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Mai NoOdlez: u broke kenneth's microphone
peachlaydee: i didnt even turn it off... and i gave it to kenneth..
Mai NoOdlez: we tried to get it to work
Mai NoOdlez: but it juss didnt work
Mai NoOdlez: changed batteries
Mai NoOdlez: all that jazz
Mai NoOdlez: candice what did u do?!?!
Mai NoOdlez: kenneth is bitching at me!!
peachlaydee: fuking kenneth i told him i cant give him money cuz i have none
peachlaydee: and he starting saying how hes gonna get in trouble with his fault
peachlaydee: and talking like im the reason his mom's been pissed at him
peachlaydee: and how my 10 mins of singing was the only reason that it broke
Mai NoOdlez: im trying to talk to him
Mai NoOdlez: buts hes fucking mad
Mai NoOdlez: ive never seen this side of him before
Mai NoOdlez: acutally i rarely hear him cuss
peachlaydee: and then he tells me " some friend u r "
peachlaydee: like im purposely not gonna help him
peachlaydee: and i admit
peachlaydee: that no
peachlaydee: i dont take responsibility for breaking the mic
peachlaydee: cuz i wasnt there
peachlaydee: i dont know what happened
peachlaydee: when i left
peachlaydee: it was fine
Mai NoOdlez: confuz3dazn: dude did u break my mic!?!
Mai NoOdlez: hell no i didnt do shit
confuz3dazn: fuk then it must hav been candice since she used it alot
Mai NoOdlez: iono man candice was only usin it for a little
confuz3dazn: wat are u talking about dude she useed it dah whole time whil;e karaoke
Mai NoOdlez: dude calm down ill juss lend u some money
confuz3dazn: damn fukin a man im pissed at candice now
confuz3dazn: she not even hleping out
confuz3dazn: grrrr
confuz3dazn: itz not even ur fault
peachlaydee: i gave him the mic
peachlaydee: and it was working
peachlaydee: did i say it was kevin's fault?
peachlaydee: did i say it was ur fault?
peachlaydee: no id idnt
peachlaydee: im saying its not 100000 percent only my fault
peachlaydee: and im not blaming anyone
peachlaydee: but hes putting all the blame on me
Mai NoOdlez: dude hes pissed
peachlaydee: and how the fuck am i supposed to help him get 50 dollars?
Mai NoOdlez: im staying out of his way tomorrow
Mai NoOdlez: i gave him 30 bucks
Mai NoOdlez: thats all my savings
peachlaydee: wutever
peachlaydee: ill just give him money i was saving for something else
peachlaydee: wutever
peachlaydee: i dont fucking care about that bastard
peachlaydee: so im gonna give him the money
peachlaydee: slap him across the face
peachlaydee: and leave
Mai NoOdlez: lol omg your so mean why?
Mai NoOdlez: thats messed
peachlaydee: he can put a damned mic in front of me as a friend
Mai NoOdlez: i thought u had no money
peachlaydee: its not my money
peachlaydee: its my parent's money
peachlaydee: that i was trying to keep for something important
peachlaydee: but wutever...
Mai NoOdlez: wait whats the money for?
peachlaydee: nuthing
peachlaydee: fuck him
peachlaydee: like i said
peachlaydee: tell that bitch not to worry
peachlaydee: and i never planned on speaking to him tomorrow anyway
peachlaydee: its a god damn mic
peachlaydee: its a material objet
peachlaydee: and he sees the importance of that over what if eel
Mai NoOdlez: but its kenneth
Mai NoOdlez: hes a nice guy and hes lent me alot of money
Mai NoOdlez: i'd take a bullet for that guy
Mai NoOdlez: and u know hes been having problems lately
peachlaydee: and what? like i should pitty him?
peachlaydee: i already said id pay for the shit
peachlaydee: like i shoudl look down on him
peachlaydee: like i should help him when he doesnt respect me?
Mai NoOdlez: kenneth juss got a lil pissed
peachlaydee: didnt i already say id give him my money?
peachlaydee: im just saying hes not being fair to me
Mai NoOdlez: well dont tell me
Mai NoOdlez: tell him
Mai NoOdlez: clear the air
Mai NoOdlez: ?
peachlaydee signed off at 6:43:35 PM.