D I S C L A I M E R  The following layout, graphical work, and animations are all exclusive property to Abdul Haseeb. This is made for the use of Sean Lewis in EWE, and wherever the fuck he intends to use it, apart from aWo (Anal Whores Organisation). You Can Steal this layout, but beware, I have encoded spy ware and viruses in the sql coding, the script is so clever, its invisible under your cheeky sons of bitches "view source" method. So you can steal, but your computer will get raped quicker than your mother on a night shift, so dont be an asshead, wear a condom. Have a Nice Day. This roleplay is exclusive property of Sean Lewis. 

{ scene one – the hospital }

The scene slowly opens up as if someone was opening their eyes after a long rest… there is a beeping in the background and the scene finally comes into focus… the camera looks around the room and until it finally changes to a view across the room… showing Sean Lewis hooked up to some machines in a hospital bed…

Sean looks very confused… he looks over at a machine beeping every time he takes a breath… Sean starts to sit up and gets light headed… so he lays back down…

What the hell is going on?

Sean thinks for a moment then starts to hold his breath… the machine beeping starts going into panic mode… moments later a doctor and a nurse storm into the room… Sean lets his breath out…

Good morning…

Mr. Lewis… we weren’t expecting you to wake up for a few more hours…

Right… where I am?

You are at Las Vegas regional hospital…

Sean ponders for a moment…


You don’t remember anything from last night do you?

Did I get breast implants?

Sean feels his chest… then lets out a sigh of relief…

Just try to think back… maybe you will remember some of it as you wake up…

Sean starts to really focus and think…

Well… I remember some gambling… a lot of gambling… then some drinking… a lot of drinking… and some hookers… two… three… eight hookers…

Who’s counting?


Well Sean… you were brought to the hospital after you failed to arrive at a press conference yesterday… and when they went to your hotel room, you were passed out under a pile of also passed out hookers…

Sweet… when can I leave?

Well… after we finish our tests and make sure you’re in tip top condition to compete on Sunday, then you are free to go.

Sounds good to me…

There is a knock at the door… the nurse opens it and Shawn Ashlocke and Cameron Hayden are shown walking into the room… Sean’s eyes get wide…

Hey there boys… what do I owe this occasion?

Rumor has it you maxed out Piper’s EWE credit card on booze and knob jobs…

Booze yes… knob jobs no… it was a half and half for starters… but yeah, I guess I spent a lot of money.

You’re not even 21…

Who asked?

The doctor and nurse leave the room as Cameron and Sean share a laugh… Ashlocke watches the nurse’s ass as the door shuts behind them.

Dude, you called me… you were a mess last night…

Who buys that many hookers? Did you have a rubber on?

I have no fucking clue… I pray to god that I had a rubber on…

Or at least you passed out before anything important could happen…

Oh well… I’m fine… or at least I am until the doctors say otherwise…

Fuck it… what do they know anyways… you have a match on Sunday…

Yeah… so what did I miss while I was out cold for the night?

I shot Emperor Ben with a gun…

Is he OK?

He’s dead…


Sean and Cameron share a high five…

I got another promo in for my match… still no sign of Chris Ceno… I’m not surprised though…

I haven’t heard anything from Chris Ceno since I curb stomped his monkey ass last week at ShowDown…

Alright… well… Johnny Chas get anything up yet for my title match?

No sir…

Figures… oh well, looks like I’ll have to take a little bit of a lead then.

You have to beat him dude… then it would be Cameron Hayden against Sean Lewis at Wrestlemania 4… imagine the mass amounts of panties tossed towards the ring…

Plus some boxers for you…

Racing stripes included fruit cake…


Umm… I don’t think either of us said that… anyways… yeah, I would be totally down with a Lewis and Hayden match at Wrestlemania 4… that sounds like something that would sell a few tickets…

Just remember that you need to get threw Johnny Chaos…

There is a brief moment of silence before all three of them break into laughter…

I’m not all that worried about what Johnny Chaos brings to this epic battle… it’s my kind of match… a match that Mr. McMahon made to punish me… yet, ended up sidelining Kris Jaxson for a few months… then at the King of Xtreme last year… one round before beating Johnny Chaos, just figured I would toss that in there… I beat Snake in a barbwire ladder match that really effected his career… then the week after I lost the World Heavyweight title to Chris Ceno…

What a dark day…

It’s alright… we made it threw… because Ceno lost the title to me a week after in a barbwire ladder match. Now… I may be talking out of my ass… but as far as I can see, I’m almost unstoppable in these ladder matches… I’m three and zero in barbwire ladder matches… and I’ve lost count of how many ladder matches I have won in the EWE… all that matters is that the loss column still had a big number zero next to it.

You’re even beaten Chaos in a TLC match…

Yep… a year ago at the King of Xtreme… plus a few other times… it doesn’t get old though… our matches are classics and he makes me look damn good.

