Random Year 7: Nice backpack!
Angus: I had sex with your mother!!!!!

Soph: Hanging out in the evangelakos bathroom on a Saturday night.

Fouaad: You looked nice that night of Birol's birthday...
Me: It's because I was seeing one of the two boys that I would have enjoyed to 'be' with... but he's a bit slow on the uptake... so I gave up... but I put in effort to see him.
Fouaad: I get free food at KFC coz the workers think I'm hot...

Ms Haack: I'm not happy with your attention Emma!
Emma: Whaaaaa???

Sarah K: Are your toes cold and bleeding?
Me: .....yes.....
Soph & Me: No...
Soph: Maybe?

Random Fact Someone Gave Me: 85% of guys who die having sex are cheating on there spouses.

Me: Which way?
Soph: School Nobby.

Cassie: Do the oysters and stuff have bacon on them..? Because thats what you eat them with...

Greg: *in a msg he was writing from Me to Troy* Hello Troy. I WANT U BAD. TALK SOON.

Dom: If your going to do something bad, you might as well make it good.

Greg: Sophieeeeee I miss youuuuu!!
Soph: Stop complaining re

*Troy walks into the room...* Emma: *looks at me and screams at the top of her little voice* SARAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Random People: Desi has to kiss Abdula!! *because she touched the bottom of her cake*
Rob (Desi's Boyfriend): That's it. I'm leaving...
Claire: Why? Why? I don't get it??
Effy: Because they're going out...
Claire: Nahhhhhhhhhhh... are you serious?

Soph's Dedo (Grandpa): Onions are my favourite food.. onions and olives.
Mr Petridis: Dad, do you fart a lot because of them?
Soph's Dedo: Yes I'm always on the toilet.

Troy: Which way to Lonsdale?
Greg: Left Re!!!

Thomas D: Do you know why Nicole never wears a hat? Because it would catch fire and burn off!

Greg: *To Soph* I'll get locked up for you...

Me: You need a balaclava.
Wayne: Yeah... bala-muckin-fuckin-clava.

Soph: One of those white singles...
Me: What Singlets?
Soph:*Whispers* supre...

I was pressing buttons on my new phone and making fun noises...
Soph: That phone is a quote in itself.

Troy: Which way to Lonsdale?
Greg: Left Re!!!

Cam: *In a really queer voice to greg because greg wouldn't come and sit with him while he kept making gay jokes about himself and the other boys with us* You're Scared...

Soph: Troy the ginormas baby.

Isobel: My brothers girlfriend was like that.. but then he dumped her because she was dumb.

Melissa: Please not Lakeside Pizza, I hate Lakeside Pizza. Their ham is like dead pig!!!

Melissa: Ohh... Can you not scream, I have a sty in my eye.

I made a kissy face at Soph, and she leaned forward and slapped me...
Me: Finally!!! I've been waiting for that all my life!

Soph was talking to Greg on the phone... and I wanted to know who he was with, but she wasn't asking him... So while stamping my feet and screaming... Had to have been there...

Melissa: *On the phone* Hello Lachlan? Are you with Petey? I have a sty.

Melissa: Ohhh if Peter grabbed another girl... poahhh *Looks cut*
Tamara: Thats why you follow them!

Soph: I had to get a needle once... Needle, Big needle, in my handy, make me sleepy.

Clair A: Omg... Are you serious?
Me: Clair, what did you just say?
Clair A: What?
Me: You just said 'Omg are you serious'... what are you talking about?
Clair A: Omg shes uncoordinated! I'm gona freak!
Sarah was trying to teach Steph R how to spin her broom, and she was having a bit of trouble

Soph: Your dad harrasses children, or on a lighter note, your dad is a womanizer.

Para: I'm blowing balls

Me: *Screams really loudly at Nicole WELL HOW ABOUT YOU SUCK MY COCK!
Random guy walks past and gives me weird look
Me: SORRY! It's my birthday!

Me: This is my chair and I'm never going to get out of it and no one else is aloud to sit in it - Let me smell it... mmmmm smells like cigarettes... - GET OUT OF MY CHAIR YOU CUNT YOU'LL RUIN THE SMELL!!!
I traveled around on that chair all night long

Dom: I feel like getting into a fight...
Me: Just make sure you don't fight in my house, go find someone else to bash...
Dom: Okay... we're going for a walk...
*Returns an hour later*
Dom: We got a phone!!!

Me: Where's my faggot?! Where's my faggot? - Oh dear, I forgot, My faggot's not here! - Wait... I FOUND HIM!!!
I run into the room with a picture of "my faggot"

Thomas: Those guys are fags, I'm going to go call him a fag. *He walks out of the room & we hear him screaming from another room* YOU'RE A FAG!

