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Neen Underground.


Pictures 1

Pictures 2

Pictures 3




Welcome to the first installment of Neen Underground. I've just had two computers simeultaneously crash on me, causing me to completely reformat one harddrive. The wonderful techies at Dell told me not to put any of my old floppy disks into either computer. So, I uploaded 5 megs of older pictures from my harddrive and floppy drives before killing them off.

I have another picture page, but I figured I'd put this one up for nostalgia's sake. Consider this the rejects page-- most of the people pictured here I don't talk to anymore. I just wouldn't have them pictured on my main site. I don't know whether they cared or not that their pictures are up here. Oh well. These files are here because they can no longer seek refuge on my hard drive. Rather than delete them forever, I've posted them on the web for everyone to see.

With that said, choose your linkage.