D I S C L A I M E R  The following layout, graphical work, and animations are all exclusive property to Abdul Haseeb. This is made for the use of Sean Lewis in EWE, and wherever the fuck he intends to use it, apart from aWo (Anal Whores Organisation). You Can Steal this layout, but beware, I have encoded spy ware and viruses in the sql coding, the script is so clever, its invisible under your cheeky sons of bitches "view source" method. So you can steal, but your computer will get raped quicker than your mother on a night shift, so dont be an asshead, wear a condom. Have a Nice Day. This roleplay is exclusive property of Sean Lewis. 

{ scene one – ride with me }

The scene slowly opens up at an air port in Nashville… people are rushing around just like any other air port. In the heat of the madness, Sean Lewis is shown walking with a backpack and a carry on bag. He gets closer to the door and notices a black man holding a sign with the EWE logo and the word “Slug” on it. Sean gets closer… and the man recognizes him.

Shit man, it’s Slug… fucking Slug… I’ve been your fan for as long as I can remember.

Well thank you…

The man grabs Sean’s hand and starts to shake it violently, Sean’s eyes get big…

I buy every EWE PPV man, and I love watching you rip apart Chris Ceno and Johnny Chaos. You are the SHIT! Damn, I can’t believe it is really you son!

Sean pulls his hand back…

Thanks again dude, glad to see I still have some fans out there.

Some fans? Damn boy, if I took you to my friend, damn he would probably lose control. He owns like all your t-shirts and shit.

Well that’s good to hear… maybe we should get going?

The driver nods his head and they walk out of the airport… Sean notices that they are getting closer and closer to a stretch Ford Explorer limo… there is loud music coming from it as the rims spin… the driver opens the door and Sean slides in… he quickly turns down the music and gets comfy…


The driver starts up the car and the window rolls down from the driver’s area to the passenger area… Sean quickly scoots to the farthest back part of the limo… the driver lets out a yell and turns up his music up front…

Damn… this is my new jam! Where the cash at?

Yeah… good song?

The driver starts to turn his music down a little bit as the car starts to move…

So let me get this right… I’ve checked all those little spoiler sites and shit, and you are actually doing two matches on Sunday at Final Destination? You crazy man?

You gotta do what you gotta do…

I hear that… but dude, where is your focus? You have to beat Dan Taylor… I mean, if you don’t, we’ll fucking riot! Then you know a lot of people are going to be pulling for you in that rumble…

I wish I knew…

Well man, what do you think about some of the people who have already showed up for that rumble match?

I have to say I’m impressed…

What do you think about Alex Shelly?

Alex Shelly seems to run his mouth a lot in the EWE. He shows up, he loses a few matches, then he leaves the company… he quickly comes back with some super tall boy friend an thinks everyone is just going to forget about what an ass he made of himself just weeks ago.

Yeah man, I hate that bitch… what about FACD?

I was a huge fan of FACD when he was Chris Steel… but obviously the days of Chris Steel are gone and forgotten. Now he’s got some vampires hanging around and shit… way out of this world.

He didn’t seem to happy about you calling him a jobber…

I didn’t call him a jobber, I just put him in the jobber class. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that FACD couldn’t be the EWE World Champion someday… just not when I’m in his way, and that’s the sad truth.

How about Brent Acid and Syco?

I give those guys a lot of credit, considering they almost won that tag team battle royal a few weeks ago… they are a threat to the Xplosion roster right now… a damn good tag team… but, this isn’t a tag team match. This is a rumble… every man for himself. Even if it was a tag team match… you’re looking at one of the greatest tag team champions of all time here in EWE… they aren’t a threat to me.

What about the bad man… Snake… I like his style.

Snake has done a lot here in the EWE… more then a lot of the active roster, hell, he’s a hall of fame member! Multi time champion here… and he’s had Xplosion’s All American title for more time then most of us can remember. I have a lot of respect for the man… but that isn’t going to stop me from tossing his monkey ass over the top rope… that’s all I got to say about that…

Lynx Madison?

Well, he was pretty much made by the AWO… he was their National Champion when their doors closed last week… so he knows how to get the job done. He made a smart choice by coming to EWE… and I’m sure he’s going to have an amazing future… just winning this rumble and headlining his first Wrestlemania… not gonna happen…

Mr. Man… he’s fucking awesome!

Manny is the man… ha… but if my memory serves me right, I did just kick his ass a few weeks ago on Xplosion. He also has a Hell in a Cell match earlier in the night… so who knows if he is going to be in top MAN condition…

Beavis and Butt Head… how did the EWE get those guys?

Ha… I’m not really sure… and yes, they do seem like quite the little tag team. But from a competitive point of view, they are worthless. They don’t have the will to do good in the EWE… they said it themselves… they are just here for the money. Now, I can’t say that the money isn’t bad from my point of view… but you need a lot more then a paycheck to keep you driven here. They have no heart… they are welcome to stay, just stay out of my way…

Who else do you think is going to show up?

Cameron Hayden, Eighteen, and Ciaran Michaels… those three for sure. It wouldn’t boggle my mind if Carlito or Christian Cage somehow got into the thing either… they are sneaky like that… either way… Cameron Hayden is the man, Eighteen is the bitch, and X-Kid is just not quite a threat enough for me. I got this shit on lock down… you hear bro?

Hell yeah I hear you bro… shit man, lets get you to dat shit… Sunday won’t come fast enough… THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD!