James: *BLANK* is so random.
Soph: Why is this?
James: I cannot believe you just asked that! - We bitched about him for five whole minutes you lousy peice of shit!
Soph: Ohh go suck a fat cock you dirty shit kisser!
James gives Soph a big hug
James: Can you feel the love...

We get into Ryan's car, Ryan sitting in the back with me. He picks up a shopping bag, and starts throwing all his clothes at me:
Ryan: LOOK I WENT SHOPPING!! LIKE MY CLOTHES? LOOK AT MY CLOTHES!!! OHHH CLOTHES!!! My jumper, you like my jumper... and this is my t-shit, you like my t-shirt... YOU'RE NOT LOOKING!!!

Sophie told me about this one, Her Dad's Dad, (her Dedo) is really rich, but really stingy and tight. Anyway, on the way back from watching Jimmy play Basketball, they drive past this big house on a hill...
Jimmy: *Jokingly* Hey look, It's Dedo!
Mr Petridis: Hey look, It's Dedo washing out last weeks toilet paper!

Nordin: Stop touching my fat!
Random Person: What fat... It's mustle.
Nordin: No it's not.

Walking to the Station after school, some guy drives past and looks at my legs... Soph screams after them:

Mr Petridis: He's gona romp in it that kid will.
Some 20-something new actor who won an award at the MTV Movie awards

Ryan decides to write himself a msg in my phone to himself:
Ryan: Hey ryan what are u doing are u coming to my house this evening i like to eat carrot with chicken its good with rice.

Me: Chanel... our clothes arn't drying.
Chanel: Put them in the oven!

(Army) Evan arrives at my house, walks through the door:
Evan: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey Evan.
Evan: Hey guess what, I wax my crotch.

I was reading our shopping list:
Me: Milk, Bread... Is that a dick!?
Next to Bread, Sean had drawn a small penis...

Me: Why is there a fingerprint in the icing on my cake?!
Phillip: CHANEL!!!
Chanel: *Cheeky Smile*

Phillip: *Telling me a story about this one time at Billys* Yeah, one time I went there and I took a box of candles to his house, and they were effort candles, everytime I had to put in any effort to do anything at all, I had to light a candle. You know how many candles I lit - One. You want to know what I did? - Filled up a bottle of water. The later on, Billy's like, "hey man you wana redecorate my room?" and I was like "yeah that would be alright, excpet the room would probably catch on fire first because of all the candles we'd have to light"

Soph: Stella... Bring some tomatos
Stella: Tomatos... How random are you?
I wanted tomatos, but I had none left... so we got Stella to bring one

Derya: I'm not a freak, I'm turkish. Get it right!

Emma-Lemma: I love Sarah doing my makeup...
Soph: I love Sarah doing anything...

Soph: I drew a picture of Sarah, it says 'PwiNcEsZ SaRaH' She's my princess. Unless she gets a boyfriend...

Me: What kind of coffee to have this morning, that's the decision.
Soph: Oh... It was just from a tin.
James: We wern't actually asking you James.

Emma-Lemma: Did you make these? *Eating a cookie*
Soph: Yes.
Emma-Lemma: Get outta here!!!
Soph: Nah... My Mum bought them in a box.

Me: I'm a runt.
Soph: That's the most depressing thing you've ever said.

Nat: Hehehehe... You touched my vagina.

Me: Dougie the pizza man! ... We wern't old enough to remember the orignial Dougie, but my brother was...
Mr Petridis: He was the original Dougie!?!

Soph: So... Do you want to brush your teeth?

Lukas: I'm okay, It's okay. I ate subway!

Soph: So... got any friends lately?

Soph: She looks like a toothless monster!

Me: Bye Chaps.
Jimmy: Bye Looser.
Me: Thanks Jimmy.
Jimmy: You're welcome love.

Me: I hope noone minds me scratching my ass...
Tina: You are such a pig Sarah.

Emma-Lemma: I just failed my Italian oral...
Me: I'm Italian, can I have an oral?

Lukas: *To me.* Who's your three best friends? I reckon Sophie's one of them because you're always here.

Phillip: Can we borrow some tobacco... Like, we'll blow it at you.

Andrew was hitting me with a pool que.
Me: STOP IT!!!
Andrew: If you stop grabbing at my stick I will...
Me: You're the one jabbing it at my face!

Soph: Why are you staring at me like that!?
Me: Actually, I'm thinking about Papaw while staring deep into your eyes.

Fawaz: These tissues are really soft on your nose!

Cheez: You stole my socks didn't you Sarah.
Me: Yeah, I did, because I like the smell of Cheez feet on my feet.
Cheez: Yeah, I bought those biscuits once too.

Me and Sophie, talking about the Samaratin vs. Northcote fight that was about to happen:
Soph: Unless it turns into a massive brawl and everyone dies
Me: And Me and Sophie sitting on the sidelines: 'Someone said FUCK! ... QUOTE! QUOTE!'

