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  • Spike Photo Album
  • My Spike Quiz!!
  • Avril Lavigne Pix
  • MY ART!!!(NEW!)

    .·´¯`·..·°[Hey hey]°·..·´¯`·.


    Latest-->OcToBeR 10th, 2004
    Yo hey
    Okay, so to be totally honest, i'm not really into this stuff anymore. like... i don't like avril or clay or spike or whatever anymore, really. Andre was right, i should put some good bands up. Good Charlotte is good though, i still like them. Blah, i'm not exactly sure about what to do about the site... should i just leave it like this?? or should i add all new stuff?? like good bands and skate stuff?? or should i just scrap all this and start a whole new one with all the new good stuff?? whatever. if i do anything about it, it won't be for awhile, anyway. K cool.

    UPDATE--->June 14th, 2004<---
    Hey hey.
    Well, i haven't updated in quite a while so right now i'm wondering what i should add or contribute to this site . . . hmmm . . . oh, maybe some Bam Margera stuff >_^ he's cute. lol. I don't really know right now but I guess that could be a start. ah, i'm so not into this site thing anymore. bam's gonna be the only good thing on here. lol.

    MARCH 24th, 2004
    Hey again... I added My Art page... if anyone takes my pics, you're *so* dead ...heehee... I'm not sure why you'd want to anyways... it's just a buncha sketches of like my name and stuff ...besides, there's nothing to feel good about when you take someones stuff and say it's yours... it's extremely dull and the idea overflows with stupidity... *besides* EVERYONE has God-given talent... you just gotta work at it! Instead of stealing other people's stuff, Get off your butt and make your own!! Then you can actually feel proud and have a sense of accomplishment... yet another "lesson from trin"... lol okay...
    *wow* how utterly pointless.

    MARCH 23rd, 2004
    Hey hey!
    Well, haven't updated in awhile but i've decided that I'm going to make an "all about me" page and set-up some shout outs to my friends and pics and stuff!! (like all those teenyboppers
    i thought maybe it'd be interesting to see what i can come up
    ANYWAYS, there's this slick play that we do at my church every Easter and it's actually REALLY AWESOME!!! It's been advertised all over the city and in the citizen and several newspapers and on the news and yah. You can check out the Crucifixion 2004 page for info and dates and stuff...and some pics...COOL! OKAY... SO... i'm also thinking of posting some of my drawing and pics and stuff... this is fun... lol just thinking of stuff... cool
    okay think that's it... Don't forget to gimme a shout in my guestbook! Thnx!! <3

    February 24th, 2004
    Hey hey,
    Well, I'm not exactly sure what to do with this site. I really wanna do a different sorta thing... like with different bands and stuff... but i'm not sure if i should just add it or start a new site?? Let me know what you think...
    Thanx to everyone who's been coming and signing my guestbook! You guys rawk!

    December 30th, 2003<---
    hey hey... I'm actually really sick of avril, good charlotte...(i still like them, but they aren't my fave band), "spike" and sorta clay. SO ya... Tim Hughes is still cool though... lol isn't that great? Anyways... i guess i'll be eventually adding pages for things i actually like. Like amazing thrice and p.o.d. and stuff... and hotter guys than james marsters. Like ty pennington LOL he's good looking... and ya, other guys. woo... lol this is amazing.... anywayyys HAPPY NEW YEAR in like 2 days!!! Later* [chica<3*]

    NOVEMBER 30th, 2003! Hey hey!! I've added another page (movies) of short music videos, etc... I've also added stuff to COOL STUFF page... don't worry, it's cool. Uh ya! OK! Later!! [Chica <3*]

    NOVEMBER 15TH, 2003 Hey hey!! I've added pics to the Avril, Tim Hughes and Skateboarding pages!! I haven't updated for awhile *BUSY*... Anywayz, Tim Hughes was awesome at the 2003 Worship Together conference... Amazing time of worship! God's awesome! I'll fix up my site soon!!! L8taz!! [Chica <3*] [xoxoxo]

    AUGUST 1ST, 2003 I'VE ADDED ANOTHER CLAY AIKEN PAGE OF PIX!!!! You can get to it through the Clay Aiken Fanpage...L8taz!! [Chica <3*] xoxoxo

    JULY 18th 2003I've added more Avril Lavigne pix!!! okie dokie, that's all... l8taz [Chica <3*]

    ~!!!News-->July 17th, 2003~~Hey hey!! I've added a GOOD CHARLOTTE FANPAGE with LOADS of Pix!!! Check it out!!! I'll eventually be adding MP3s and Video clips to the CLAY AIKEN and the GOOD CHARLOTTE parts of this site... ALSO, I'VE ADDED A 'SKATERS' PAGE UNDER 'SKATEBOARDING'... It just has a few pix of my fave Pro Skaters...alright, check back for more updates!! Buhbyes!! [Chica <3*]

    --->JULY 15th, 2003<---
    HEY HEY!!! Wuts up??? Welllllll, as you can probably see, I've decided to continue and improve my site here on angelfire!!! I'm so excited to start changing it up and adding stuff... I hope you guys enjoy my site...thnx for comin, L8taz [ Chica <3* ]

    HEY! This site is mostly a pics and links site of my FAVE celebs! Whether they be singers (Clay Aiken, Avril Lavigne, Tim Hughes), Bands (Good Charlotte) or Actors (James Marsters), I've got my fave pics, links and info on 'em all!! If you happen to like any of them or skateboarding....COOL! I hope you like this site!! You can send any comments you have to: and please sign my guestbook!! Thnx!! [Chica <3*]
    Note: Sorry my site is under ALOT of construction come back soon!

    ~Chica's Fave Celeb Poll~
    Out of the following, who's your favourite?
    Clay Aiken
    James Marsters
    Avril Lavigne
    Good Charlotte
    Tim Hughes
    All of them!
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