The doctor and nurse step back into the room… Sean, Cameron, and Shawn all look at him as he looks at his clip board…

Well, it’s looking like you’re free to go Mr. Lewis…

Score… lets go, we got some King of Xtremes to win… or whatever…

Sean sits up in his chair as the scene starts to fade to black…

Fade to black

{ scene two – bloody hell }

The scene opens up back in the hotel room where Sean Lewis’ first promo took place… only there aren’t any hookers laying around the room… what a shame. Sean is shown sitting on a couch watching the TV… the camera pans around to show what he’s watching… and it’s clips from old Barbwire Ladder matches…

It truly is is a disastrous match… people walk into the match scared shitless… and walk out even worse. The ropes are removed, and replaced with barbwire… the title is hanging twenty feet above the ring… and the ladder you use to get to the top is wrapped in barbwire… who walks down to that ring for a match like that with a smile on their face knowing what they are getting into?

The video then shows Sean Lewis walking down to the ring with a huge shit eating grin on his face while Blue Panther looks very scared…

I love it… I have never inflicted as much pain in a single match as I have in my three rounds in this EWE original. I have taken great superstars and broken them in half… made them sit out for months… and never return the same.

Sean pauses and the video shows him tossing Blue Panther from the ladder and onto the barbwire ropes…

Johnny Chaos should know this first hand… at last year’s King of Xtreme we faced off in the semi finals… and we took each other to the limit in our second TLC match. Push came to shove… and I came out on top… and made it to the finals where I won the 2006 King of Xtreme. Now… most people didn’t notice, care, or whatever… but Johnny Chaos suffered a serious injury in our match… and he was sidelined until Wrestlemania… when he took on Jimmy Justice… what a joke. While I worked my ass off to win the King of Xtreme and Wrestlemania… he took a few months off and beat up an EWE commentator… such a good guy.

Sean pauses again…

Johnny, you’re in WAY over your head. This match is already out of your grasp. That EWE World Heavyweight Title is days away from going back to the greatest champion of all time… and I’m not talking about that ASS HEAD in which I share the record with…

The screen changes on the TV showing Sean Lewis holding Ben in the sharpshooter at EWE ShowDown…

Ben can run his mouth about anything he wants… obviously it doesn’t make sense half the time due to his lack of brains and severe trauma I put him threw his last stay in the EWE… but Ben seems to think that I am the same wrestler as a over seven foot monster of a man? Ben… I don’t know what kind of drugs they have moving around in circulation in the land down under… but please… hook a brother up!

Sean laughs for a moment as the video changes to White Tiger and Cameron Hayden in one of their previous matches…

Now, I’ve heard it all too much… I’m rooting for Cameron Hayden, right? WRONG… I don’t give a damn who wins the King of Xtreme… both White Tiger and Cameron Hayden are very capable of doing what is needed to win this thing… I would love to face Cameron Hayden at Wrestlemania 4… I would love to face White Tiger at Wrestlemania 4… the way I see it, Cameron Hayden does seem to be a lot like me, but I’ll be the first person to tell you that is far from the truth… and a match between the two of us would obviously blow the world up… and White Tiger… he is the man… there will never be another White Tiger… and Jeff has made me the man I am today… and why not have another White Tiger versus Sean Lewis match… I mean, that’s what the main event should have been last year…

Sean pauses again…

So Johnny Chaos… bring your neck brace… bring your band aids… bring your back board… because I promise you that you are not leaving in any good shape. You’re stepping into the water… and this shark smells blood… The way I see it… the title is as good as mine…


Sean puts his legs up on the coffee tables in front of the couch and turns the TV off… the scene slowly fades to black…

Fade to black


Next Match: Sean Lewis vs. Someone
Card: Xplosion
Stipulation: Singles

Singles W/L/D Record: 37/10/00
Tag Team W/L/D Record: 21/4/00

-Last EWE Undisputed Champ-
-2x EWE World Heavyweight Champ-
-1x EWE Tag Team Champ with Rikku-
-1x EWE X-Division Champ-
-1x EWE Mideastern Champ-
-2x EWE X-Core Champ-
-2006 Final Cut XTC Last Man Standing-
-2006 King of Xtreme-
-2005 Stable of the Year, PJ-
-2005 Storyline of the Year-
-2005 Tag Team of the Year-
-#6 Match of 2005-
-#2 Match of 2005-
-2004 Most Improved Superstar-

Found Gloria:
Android #18
Benji Homan
Billy Kidman
Brooke McGuire
Cameron Hayden
Chris Burgess
Chris Ceno
Chris Jericho
Ciaran Michaels
Dan Taylor
Dylan North
Dylan Styles
Emperor Ben
Eric Dunkle
James Cage
Jason Scott
Jeff Rodgers
Jenny Rodgers
John Cena
Johnny Chaos
Juventud Guerrera
Kid Chaos
Kris Jaxson
Lance Mikes
Mark Chaos
Mark Cothiq
Mark Jindrak
Mark Payne
Mr. Man
Nero Phoenix
Petey Williams
Randy Orton
Red Light
Rob Van Dam
The Sandman
Seb Charleswood
Shaggy 2 Dope
Slade Craven
Super Crazy
Triple H
The Undertaker
Violent J
Will Westbrook
White Tiger

Name: Sean Lewis
Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Height: 5'10
Weight: 190 lbs
Finishing Moves: Gloria/Sharpshooter
Nickname: The Franchise, Slug
Allies: Cameron Hayden, James Ceno, White Tiger, White Tiger, Shawn Ashlocke
Enemies:Chris Ceno, Johnny Chaos, Dan Taylor