Sean shakes his head as the window starts to roll up… the scene fades away as Sean starts to fall asleep…

Fade to black

{ scene two – one pissed GM }

The scene opens up inside of a hotel room. Sean Lewis is shown watching some TV in the room on a couch when there is an aggressive knock at the door…

I’m not here!

More knocking is heard… Sean finally sits up and opens the door… it’s Piper!

Hey boss… I thought I smelt bag pipes and cheap rum…

Piper peaks his head into the room and looks around…

Well… you’re looking pretty comfy here…

Yeah… you’re looking very… umm… is that a new skirt?

Piper slams himself in the forehead and rubs it…

I’m here to tell you something about Dan Taylor…

What don’t I know about Dan Taylor?

Well… two things…


First off… he is an ass head…

I know this… I’ve known this since the first time I heard his name back when he wasn’t even a member of the EWE.

He fucking hit me!

He’s hit me before too… and you don’t see me crying about it…

I’m not crying!

You probably did…


OK… what’s the other thing you had to tell me about him?

You’re not going to like this one… but… turns out that Dan Taylor was raised in Canada…

Sean’s head bounces forward a little bit…

You OK?

Yeah… I just threw up in my mouth a little bit…

He’s not a citizen or anything, but he was in fact raised in Canada… I looked up his high school transcripts… did you know he was in 4H and the sewing club?

Well… this changes EVERYTHING… because if there is one thing I rule at… it’s being me… but if there was a second, it would probably be beating up stupid Canadians!

Well… make sure you get the job done then!

When was the last time I lost to a Canadian… wait, don’t tell me that… but still, when was the last time I actually deserved to lose to a Canadian? NEVER… I’m an American… and that is my god given gift! You think I’m going to le some frostback get the best of me?

Well, if you keep all your focus on the Rumble match, then I wouldn’t doubt him beating you.

Oh stop it… the EWE World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania is a lot more important then me beating up some guy who has a problem with me. He only wants his rematch because Gino Knoxx messed up our last match… but not really…

Sean, just don’t screw this up… you lose to Taylor on Sunday and you’re for sure going to be a few months back on getting a title shot… you’ll be down fighting scum for awhile… two PPV losses in a row…

I fucking get it old man… Dan Taylor is and will forever remain shit on the bottom of my Nike shoes. Until he honestly proves me worth his time… he’s just keeping me back from the top of the EWE. He says we’re the top stars in EWE… I can believe him when it comes to me… but honestly, why would he be up there? You don’t see me slapping people left and right in my promos… shit just hit the fan… no one hits my elderly general manager! NO ONE! Dan Taylor…

Sean pauses…

People want to see this feud go all the way to Wrestlemania… people think this feud is something special… all I see is me kicking your ass week in and week out… a lot like my last feud with Chris Ceno… hell, me kicking Chris Ceno’s ass landed us Feud of the Year for 2006… so you tell yourself this Dan Taylor… you want a feud with Sean Lewis, prepare to lose over and over again to Sean Lewis…


Sean starts to push Piper out of the room… he shuts it as Piper leaves and the scene slowly fades away to black…

Fade to black


Next Match: Sean Lewis vs. Dan Taylor, Xplosion Rumble
Card: Final Destination
Stipulation: Six Sides of Steel, Rumble

Singles W/L/D Record: 37/11/00
Tag Team W/L/D Record: 22/4/00

-Last EWE Undisputed Champ-
-2x EWE World Heavyweight Champ-
-1x EWE Tag Team Champ with Rikku-
-1x EWE X-Division Champ-
-1x EWE Mideastern Champ-
-2x EWE X-Core Champ-
-Longest Reigning X-Division Champ-
-Longest Reigning Tag Team Champ-
-Longest Reigning World Heavyweight Champ-
-2006 Superstar of the Year-
-2006 Best Male Feud-
-2006 Final Cut XTC Last Man Standing-
-2006 King of Xtreme-
-2005 Stable of the Year, PJ-
-2005 Storyline of the Year-
-2005 Tag Team of the Year-
-#1 Match of 2006-
-#6 Match of 2005-
-#2 Match of 2005-
-2004 Most Improved Superstar-

Found Gloria:
Android #18
Benji Homan
Billy Kidman
Brooke McGuire
Cameron Hayden
Chris Burgess
Chris Ceno
Chris Jericho
Ciaran Michaels
Dan Taylor
Dylan North
Dylan Styles
Emperor Ben
Eric Dunkle
James Cage
Jason Scott
Jeff Rodgers
Jenny Rodgers
John Cena
Johnny Chaos
Juventud Guerrera
Kid Chaos
Kris Jaxson
Lance Mikes
Mark Chaos
Mark Cothiq
Mark Jindrak
Mark Payne
Mr. Man
Nero Phoenix
Petey Williams
Randy Orton
Red Light
Rob Van Dam
The Sandman
Seb Charleswood
Shaggy 2 Dope
Slade Craven
Super Crazy
Triple H
The Undertaker
Violent J
Will Westbrook
White Tiger

Name: Sean Lewis
Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Height: 5'10
Weight: 190 lbs
Finishing Moves: Gloria/Sharpshooter
Nickname: The Franchise, Slug
Allies: Cameron Hayden, James Ceno, White Tiger, White Tiger, Shawn Ashlocke
Enemies:Chris Ceno, Johnny Chaos, Dan Taylor