Soph: *To me.* Umm... I like you, and I think it's time we reproduce

Random Person: How do you feel about unconditional sex?

Me: Nicko's getting a new ipod, and he said I could have his 40G.
Phillip: What!? He can give me the 40G!
Me: You do what I did, then you can have it!

Andrew: And I'd say, Sarah get on your knees and taste the cheese.

Megan: You know im the only chick in this class. the only one in the class with a fucking vagina.

Marian: Don't be hatin'

Lukas: This is the sexiest question... How many teeth have I lost?

Random Boy Walking Past Us: Jimmys Sister!
Soph: Has he gone home?
Boy: Uh, yeah. - Hey! Adrian's sister!

Lukas: Mum, where do you get these?
Margret: I don't know Lukie.
Lukas: Dad?
Soph: Dad Isn't here...

Teacher: I can see you rolling the cigarette.

Chanel: What do I wear to an interview?
Me: FOOD! ...I mean, clothes.

Lady: Do you go to school?
Chanel: I arn't.

Random thing: When its cold and stormy, and you're feeling a little sick, cuddle up nice and warmy and play with your little dick.

Sarah: Wait, wait, we have to make a toast... to what?
Me: To your first sleepover with boys and hopefully many more.
*Takes a big swig of my beer*
Me: Oh dear god im drinking piss.

Unknown Person: All I need is a big deep dicking and I'll be set for the rest of my life.

At KFC one week after Rocka
Me: Ohhh Evan's trying to chat up Fiona!
Sarah: Wait there's someone else there...
Girl at Counter: It's Chris.
Me, Sarah, Lisa, Levi, Sophie: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: Russel? Rushall. I rusha-your-facea

Lukas to me as we got into the car.
Lukas: I'm sitting in this seat, you're sitting in that seat. You're ugly.

She was reading "The period book"
Sarah: Did you do everything this book tells you?
Me: No! Well, some of it.

Mr Petridis: That tram is trying to beat us!

Me: *To James* Have i told you that my brothers gay? *Phillip walks into the room* If he tries to kiss you, just get your cock out and slap him on the face.
Phillip: I swear if you're talking about me...
*Phillip looks angry and aggressive...*

Devan: My friends got this thing called a yeast infection...
Me: Thats called thrush!

James: You look beautiful every day.
Soph: Well James, I wish I could say the same for you.

Soph: Dad, Has anyone ever told you your the most attractive man they've ever seen in their life?
Mr Petridis: Sophie... Don't talk jibberish... You have my phone and money just leave it at that.

James: I'd make love to that photo if it wasnt a photo.
Soph: Please dear god put that in your quotes...
Me: You people are so quote desperate.
Soph: Nah nah, I've lost the passion for it from me, so i seek to find hilarity in others.

Mr Petridis: Yeah... That's right Soph... Just SQUEEZE me out of your life!!!

Soph: James and I were talking about breasts - I'm talking about when you go to sleep - Like you get into the right position and you look down and they are there saying 'Hey sexy, I'm so glad I'm on your body, I make you look so much better and more curvasous' and I'm like, 'Hmmm... This is quite the awkward situation what with my breasts talking to me and all.'

Soph: Say something else funny you big baby!
Mr Petridis: Big baby? You're the big baby! Infact, if you look at the family of big babies YOU are the biggest one... Bloody baby...

Me: My tummy hurts...
Tom M: Really? You should get it fixed.
Me: Yeah, I'll get a spanner and tighten the bolts
Husni: I got a spanner, you want it? ... Really, i do.

Sarah K: SEZ! That's the last time you touch Sophie in her special spot!
I touched Sophies shoe...

Me: Now you can LEGALLY take your parents car, and drive off at parties to fuck girls in the back seat!!!

Margaret: Am I cool too?? I said mint??

Margaret: *Margaret walks into Soph's room casually folding her roys and she looks down and was like:* I remember that time you and Sarah walked into this house and saw me... looking MINT!! SPRAY TAN ALL THE WAY GIRLFRIEND! *She then dropped the pants and ran out with a massive smile on her face*

Aunty Judy: *Talking about my cousin Andrew* This is the boy that at four years of age he told the barber he wants a bald patch shaved into the back of his head so that he can look like his father!

Lukas: Sophie, does Greg have a house?
Margaret: Thats a good question
Soph: That's the lowest question, as if!
Lukas: It isn't a good question because you're fat
Jimmy: Yeah! how do you like them apples fatty!?

Margaret: Lukas, no more playstation.
Lukas: Soph... Mum's the lowest.

Jeff (From Coupling): Pouting. Like a scantly dressed prostitute, reclining on street lamp.

Tamara: Arghh! Miss can I go and wash my mouth out?
Ms Jeffery: What...? You been swearing?

