D I S C L A I M E R  The following layout, graphical work, and animations are all exclusive property to Abdul Haseeb. This is made for the use of Sean Lewis in EWE, and wherever the fuck he intends to use it, apart from aWo (Anal Whores Organisation). You Can Steal this layout, but beware, I have encoded spy ware and viruses in the sql coding, the script is so clever, its invisible under your cheeky sons of bitches "view source" method. So you can steal, but your computer will get raped quicker than your mother on a night shift, so dont be an asshead, wear a condom. Have a Nice Day. This roleplay is exclusive property of Sean Lewis. 

{ scene one – post Showdown }

The scene opens up from black to show the backstage area after the most recent ShowDown show. The show has come to an end, and a lot of the superstars are shown backstage hanging out and talking about King of Xtreme and such. The most notable of the stars are Sean Lewis, Rikku, White Tiger, Alex Stone, and K~Dawg…

Damn, those ShowDown’s are always a freaking blast… those fans went nuts when we came out!

Yeah… it felt so good to walk out to hearing “D… O… D” one last time.

Last time? Maybe it’s a sign… maybe you two should team back up or something…

Jeff… don’t scare the EWE tag divisions like that… someone might hear you an take you serious… I’m guessing 90% of the tag teams here would leave the freaking company… we’ve already established that DOD can’t be beaten.

Well… there was that one time that Eighteen and I got you guys…

We don’t talk about that…

The tag titles are a thing of the past… they are over the shoulders of some washed up WWE rejects… Shawn Michaels and Triple H…

Lets not even go there…

Hey dude… I can’t think of a more brutal match type for the king of Xtreme then a handicap TLC match…

You’re telling me… but don’t worry about me… I’m not going to let some degenerates stop me from winning the King of Xtreme…

What about a overly aggressive large cat?

Alex raises and eye brow…

Maybe you should worry about getting threw Cameron Hayden before you start talking about the finals of the King of Xtreme… I would rather have a handicap match then have to take on Hayd-O.

Sean steps between the two…

Lets keep the estrogen levels to a minimum level here ladies… we are all very capable of winning our matches at King of Xtreme… going onto Wrestlemania and putting on a damn good show for the respectable titles of our brand…

Sean feels K~Dawg looking at him from the corner of his eye…

And the International title is a very respectable title… for the few of us here not in the position to main event Wrestlemania four…

K~Dawg looks a little sad once Sean looks at him…

What’s a matter mack daddy?

Sean dude… I haven’t defended a title in the EWE ever! What the hell is my problem?

I’m going to go out on a limb an say it’s that you just get too excited… maybe that’s not it, but that’s how I see it. Umm… look at White Tiger… he lost the X-Division title to me just a week after winning it…

Oh I remember that!

But with that loss… it launched Sean Lewis into the star light… and let me focus on the EWE title… and hey, I’m pretty sure Alex Stone lost the TV title in his first defense…

Ah yes… nothing better then being reminded that you lost the lowest EWE title of all time in a week… good times… oh well, you can’t win ‘em all…

Not true… I didn’t lost a match for like… eleven months… and I haven’t lost since coming back to EWE at Final Cut.

But… Chris Ceno was the man who broke that streak…

Alright… enough of this garbage… we can sit here all day and talk shit… all that really matters is that the five of us all have some huge matches at King of Xtreme… and we all deserve a little support… right?

They all nod their heads… Sean puts his arms up in the air and starts to walk to the other side of the room… he stands next to the wall and starts to rub his head with his hand… a door next to him opens and Law walks out holding the EWE title…

Why the long face Slug?

Bah… nothing really… just tired from tonight… getting back into the swing of things is a lot harder then I thought it was going to be… I mean, I’m cashing in my rematch clause… and a year ago, I think I was a lot more ready then right now…

Wait… the legendary Sean Lewis is getting butter flies about a match against a man he has beaten more times then girls he has been with?

