small towns on the planet… and after spending the last week in this amazing town… seeing it’s night life, day life, and even hospital… I wonder to myself… how was I not raised here?

Sean leans back and notices someone very familiar walking down the street… it’s Christy Chaos!

Well hello there Ms. Chaos…

Christy quickly recognizes Sean and gets an excited look on her face…

Sean… how are you doing? I haven’t talked to you forever!

Yeah… I was about to say… I don’t think I’ve talked to you since like… Summerslam or something like that…

Too long for sure…

How’s Derrick?


What… I meant that in the best way possible…

No… you didn’t… you probably took what Johnny said to heart…

Not at all…

You think you can just get with me since we’re in Vegas? You think that Johnny know anything about me anymore… oh wait, you probably want to go get married or something stupid just to get under my brother’s skin…

Christy, knock it off… I don’t want to hook up with you… I don’t want to take advantage of you… I don’t want to get married…

Christy gets a evil little smile across her face…


Well… I mean… we are in Vegas right?


You’ve gambled… you’ve gotten wasted… you’ve slept with hookers… all under the legal age here in Nevada…


There is only one thing you haven’t done yet here in Las Vegas… and that’s gotten married at a drive up chapel…

Sean rolls his eyes…

Weren’t you just telling me about how you aren’t some easy skank like your brother said?

Oh it will just be for fun Sean…

What about Derrick… I don’t think he would like it very much…

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas…

Sean blinks then pauses for a moment… he looks across the street where a building it shown with a sign reading “Drive Up Chapel… We’ll Hitch You In 30 Minutes Or Less”… Sean looks up at Christy for a second before she grabs him by the hand and pulls him across the street to the building… they step in and amazingly find it dead as a door nail… only a Wayne Netwon look alike at the alter…

Well hello there… you two look great tonight… looking to get married?

Yes we are... right honey?

Sean is still a little stunned… then he suddenly snaps out of it…

Yeah… getting married… we are… yes…

Well if we can get you to sign some of this paper work…

The guy keeps talking and Christy starts to fill out the paperwork… Sean sits down and thinks to himself about what he’s getting himself into… It’s only for fun right… or will he really be married to Christy Chaos… he use to like her a lot… but She’s dating DDD… suddenly Christy hands the papers to Sean and Sean just signs them with out reading them… before he knows it they are up at the alter…

So do you, Christy Chaos, take Sean Lewis to be your lawfully wedded husband… for better or for worse… rich or poor…

I do…

Do you, Sean Lewis, take Christy Chaos to be your lawfully wedded wife… for better or for worse… rich or poor…

Sean pauses for a moment… then gets his trademark grin…

Hell yeah…

With the power invested in me from the state of Nevada… I now pronounce the new Mr. and Mrs. Sean Lewis… you may kiss the bride…

Sean pauses again… then kisses Christy…

Wow… Vegas, Vegas, Vegas…

The scene slowly fades away with Sean and Christy standing at the alter…

Fade to black

{ scene two – go time }

The scene opens up backstage at the King of Xtreme… the show is about to start… a lot of the superstars are walking around the backstage area already in their ring gear… Sean Lewis is one of them… Sean is shown jumping around and stretching out… he starts to roll his shoulder when he notices Shawn Michaels and Triple H walk up to him…

Long live the king…

Ah… DX… I thought I smelt four year old cheese…

~Triple H~
Always a funny guy… such a class act… how do you do it Sean?

I sleep a lot…

You just storm back into the EWE… kick everyone’s asses… and it’s just “no big deal to you”… freaking amazing…

Yeah… but didn’t you guys just “burst into the EWE” and win the tag titles?

~Triple H~
I guess you can kinda look at it like that… but still… a lot more people were shocked by your return.

Enough about my return… it happened a freaking month ago, if people aren’t over that they need to find a new favorite star or something. It’s the King of Xtreme… why aren’t you two on pins and needles like I was last year?

Well… if we’re gonna win, then we’re gonna win… no use in getting all worked up over nothing.

Sean nods his head but doesn’t really understand what Shawn said…

~Triple H~
Alex Stone hasn’t put anything AMAZING up… so what’s our rush to get all excited about the match… it’s pretty much a two on one match… it’s the whole White Tiger and Cameron Hayden thing that will get everyone watching.

Those two are going to tear each other a part…

Yeah, that is true… either way, who ever wins this King of Xtreme honestly deserves it. It’s hard work… and well… if you work that hard, you should get a big pay off.