Okay, we were in dictators. The teacher was yelling at Tamara at the top of her voice, and Tamara was trying to talk to Melissa at the same time, so Tamara had to yell to Melissa.
Ms Jefferys: *Yelling at the top of her voice to Tamara* I can be annoying too...!
Tamara: *Tryig to talk to Melissa - tamara says random things*
Ms Jefferys: TAMARA!!!
Tamara: WHAT!!!

Lukas: Sophie, your friends goofy.
Me: Which friend?
Lukas: You. - Do you even know what goofy is?
Mr Petridis: It's a dog.

Soph: Sarah...?
Me: Yes?
Soph: What would you do... if i just flipped... and sat on that light?

In the car, Mr Petridis, Lukas, Me and Soph
Mr Petridis: Lukas farted everybody!

Me: Ohh your vag went in my knee!
Soph: Eww that's the lowest!

At Nicoles party, someone walks past carrying Nicole's little brother Dylan over their shoulder.
Random Person Carrying Dylan: Dylan wants to say hi!!!
Dylan: Don't pinch my ass!

My Mum's Uncle Malcom: A good man is hard to find, but a hard man is good to find.

Little Andy: I'm such a pedofile.
Soph: Listen here buddy you dont no anything about Pedofiles until you've met my boyfriend!

Daniel: Crackulating

Thomas P: *Talking about fuck knows what...* I'm going to stencil it on my wall and put a halo on my head.
Ruth: You must be really bored.
Norton: Thats what A.D.D does to you...

Levi: It would be good if he had a car now, like we havn't been drinking or anything.
Lilly: What would we do with a car.
Me & Levi: Drive it dickhead.

Angus: A circus midgit got killed by a circus hippo cos he ate him.

Me, Sophie, Nicole and Melissa were at the footy at the MCG. I was talking to Soph and she came up with this...
Soph: You know what would be the most awkard thing to do... Suicide-ing off the top of this thing.
*Points at that little semi-roof/shelter thing at the MCG*

Me and Callum walking from one platform to another at Clifton Hill station... There are two guys ahead of us, and they're both running...
Callum: Hey! Why are they all running?
Random Guy (Who was running behind the lead guy): I'm just running cos that guys running...
Me: Let's all run!!!

Thomas: Skin Cancer runs in my family...
Liz: Idocity runs in mine.

Margret (Sophie's Mum): She thinks shes so good because she's seen live sperm.

Ruth: Ciggarettes, Alchol, Coffee and Biscuits... What more do we want!
Me: All we need now is a big fat sexy not fat man.

Sophie: What the fuck was that! You're like... My cherry just popped!

Sarah: If I was a guy, I'd want a girl with perfect tits.
Me: If I was a guy I'd want a girl like me... Because I'm so lonely.
Sophie: And if I was a guy I'd be Sophie Petridis. The first man with a womans name.

Me: Okay well, I've got crabs... And i'd like to share them with you.

James H: His sisters pretty ugly, and ugly chicks get relationships but not in high school.

Random annoying teacher: Okay class...
Nicole: *Pulls $30 out her wallet and shoves it at the teacher* Here! Shut the fuck up!

Sophie: Okay...
Angus: *Whispering to me* Lets go quickly, before we have to talk to her...

Sophie: It's okay, I'm open minded.

Sarah K: Ohh this is cute, do we have to pay for it?
Me & Sophie: It's water.
Sarah K: Ohhh yours is colored!

Jimmy: It's quite the nut sucking phone, it sucks nut.

Sophie: What a knob jockey!

Me & Sophie: Hello Troy... Welcome to my lair. We'll be dining this evening with smoked salmon and red wine. Follwed by hot steamy sex . Hope to see you there.

Really randomly when we were just sitting outside...
Sophie: Strap yourself in and feel the cheese!

Phillip: Sarah shut up! Karate Chop Action!!!

Me: What the fuck is going on?!

I was at Sophs talking to my friend Tristan on the net and he said 'Mint'
Soph: Mint!? Nahh!!

Me and Soph: You... Are... The... Worst... Ahhh...

Jimmy: you know Carlos' hairdresser is a tranny.

Me, Angus and Jamie: I get knocked down, But I get up again!
Had to have been there... We were all singing... Jamie was always a second behind...

Soph: The point...
Me: What's the point?
Soph: I dunno...

Israel: Hey guys... Guess what I saw on the internet... There was this girl right... And she had no top on... And no bra... And it was really cold out... And her nipples were really hard and there was this guy and she poked his eye out!
You have to imagine the Chillian accent...

Me and Soph were sitting outside at KFC
Random Lady: Have you guys seen a border collie around here anywhere?
Me & Soph: Nah sorry...
Lady Leaves...
Me: Awww she lost her dog... aww and theres a main road, that's not cool...
Soph: Does this have chicken salt in it? *Holds up chips* Be funny... On the ingredients... Crushed Dog...