Sean lets out a sarcastic laugh…

Aren’t you on the outside looking in… last I checked, you don’t exactly have a win over my friend Rikku…

No… I don’t… and I was excited as hell when she came over to Chaos…

Well… I am rooting for her, you know that… but I’m not going to break down and cry if you beat her. For you to lose that title now, and not get to fight for it at Wrestlemania just wouldn’t be right…

You’re telling me!

It’s like… exactly a year ago, I was getting ready for the biggest match of my life… the King of Xtreme… I beat Snake in a barbwire ladder match… then Johnny Chaos in a TLC match… and finally Carlito in a cage match… all in the same night. I didn’t even get worried…

It’s pretty safe to say that Johnny Chaos a year ago isn’t the same Johnny Chaos you’re getting ready to face…

Sounds about right...

But 5 and 0…

Yep… First I won the Mideastern title form him… then knocked him out of the King of Xtreme… then at Final Cut I beat him again… then a few weeks ago after he won the title I pinned him in the 6 man tag match… plus earlier tonight Rikku and I beat you and him…

Tell me about it… I mean, I know I could have offered more…

Agreed… you weren’t yourself out there… I mean, the other two times I gave you the Gloria you went “WEEEEE!” until your face hit the mat…

Anyways… back to the 5-0 thing…

Only for you… wait, come to think of it… has the World Heavyweight Champ even won a match since starting his second reign… hmm… first he lost to me in the 6 man tag match… then to Chris Burgess… then to Alex Shelly and Abyss… hmm… then tonight to me and Rikku again… wow… poor guy is actually screwed!

It’s looking that way…

That’s no way to talk about your partner…

MY PARTNER wasn’t around when I was getting pinned… our partnership is over… none the less… Mr. Lewis, I bid you good luck… you’re going to need it.

Sounds good shiny head…

Sean extends his hand to shake Law’s hand… but Law just looks at it… Sean then rubs Law’s bald head before walking away from the scene… the scene then fades to a black as it zooms in on Law’s bald head…

Fade to black

{ scene two – he shoots, he scores }

The scene opens up with the faint sounds of “Viva Las Vegas” playing in the background… the scene shows what looks like a hotel room… the door of the hotel room is suddenly kicked open and a man and two women walk in…

The man is dressed in an Elvis costume… and as far as you know, it is Elvis… the two women aren’t wearing much clothing at all… and they are singing Elvis songs as the man sits down on the couch… The camera slowly zooms in on the man… and it ends up being Sean Lewis in the Elvis suit… fully equipped with fake sideburns…

Thank you… thank you very much… my people, this is Law Vegas… and until this boy packs up his bags and heads down the dusty trail at the end of Sunday night… I own this fucking town…

Sean pauses as his two lady friends sit down next to him on the couch…

Mr. Piper has given me the company credit card to experience the Vegas life for all it’s worth… so I’m taking advantage of everything Vegas has… the hookers… the gambling… the shows… and the hookers… HA!

One of the hookers puts one of her hands on Sean’s lap… Sean quickly moves it…

Careful there miss… I’m not letting you get near that until it is wrapped in 14 layers of rubber and steel… anyways… Vegas does have it’s many… many… many vices… but what paradise doesn’t?

Sean pauses…

Long live the king… and not just Elvis… I’m talking about me… the reigning King of Xtreme… because until the final bell rings at the end of that Ultimate X match for the 2007 King of Xtreme… I’m the king. People say the first is the best… and until Wrestlemania, that statement will probably stand true… now, why am I saying PROBABLY… because you never know… the EWE seems to like changing the title at Wrestlemania…

Sean pauses again as one of the hookers passes out on the floor… Sean stares at her for a moment…

Now, am I really getting ahead of myself… already talking about defending the very title that I am fighting for Sunday night… in my eyes, no… call me cocky, call me arrogant, call me self centered… and I’ll agree.

