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My life, according to a computer layout

So I don't have REAL pictures yet...big deal. For those brave souls who dare check out my new webpage without knowing who I am or what I look like, congratulations. You will be greatly rewarded. And for those who quickly pass on by, you're missing out. and i'm not just saying that. This page is gonna be kicking in about 5 months so recognize. bitch.

" hspace="10" vspace="10" align="right"> my monkey

This is a picture of my monkey. His name is Remus. (Ree-mus.) I received him from my neighbor who died last year. I guess I was the only one who came over to visit the poor guy. Remus is old and sometimes grumpy, but we get along quite well and sometimes I have the feeling we were meant for eachother. The only thing i've taught him so far is to put toothpaste on my toothbrush, this was neither a good nor bad idea. It's his favorite thing to do.


Show off your friends.


Sorry guys, pictures are gonna change real soon.