James: Oh you're so pretty with your big beautiful brown eyes.

Teacher: What're you doing?
Angus: I just found a funny noise!

Random REALLY ugly guys walk past...
Sophie: I think they thought you were checking them out...

Me: I'll kill him!
Sophie: Don't you dare kill him!

Sophie: Feel my hair, it's flat here and high here.
Me: Okay yep.
Sophie: Can you feel it?
Me: Yep yep.
Sophie: Yep, you're a dick head.

Sophie: That night was funny.
Me: Angry
Sophie: Cos you hate him?
Me: Yes.
Sophie: Cos he's a cock?
Me: Yes.
Sophie: Does he have a big cock?
Me: No.
Sophie: Really?
Me: Not Really.
We both just laughed
Sophie: Yay! I made it into the phone!

Sophie: The girls turn into boys!?
About my dogs...

Sophie: This Rani thing scares me...

Troy: Instead of Greg, you shall be called Gregels... I like that, it's mad!

Me: It's excellent!
We were telling Troy about how we write down everything funny that gets said and theres a list and he was saying how stupid it was and stuff... had to have been there.


Troy: I'm gona put a water balloon on the light in the car, so when you turn it on the whole room goes that colour..
Greg: That's the dumbest thing i've ever heard.

Me: Are you sad because your window won't frost?
Troy: Yes...
Me: You lonely bastard...
Troy: That's it! I'm gona de-frost all your windows!!!

Sophie: Did she used to be like that?
Me: Like what?
Sophie: Like... a nice girl...

Greg: I want to be part of the song Troy!
Troy: Let's be part of the song mate! Lets jump on the fucken roof and sing!

Troy: Dick-Fog.
Me: Stop talking about Dicks!
Troy: A frog's dick.
I don't know how that happened... but it was funny.

Troy: It had to put it on top, for frosting.
Me: It's milk! It's as sweet as its going to get!!!
Me and Troy went for coffee and he poured literally, half the bottle on sugar into the cup... and 'sprinkled' some ontop for 'frosting'.

Me and Greg were fighting... Slapping and the sort...

Troy: That's what I'm going to do tomorrow... Go to spy lounge with a pen and paper and ask a chick for her number... She'll be like here you sad fuck.

Owen: Yeah I guess I'd give her sex.

Me:*To Greg* You know, my friend lives in those appartments and Sophies Dad owns them. Points at some houses
Troy: Sophies Dad owns them! ... Really! ... Nahh! ... Is he like rich? ... He owns them! ... Wow! ... How much are they worth? ... How many are there?
Sophie, who HAD been sleeping, wakes up and laughs... Troy went on for another five minutes.

Troy: You hurt my feelings!
Screaming that out the window to a random car

Troy: This is true.
Greg: I love it when you say that!

Me: I don't make sweet love. Never have, Never will.
Sophie: What you do with Nicko? Just ram him?

Lukas: Ohh cock here comes the fucking music.

Lygon Street. Troy. Coffee. Sugar.
Classic moment, Had to have been there.

Me: I want to go get a Smash Hits or something to get all those posters...
Sophie: Yeah bad...
I don't remember why this one was funny... But it was at the time

In-joke... Sophie talks to me through staring, she wouldn't stop talking at me...

Troy: Guess what I got him for his birthday!... Skinny milk!
About Greg

Me: Who're you msging?
Sophie: Sarah.
Me: Me too.
Then we just laughed for five minutes

Me: Hi Jimmy!
Jimmy: Oh... it's you.

Mia: No you noodle!
Me: I'm a noodle?
Mia: Sorry, that was way harsh.

Guy (Mia's Brother): What are you talking about, Darth Vader turns me on!
Me: Guy, you're gay.
Guy: Arn't we all!

Guy: I've got sticky hands, can you wash them?
Mia: Well that's not a line I want to hear from my brother!

Me: I havn't been this intimidated by a guy since Stefan.
Mia: Awww it's true love!

Callum: Are the Village People really gay?

Every single time someone says something funny...
Me: Where's my phone!?

Sophie: Come one looser!
Me: Im a looser!!! - Awww... I meant to say i'm not a looser...

Stella: Lobster anyone?
Holds out strange green and pink soft toy shaped like a lobster...

Sophie: Look okay... Lemme just remember that...
Looks off into the distance...

Sophie: Well the thing about Carlo is, He's a nice boy... Yeah thats about it...

