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The Chronicles of Life

by: Winter Ashby


The Series

There are 3 sections in the Chronicles of Life.

The High School Series
High School is fast, new, and unpredictable. It creates memories that last for a lifetime, and relationships that will shape the rest of your life. It's the time when you look around at everything else that's going on and complain because often you feel like your own life is passing you by without your permission. You feel powerless, and you can't wait to grow up. These are the tales of the young and the melodramatic. They range from painful to the slightly ridiculous. But then again, that pretty much covers what high school was, doesn't it?

The College Series
College is a time of progression to new worlds and different perceptions of the world you live in. it's the intermission before you get to the real world. It is in those years that you decide your own fate, and decide what you want to do with the rest of your life. College brings new experiences, and it advents the beginning of a new life. It's often a painful expression of personal evolution. These are the tales of those tumultuous days.

The Rest of Your Life Series
Then, there is The Rest of Your Life. Once you get out of the classical educational tiered system, it seems like all you want to do is go back. These are the stories of characters who are in the middle of each of these stages of life. The Rest of Your Life Series are the stories that span anywhere after the initial first two stages. This final, and arguable, most painful, of all three stages is also the scariest. There are no re-do's, no more practices chances. That is what the first two are for. But now, the mistakes and decisions that you make will last forever.

Please don't use these for any other reason than personal reading without my permission. Thank You. And I hope that you enjoy.


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