Sean stops again as the hooker starts making some noises…

SHUT UP HOOKER… Do I think I can walk out of Sunday night with the EWE World Heavyweight Championship over my head again… if history repeats itself… yes, yes I do… take a look back 365 days my friends… and you will witness Sean Lewis beating Johnny Chaos… for the second time in my career… now fast forward 250 to 300 days, and you will notice three more victories over the ass head… now, you may see things different… but I think this sixth meeting will seal the deal for Mr. Chaos…

Sean pauses again…

There is no saying anywhere that says “Sixth time is the charm”… no one has lost that many times thinking they were honestly going to win after their fifth… but you are a persistent little piss… and I’ll give you half credit for that one… every time I toss your ass off a ladder, threw a table, or break you bad enough to sit out and become a ring side commentator… you come back for more… with the same strategy… over and over…

Sean pauses again and looks around the room…

These shoot promos… honestly, if you show up to a fire fight with a big wooden stick… you’re gonna lose Johnny. You’re walking into a match… a match where the ropes are removed and replaced with barbwire… where the EWE World Heavyweight title will be hanging high above the ring… and you have to climb… I mean, I have to climb up and get the title down using a barbwire wrapped ladder… and Johnny, this match has only happened three other times in the history of EWE… and only one man has been in all three of those matches… and only one man has WON ALL THREE… and you’re looking at him… So if you think you’re not going to need something a little different, a little special, a little effort involved… you’re already fucked…

Sean stops again and stands up off the couch in a full on Elvis pose… while the second hooker tips over…

So listen here baby… when my baby was taken from me at Summerslam… I just haven’t been the same, I said I HAVEN’T BEEN THE SAME… oh since my baby left me… I’ve found a new place to dwell… it’s down on the end of smackdown street near the barbwire hell hotel!

Sean rips off his fake sideburns and messes his hair up…

You don’t want to keep me from my baby Johnny… you don’t want to keep the EWE fans from seeing Sean Lewis in the main event at Wrestlemania… and you don’t want to get broken again and have to sit out until Wrestlemania like last year… do you?


Sean sits back down next to the passed out hooker… he tries to wake ‘em up as the scene slowly fades away to a STD full night of nasty fucky fuck fuck…

Fade to black

Insert sex noises


Next Match: Sean Lewis vs. Johnny Chaos
Card: King of Xtreme
Stipulation: Barbwire Ladder for the EWE World Heavyweight Title

Singles W/L/D Record: 37/10/00
Tag Team W/L/D Record: 21/4/00

-Last EWE Undisputed Champ-
-2x EWE World Heavyweight Champ-
-1x EWE Tag Team Champ with Rikku-
-1x EWE X-Division Champ-
-1x EWE Mideastern Champ-
-2x EWE X-Core Champ-
-2006 Final Cut XTC Last Man Standing-
-2006 King of Xtreme-
-2005 Stable of the Year, PJ-
-2005 Storyline of the Year-
-2005 Tag Team of the Year-
-#6 Match of 2005-
-#2 Match of 2005-
-2004 Most Improved Superstar-

Found Gloria:
Android #18
Benji Homan
Billy Kidman
Brooke McGuire
Cameron Hayden
Chris Burgess
Chris Ceno
Chris Jericho
Ciaran Michaels
Dan Taylor
Dylan North
Dylan Styles
Emperor Ben
Eric Dunkle
James Cage
Jason Scott
Jeff Rodgers
Jenny Rodgers
John Cena
Johnny Chaos
Juventud Guerrera
Kid Chaos
Kris Jaxson
Lance Mikes
Mark Chaos
Mark Cothiq
Mark Jindrak
Mark Payne
Mr. Man
Nero Phoenix
Petey Williams
Randy Orton
Red Light
Rob Van Dam
The Sandman
Seb Charleswood
Shaggy 2 Dope
Slade Craven
Super Crazy
Triple H
The Undertaker
Violent J
Will Westbrook
White Tiger

Name: Sean Lewis
Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Height: 5'10
Weight: 190 lbs
Finishing Moves: Gloria/Sharpshooter
Nickname: The Franchise, Slug
Allies: Cameron Hayden, James Ceno, White Tiger, White Tiger, Shawn Ashlocke
Enemies:Chris Ceno, Johnny Chaos, Dan Taylor