Sitting in Sophies back yard I hear two old people arguing...
Old Lady: *Random yelling in greek*
Old Man: Ahh Shut-Uppa-Your-Facea

Me: What was all that? I missed it...
Sophie: Ohh, Two guys looked at us and my dad got sad..
Look at Mr Petridis with a ’puppy-dog’ espression on his face

Me: *mumbles something*
Greg: Did you just talk in Spanish?
Me: No, I said it's kinda chilly...
*later on*
Me: *mumbles something*
Troy: What did she say??
Greg: Ohh, just something in spanish.

Troy: Did you see his fucking neck! He didn't have one!

Troy: If you're devistated and you know it clap your hands
I clapped
Troy: Yeah well, you're the only one.

Person Who Shall Remain Un-Named: Shit man, I can feel the residue from my rags on my vag.

Troy: You go to heat, theres no sitting down.
Greg: Nahh, I'll sit.
Troy: There's no seats!
Greg: I'll bring a fucking fold up chair.

Andrew was telling some guy about how if you're catholic, you can take time off work because the Pope's dieing (well... hes dead now)
Andrew: You know you can take time off work for it.
Guy: Nahh it didn't work.
Andrew: For the Pope?
Guy: Nahh for the Dentist.

Me: *To Sophie* Who's your Dad talking to?
Sophie: His girlfriend, shh he's sensitive.

Walking onto the Oval, I shut the gate behind me. A random teacher was standing right there.
Me: Oh I'm gona open this just for you Sir... You coming?
Teacher: No...
Me: Good. I'm gona shut it again... Don't dob me in...
Sophie and I run off...

Me: Your right hand is your bestfriend, Eref.
Ms Haack: No need to give him this advice, Sarah.

Mr Petridis: Pwahh... The sewers of Carlton.
Sophie: No, The sewers of your bowels Dad.

Me: *About my hands, to Sophie* They're all clammy!
*Then to Greg* Whats clammy?

Me: Ohh Sophie, Listen to this
Katherine: Is it a duck?

Jamie: Lisa, How many guys have you rooted?
Lisa: Jamie, How many guys have you rooted?
Jamie: Do animals count?

Sarah: *Screams at random guys and puts her arm around me* We're lesbians!
Random Lady: So are we!!!

Sean (Cassie's brother) walks into room
Thomas: Hey! I've been out with his sister!
Angus: Yeah me too!!!
Thomas: *Points at Dom* So has he!
Me: So have I!

The first bit of this conversation has been cut out.
Callum: Why?
Lisa: Because he sucks cock
Callum: Ohh what's his number?!

Mona: Ohhh! Olives! You just reminded me, I love olives!

Sarah: *Random guys wistle at us, Sarah turns around and screams back:* I'd wistle if I could!

Jesse: *Screaming at random person* Stop Fucking Swearing!
Dictators Teacher: That's enough, sit down guttermouth.
Jesse: Miss thats not my name!!!
Had to have been there...

Random Guy: Yous are all like cute and stuff.
Again, had to have been there. It was the cutest!

George (Sophies Dad): Don't forget to come home!

Sarah K:*After watching Schfifty-Five* Ahhh schfukin funny
Me: Damn schfukin right
Sarah K: Are you thinking what I'm schfinking!! - Tomorrow.. its all about the 'schhz'
Me: Schfuck yeah!

Sophie: I reckon this guy is slowly getting his cock near her face...

Me: My feet hurt
George and Cian: We'll carry you
George: We'll lift up your skirt*Smiles evil-y*

Sophie: BLANK's the best and a bag of freakin chips man. He's tops!

Troy:*In a "fully uleh" voice* Omg why don't more people come here. This is a mad place to rip it.
*and then we see the old man...*

Me:*Dancing and Singing* I am the queen of cookie land! Cookie! Cookie! Cookie! Cookie! Cookie!!!!!!!!
I had lots of children and husbands and a slave and minions and groupies (the groupies could have sex without asking but everyone had to ask permission from the queen first(ME)) ...I had way to much sugar... Funniest though...

George (Sophies Dad):*To Me* Get up little girl.
He was looking for the remote and asked me to stand up so he could look on the couch...

Lukas (Sophies Littlest Brother): *While me and Sophie were putting makeup on him* This feels a little gay...

Random Crazy Man on High Street:*Points at tram* That's not a tram! Thats a bus! There are no trams down here!

Israil: She used to be skinny yeah, now shes a fat bitch!

Me: I eat lots of yogurt!!!

Random Person: I didn't even tell BLANK and it was on her couch!

Me: We get our own door!!!

Me and Max: JUICE CUPS!

Kate: I wana go but my mum's shitting on my turban
Adam: Turban! Shit! Arab!
No offence intended

Chanel: We've made a trail of m&m's. It's cool that way we can find our way back where we went, tomorrow.
Sarah: Chanel, I think we'd remember.
Chanel: Ha! Speak for yourself.

Sophie, Sarah and Me: Soz I touched your boob! - Soz I touched your penis!
I think this one started with them talking like when your on the net, and yeh…

Chanel: You know we're like, your like, I'm like… hehehe!