Yeah… well, we gotta go cause some trouble and talk about out penis’ before our match… so yeah… good luck…

Sean pauses and thinks for a moment as Triple H and Shawn Michaels walk away… Sean then shakes his head…

I really hope I don’t turn out like those guys…

Sean continues to stretch and get warmed up when suddenly he feels the presence of someone else near him… he looks to his right… and there he is… The Rock…


~The Rock~
What’s up Jabroni?

Umm nothing… do I know you or something?

~The Rock~
I’m The Ro…


Sean starts to laugh… and he even puts his hand on The Rock’s chest to hold him up from falling down while laughing so hard… Sean then notices The Rock isn’t laughing… Sean then stops laughing… then he takes in a deep breath… then nods his head a little…

~The Rock~
Are you done?

Yes sir…

~The Rock~
You see Sean… the Rock noticed something when he came to the EWE… he noticed that there wasn’t as much buzz about The Rock coming… there wasn’t a red carpet pushed out for the Rock’s feet to step on… there wasn’t a big party…


~The Rock~
I didn’t like that…

Well Rocky… from what I hear… no one gets any special treatment when they join the EWE… look at Dan Taylor… he came to the EWE from the AWO, and he was the AWO’s big boy… he lost his debut match against Chris Ceno!

~The Rock~
The Rock is not in the same class as that Obi Won Jabroni…

You’re right… but we’ve had a billion of you “Rocks” come into the EWE, not do much, then leave… so stick around… and maybe you’ll become a big deal… I mean, I love The Rock… there is no man the planet with the charisma, the attitude, or the electricity… you know… IF YOU SMELLLLLLLLLLL…

The Rock covers Sean’s mouth… then The Rock shakes his head before walking away from Sean… Sean then notices Trixy walking towards him…

Trixy… I love these cross brand Pay Per Views… I get to get interviewed by you!

Aww Sean… always the charmer… mind if we do a quick interview for EWE.com about tonight’s HUGE pay per view?

I’m down… whenever you’re ready…

Trixy motions for her camera crew to come over… Sean starts tp pace back and forth again as Trixy starts talking…

Here we are EWE.com fans… it’s Sunday Night, and the King of Xtreme is about to start… I’m here with the 2006 King of Xtreme… and a man that will be facing Johnny Chaos for the EWE World Heavyweight Championship tonight… The Franchise, Sean Lewis… Sean, how are you feeling 365 days after shocking the world and winning the 2006 King of Xtreme?

I’ll tell you what Trixy… I am feeling damn… DAMN… DAMN DAMN DAMN GOOD… we’re in Las Vegas… and on the same night that the WWE is having their Royal Rumble, the EWE is about to steal away the ratings with the ever more entertaining King of Xtreme tourney… and not to mention the EWE World Heavyweight Championship match…

Sean, before we get to Johnny Chaos… Law had a few remarks about you… your thoughts?

It’s not like it was anything new out of the bald kid’s mouth. He seems to think that I slept my way to the top of the EWE or something… and he claims to be the hardest working man in the EWE… a true champion’s champion… I say poop on that! When Chaos lost Randy Orton and Emperor Ben… who else did they have? NO ONE… so they turned to the Mideastern champion… Law… now Law, you want a match with me? You want to go one on one with the REAL great one? You want me to help you get famous here in the EWE? Law… let me make this crystal clear… I don’t hit you from behind… I kick your ass with your eyes looking into mine… I’ve pinned you twice, I’ve Gloria’d you three times… and I wouldn’t take any back… don’t get an attitude with me because you can’t play with a real man like Sean Lewis… and when I have an open week, I would love to kick your ass once and for all. Every man that has made a big deal out of facing me… has lost… look at the list… NO ONE can get the job done. Talk to your little butt buddy of a tag partner about it too… Johnny Chaos knows all too well about me kicking his ass…

Johnny Chaos is your opponent for tonight… you two have quite the history…

History indeed… more like I’ve kicked his ass five times already in my career. Now, Johnny and I were both members of WWC… the fed that got bought out by EWE, and that actually brought me to the EWE… Johnny was already a member of the EWE, but still… we knew each other from WAY back… I never had a problem with the guy, hell, we were in the EWE together for more then a year before we finally started ticking each other off. When Poetic Justice started gaining more member… Johnny joined Revolution X… then down the road, we ended up meeting for his Mideastern title and my X-Division title… I killed him.

