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Things that have happened in the year so far.

The exciting and tragic news in this world.

Laci Peterson was a loving caring woman in life. She made everyone laugh and smile. It was harsh what her husband did to her and their unborn baby conner. Why would he do that, if he wonted to be with his mistress then he should of got a divorce and let it go. He says he loves her but thats not love. It was in the news because it was big.Finding a body that mutaled and then to find it with no head was harsh. He is on trial now for that murder. The war shocked everyone today. It let people know that they could not mess with the united States and get away with it. It did not last long but it seemed like for ever. We won the war and are proud of our troops and we hope that nothing like this happens again. It just shows that the United States is the best place to be and if anyone messes with us they will get hurt. The matrix was a big movie. It was waited on for a long time. It was the one movie so far in life that has made as much money it has in the weekend that it came out. People wonted to see that movie so bad that before it came out they had midnight screenings of the movie. It was sold out for like four days. It was the movie out way better then X-man. The Columbia was a tragic thing to happen to watch a space suttle go up then just blow up was horrible. The familys were so proud to watch their freinds and family have their dreams come true and then for it to come to end. They know that they are safe and happy were ever they are and will always be missed. The best thing was that they knew that they did not suffer. The war started off what happened September 11. It was horrilbe for everyone who saw it, heard it, and were in the building.Everyone tried to help and get peolpe out. Alot of lives were lost and will rembered. so will the trafic peolpe who were on the plane I know they were scared to know they were going to die. No matter what they all no matter good or badd will be rembered. S.R.S. is a deadly virus like the cold they think monkeys brought it over and infected people. They kind have a cure but right now just trying to help it. Its a sertious virous and soon hopefuly will have it under control. Everyone will rember Mr. Rogers he was a childhood star. Even I remeber watching him, I dont know any kid who didnt. He will be missed and loved, kids latter in life will still be watching him so you know he'll never be forgotten. Bad boys II is another movie that peole wont to see. The first was good so,so will the second. The more you watch it then the more you'll like it and love it. The ne3xt big movie tht might not be that good but have alot of action is 2 Fast 2 Firous. It has some fine people in there and it will be worth just seeing them. Its one of the biggest movies cooming out. It may be good but the big thing is just waiting to see.