Sarah and Lisa: Skanky Hoe!
All night at QBH, this is all that came out of their mouths… annoying…

Sophie: Having two Sarah's is to confusing, maybe one of you should be Sandy? Yeh… Sarah(K) your Sarah and Sarah(S) your Sandy
Me: No, Sandys gay *me saying weird things I don’t remember ending with:* nipples nipples
Sarah K: Why'd you say nipples twice
Me: I just wanted to say nipples
Brunettes having a blonde moment. We went on and my name is now “Nipples”…

Chanel: I always draw the arrows on the wrong side, its because im dislexic. No Lisdexic.
Shes dislexic, and the arrows on the Blink sign.

Chanel: Alchol doesn't have a negative effect on my body, just like alchol
Chanel was drunk and tried to say cigarretts instead of the second alchol…

Phillip: Your and idiot.
Phillip came upstairs and saw me writing this… and other times…

Chanel: Ohh, People don't like me today.
Sarah: Sand isn't people Chanel.
Chanel got sand in her shoe…

Me: Who did it? Tell me where he is! I don’t know where he is! Where's the money? Tell me! I don’t know!
I shined Chanels lamp on my face and put on voices like in those movies where they interrogate criminals, well I was both people. Not funny, just weird.

Phillip: Lesbians don't eat people Chanel.
This one is my favourites. It's a refrence to a tv show called 'Coupling' where the conversation went something like this:
Susan: Oh look at that waitress, I could just eat her all up!
Steve: What! You can't just go eating people!
Susan: No, in like a lesbian way, you know…
Steve: Lesbians don't eat people Susan.

Chanel and Sean: Olive Juice!
When you mouth “I love you” it looks the same as “Olive Juice” for some reason they always said it out loud, whilst waveing making lovey dovey faces…

Chanel: Ew! Ew! I got it in my pants!
Somehow Chanel got risotto in her pants…

Chanel: Woahh! There so big!
Mark: They don't go in you mouth
Fish Oil Capsules are big… and the actually do go in your mouth… but its funny because she believed him… In-joke, you wouldn’t get it.
- Mark is Chanels mums ex-boyfriend

Me: I'm gona eat my babys!
Playing with those things… That have lots of little ones of them and they go inside themselves…?

Me: I'm gona have five kids, 1 boy, twin girls, and a twin boy and girl.
Mum: Now that you've said that your just going to have one boy and hes going to end up gay.
Me: Omg! That's so cool! And I'll call him Sebastian and he will have a lisp and talk all funny, and we will go shoping together and share shoes and its gona be so good!
Aunty Judy: Now you’ve said that, your son won't end up gay.
Me: Oh, I'll make him gay
*The twin girls will be called 'Coco' and 'Chanel' and the other twins, the boy will be 'Ralph' and the girl will be 'Lauren'*

Chanel: Ohh, I've got to many eyebrows
She meant eyebrow hairs…

Chanel: Are the wiggles going out?
I said the two people on active kids were going out, and they met at university and decied to start a kids show, Like the wiggles, and she showed shes a blonde…

Me: Some guys try to hard.
Nel: Most guys.
Me and Chanel: Phillip!
Its true. Hes a wank.

Georgia: Swisho!

Rita and Me: Hey Nanni Nanni Nanni! Hey Nanni Nanni Nanni! Hey Nanni Nanni Nanni! HEY! HEY! HEY!
Me and Rita making random noises in Italian, so we made a song out of it… now theres a dance aswell!

Me: Im a girl.
Dom: No your not.
Me: Want me to prove it? - Well, since last night I am anyway.
Almost typical conversation in class last year

Me: No I don't wana beat it, I wana eat it!
Me in an argument with my mum… I was meant to beat the hunger… nothing else

Mark Hoppus: You can leave now, and beat the traffic… Or – You can stick around, and beat your meat!!!
Off the “Mark, Tom and Travis Show” album. It's a classic

Ryan: Bull-Cracka-Doodle
Ryan from Big Brother. Ohh so funny!

Me: Sarah, Who's more picky with guys, Me or Owen?
I didn't mean it…

Gracie: If I knew myself when I was little, I would have hit myself

Me and Gracie: “Old Lady Hitchhiker Murders.”
It's just funny

Me: Omg I just like suction piped that down.
I always accidently suck things down my throat (not like that) like a suction pipe… Hard to explain but funny when your there.

Me: That perfumes so moody.
Well it is. You never know if your going to smell like licquorice or watermelon.