Sean pauses…

A lot like the King of Xtreme semis last year… I killed him again… and tonight, in the very match that I made famous… made ME famous… and ruined the careers of a few unlucky souls… a barbwire ladder match… for the most prestigious title in the EWE… no, not Law’s little EWE Championship… if I wanted to be the champion of EWE, I would be on Chaos… but I like being the Heavyweight Champion of the WORLD… and yeah… the WORLD includes EWE…

So you’re feeling pretty confident?

Trixy, when I came back to the EWE… I had a list of things to do… one was to help Xplosion win the Final Cut XTC… CHECK… the other was to win back the EWE World Heavyweight Championship… soon to be check… and the third was to headline Wrestlemania and defend my title… soon to be a check as well… yes, I’m writing Johnny Chaos off… his time in the spot light is over. Sean Lewis is back in full swing, and shit just… so prepare to the old Sean Lewis… the Sean Lewis EVERYONE loves… tonight, I go back to the top of the EWE, with both arms raised… as The Universal Hardcore Icon… the ORIGINAL KING OF XTREME… The SLUG… The Franchise… and one of a kind SEAN LEWIS…

Sean pauses…

The man who worked his way into your hearts… from K~Dawg to Shawn Michaels… the man… the myth… the hype… the bomb… the legend… Sean Lewis is back folks… and tonight… I bring home my third EWE World Heavyweight Championship…

Well Sean, before we wrap this up and get you on your way… you were in the King of Xtreme last year… who do you see walking out with it this year?

The King of Xtreme is about staying collective and working as hard as you need to for your body to get threw the set of matches in one night… these suckers have 2 matches, last year I had three in one night… a TLC and an Ultimate X… two of the EWE’s most amazing match types… in my eyes, everyone has a shot… I mean, who counted on me last year? Alex Stone is out to prove some shit… Cameron Hayden has most of the same… DX is always a pleasure to watch in the ring… and White Tiger is White Tiger… so don’t ever count him out… the victor will earn it and deserve it, that’s as much as I can say… well, not really…

What else can you say then?

I was hoping you would ask…


Sean nods his head before Trixy waves her hand for the interview to end… the scene slowly fades away as Sean continues to stretch and get ready as he watches a dark match on a TV monitor…

Fade to black


Next Match: Sean Lewis vs. Johnny Chaos
Card: King of Xtreme 2007
Stipulation: Barbwire Ladder

Singles W/L/D Record: 37/10/00
Tag Team W/L/D Record: 21/4/00

-Last EWE Undisputed Champ-
-2x EWE World Heavyweight Champ-
-1x EWE Tag Team Champ with Rikku-
-1x EWE X-Division Champ-
-1x EWE Mideastern Champ-
-2x EWE X-Core Champ-
-2006 Final Cut XTC Last Man Standing-
-2006 King of Xtreme-
-2005 Stable of the Year, PJ-
-2005 Storyline of the Year-
-2005 Tag Team of the Year-
-#6 Match of 2005-
-#2 Match of 2005-
-2004 Most Improved Superstar-

Found Gloria:
Android #18
Benji Homan
Billy Kidman
Brooke McGuire
Cameron Hayden
Chris Burgess
Chris Ceno
Chris Jericho
Ciaran Michaels
Dan Taylor
Dylan North
Dylan Styles
Emperor Ben
Eric Dunkle
James Cage
Jason Scott
Jeff Rodgers
Jenny Rodgers
John Cena
Johnny Chaos
Juventud Guerrera
Kid Chaos
Kris Jaxson
Lance Mikes
Mark Chaos
Mark Cothiq
Mark Jindrak
Mark Payne
Mr. Man
Nero Phoenix
Petey Williams
Randy Orton
Red Light
Rob Van Dam
The Sandman
Seb Charleswood
Shaggy 2 Dope
Slade Craven
Super Crazy
Triple H
The Undertaker
Violent J
Will Westbrook
White Tiger

Name: Sean Lewis
Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Height: 5'10
Weight: 190 lbs
Finishing Moves: Gloria/Sharpshooter
Nickname: The Franchise, Slug
Allies: Cameron Hayden, James Ceno, White Tiger, White Tiger, Shawn Ashlocke
Enemies:Chris Ceno, Johnny Chaos, Dan Taylor