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The Day I was struck by Thunder...

Thunder is...

One day I was walkin' along and I was suddenly struck by thunder. I got electricuted and fell off the edge of the house I was strolling on. It was a whole three feet down! I broke my ear and still had to go to school, can you believe that?!?!?! Anyways I was going to my cell and the prison guard asked me what I was thinking what I was doing! And I was like, I am trying to get to my desk and start my school day, and he's like, uhhh... Proceed then. So I went to what seemed like my place and looked at my neighbors. I think they were wearing masks... Anyway they were also dressed strangely, I also think that the school changed the uniforms while I was away on my vacation to K-Mart! They were wearing striped orange suits! Oh well I thought. I'll pick some up later. Then I realized I forgot my DVD's at home! So I asked for a ride home, which I got, in a police car, for some reason, and I got the DVD's. But when I went outside again, my ide had left! How rude. I glanced at my watch and realized it was having a seizure! So I prayed for it and made a note of getting it new batteries later. Then I sprinted towards school, the right one this time, and when I got there, everyone was leaving! I guess I hafta sprint faster... Well, I saw a few of my friends and they invited my to spend the night, they were having a par-tay! We went over to the house and told lollipop stories, we all agreed that ghost (oooh *shiver* that word is scary!) stories were too frightening. I don't know how they did it but they stayed up until 1:00 a.m.! I was zonked out by 9p.m.! Yeah, I guess that's why I woke up around 5:43 and 87 seconds, even though I always wake up at that time, give or take a few seconds. I went outside and made snow angels and sat in the hammock reading my best-selling novel, Amelia Bedelia. I then changed into a bathing suit and went swimming in the lake, in a different town 'cuz that's my favorite lake, and got back around 7:98 and 24.5836 seconds, by then everybody was startng to wake up! I quickly put on some pj's and got in bed and put on a sleepy face to make them think I had just woken up too. We ate dinner then headed out too the beach to get some tans. We then went back to my firnd's house and ate brunch. By then it was about time for us to split and go to our houses! We found rides and I reached my house two days later. When I rang the bell, some little kid answered I didn't even know! It turns out it was at the wrong house and I helped it find it's own house. By the time I reached my house it was nighttime and I had to go to bed. Goodnight.

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Fling some cows.
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