Sarah: Lets jog *jokingly*
Me: Okay *Seriously*
And so we jogged… kinda gota have been there…

Sarah: We're just lying around… We're just lying around naked.
Justin: Uhh… Kate?
It was funny…

Me: You should try to die it blonde.
To Sarah, about a really ugly blue skirt of Kates… not blonde white… it was a blonde moment…

Anita: You know if you want to marry an Italian you either have to be a good cook or a slut, and you can’t cook.
- Anita is Kates mum
That ones just fucking funny

Sarah: I'm gona go now, Let you sleep… What are you wearing?
Sarah to Hachem… No more needs to be said.

Sarah:I love your spanky spoon
Kate had a spanky spoon she was eating all night, and spanking people with, and apparaently Sarah loved it.

Sarah was on the phone to Hachem… and we thought he had fallen asleep on the fone…
Sarah: Ohhh… Hes so cute he fell asleep on the fone, I could just root him.
Hachem: Hehehe… *Kinda sleepy man-giggle*
He was awake and listening to us talk about him…

Nicko: I get to ride a horsey! *Pretends to gallop around*
On New Years '03 apparaently he made everyone play “Lord of the Rings” he was Legolas the “sexy” one… hes a fucking strange boy…

Sarah and Me: HaChEm [N] LaChLaN iN CoUpLeDoM
HAHAHA… I duno where we got that one from, I always think of them as like, a couple, always think of one of them gota think of the other… and we came up with that thanks to Jacquees old MSN name…

I have pants that the fly doesn't do up. He was screaming that really loudly all through the city pointing at me… and infront of really hot guys…

Sean: Think of it this way, we could all be the cells in a bigger being
Me: Oh! Does that mean if I kick the wall he gets a tummy ache? *Runs into the wall kicking and bashing it*

Me, Sarah, Lisa and Ruth: Todd…?
Inside joke in Torquay

Me: Stop pimping out my friends!!!
Yelled very randomly at Chanel…

Chanel: It's just the road, whats it gona do to us?
Me: It's the cars that are on it, Chanel.

Sean, Chanel, Phillip and Me and everyone else that caught-on: You know what… I like you. Cap'an.
HAHAHA this was so funny when it was original… and done properly.

***Anywhere*** - ***Your Choice*** - Great way to start the day $60.00”

This was an add me and chanel saw on a bus… if your gona pay some stranger to jerk off your man… why the fuck not do it yourself… stupid.

Nicko: Dont worry… I'm gonna start making tshirts… and everyone will buy one… then I'll be rich and you can all look at me all the time whenever you meet anyone
Nicko thinks I have nicko withdrawl and I miss him so this is his theory on how to fix it… or not…

Me: My dick was jammed
Me singing blink in class… couldn't remember the rest of the words so I just repeated that line, I had earphones in so I couldn't hear anyone. The look Dom gave me. I Love it.

Stuart: Shes scared of the cuawckk…
I duno how to spell that, but it's what he says about me, cuawck is cock… but said funny. And im scared of it apparaently…

Dejan, Stuart, Owen, Albert and Mario: Sarah wants Deki Junior Dekkie Junior is Dejan “penis”… and I don't really want it, they just say that…

Lachlan: Dad this is Sarah and Sophie. Sarah, Sophie this is my dad Bruce.
Me and Sophie: Hey
Bruce: Hey
Lachlan: Wait Dad, Look this is my boyfriend! *Puts his arm around “sexy” Nick*
Bruce: I always knew you were a fuckin faggot
Me, “sexy” Nick, Sophie, Budda and Lachlan spent the night in one bed.

Sarah: Install a Hachem I wasn’t there but its still funny.

Sophie: Pickles for Nipples!
At maccas Lisa and Sarah don't like pickles so they always take them out of their burgers and give them to me, Sarah gave me hers and that is what Sophie said.

Chanel: Clifton Hill has weird smells.

Chanel: Lesbian Chicken
Completely random.

Me: *Talking sexy-ly about Lachlan* We should go and make “;)” him feel good “;)” about himself.
Sophie: Lachlan you're a very special person…

Sophie: Ohh I'm such a crack up!

Me: Mum…? Hachem…? That just gave me the image of my Mum and Hachem in bed together

Me: Does your mum know you look like an ugly fricken dog?
Sarah: Actually I look freakishly like her
This one wasn't about Sarah's mum, but more of a role play… involving a “ugly dog bitch”

Sophie: I love talking dirty to my Dad.
Ask her not me, that one was just weird.

Sophie: You call her a slut, what about those two hores that she fucked.

Mia: Preachers Wife
Me: Is she the son of a preacher man?
Playing Guess the Celebrity, It was Whitney Heuston, I suck at that game. It was funny at the time though.

Me: Is he the guy from Oceans Eleven?
Mia: YES!!!
Me: Pity I don't remember his name…
Funny when we were there

Me: I was born for grater things.
Ha! That's so funny, I was grating carrots and I said I would be doing it for the rest of my life, and this came upon me. Get it, Greater… grater… again funny when we were there