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×I..said what you wanted to hear, and what i..wanted to say.So i..won't take it back.×
Friday, 12 December 2003
i sit here and paint my world with the thoughts of loving you
Wow. @#$&! dad just called and said that Shell found an appartment!! @#%)*&@#$&, WTF. ooooh i don't know what's going on, but i wish i did. i don't go to my dad's anymore so i don't know what's going on :'( i miss my daddy so much. i hope everything at home is ok though. i have ACTs in the morning then i'm going out tomorrow night.. screw being home now. well i'll post more later when i know what's going on.. i'm so sad right now :(

love and other indoor sports
so sad

Posted by emo2/kir0x at 2:37 PM CST
Updated: Friday, 12 December 2003 2:38 PM CST
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Friday, 5 December 2003
It's not you, but rather someone that looks like you.
well the blizzard hit and i had a 2 hour delay. snow is an interesting thing.. so fluffy and beautiful, yet so damn cold! ahahha. i wish snow was warm.

i have SATs in the morning at like 6am and then i have to work that night. *sigh* Gareth's going out but i don't think i will. i'm passing up a party tonight too. i just don't feel like going out. i don't want to stay home either. i think i'll just stay home (at my dads) and just sit in my room listening to music or maybe surf the "oh-so-cool" net.

i really miss Eric :'( he's in Florida at the minute for Navy basics. i hope it's nice and warm for him. :) he's a great friend, i can't wait till he comes home for Christmas break.

i feel so detached from the world right now. why?.. eh, i don't know. my mom made a comment to me the other day. she said she was worried about me and i seem to be drifting away from her and my friends. i see my friends so much though, and i am home a lot.. i've come to the conclusion that she's crazy.

well Love and other indoor sports X2

Posted by emo2/kir0x at 2:20 PM CST
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Thursday, 4 December 2003
mama, I’m flying in the sky, never ever been this high, i'm just flying in
well i just finished working on my site and changing.. EVERYTHING! it's all good, it looks great. i'm really excited about, it even though i know ppl never go there. it's for me anyway.

there's supposed to be a big blizzard tomorrow! i'm so stoked!!

Posted by emo2/kir0x at 8:40 PM CST
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Friday, 28 November 2003
It's the best thing ever!
Well, it's the day after Thanksgiving.. I went to Katie's and ate with her family, and then went to a hockey game. There were lots of fights and this lady in front of me got hit with a puck!!! :o I love hockey games. I have nothing to do today and i'm sooo bored, and sooo tired. well i'm going to go watch tv. byee

Love and other indoor sports,
Key rah

Posted by emo2/kir0x at 12:08 PM CST
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Thursday, 27 November 2003
What day is it?
Good Lord?!! I feel as if i've abandoned a child, not posting here in so long... I am so sorry. Well to up date.. Umm where to start?

WEll Brent was finally able to get my ticket for me, YAY! That is going to be so much fun next summer! Brent and i have been hanging out a lot. I sort of feel bad bc he doesn't have very many friends. He got a new kitten the other day and brought it over. I told him he had to make up some really cool name, so he names it Kaiser.. lol, dork.

Michelle and my dad are still together, but things are a bit sketchy. I'm back living with them after staying with my mom for about two weeks. It was just so hard to be there, ya know? It as hard just to go over there just to get clothes sometimes. I still don't think Lauren knows anything at all. I guess if i were her mom i would really want my child to know that i was disloyal to the family. I don't know though. We were supposed to have a "family talk" the other night but i said i couldn't and just went out for a bit. I know that if i even start to talk about what happened i'd just blow up and say a bunch of things i shouldn't.

My mom and i are getting on a lot better. We've found that it's a lot easier to be around one another when we only see eachother for about 3 hours a day, it makes the weekends go better.

With friends everything has pretty much gone to hell though.. My two best friends, Katie and Barbie, are having SO many problems that they're both deciding to drag me into, it's rediculous. Katie is basically getting fucked over by a lot of our friends, just ppl saying a lot of things that just aren't true.. Barbie can't decide what/who she wants.. her long distance boyfriend or a guy that's still a ways a way, but a little bit closer. Although it difficult, crazy, confusing, aggrivating, i'll always be here to help the both of them. I love them to death.

Gareth and i are doing good. We're both starting to go out more on the weekends and it's just making the both of us miss eachother like crazy. It's funny how much you can miss someone after not talking to them after only one day when they live so far away anyway. We both have this need to talk to eachother everyday.

So with all that, things are going ok at the minute. Life can be a handfull at times, but it's all worth it. I love life. :)

Love and other indoor sports,
Kira Joy

Posted by emo2/kir0x at 2:35 PM CST
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Friday, 17 October 2003
Well, Brent and i tried to buy my ticket.. crpt i didn't have enough cash at the time. boo hoo!!!! Yeah, and things at home are going a bit better. I moved in with my mom though. No way im going to live at dads with... her.. :'( I miss my daddy though. *sigh* anyway, i don't know. Gareth has helpd me SO much. (I LOVE YOU BABY!!) Friends have helped a lot too. Well, i think that's all for tonight. I really need to start writing here more. Eh, what am i going to do? NOTHING!! @$%(&@#

Love and other indoor sports,
Kee raaaaah

Posted by emo2/kir0x at 8:04 PM CDT
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Monday, 13 October 2003
I love you, but i feel betrayed.
This weekend sucked. I don't want to go into it, but Dad and Shell are getting divorced cause Shell was having an affair... I dooooon't knoooow what to do. It sucks and I hate her. :(
Gareth has been the greatest through this, i owe him everything. :) I love you baby!

Love and other indoor sports,

Posted by emo2/kir0x at 8:14 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 1 October 2003
There is nothing safe in this world, and there is nothing pure in this world.
Yeah, i'm listening to Billy Idol- White Wedding!! What are YOU going to do about it?! NOTHING!
I'm getting my hair cut today! I'm so excited. And then i'm going to meet Katie at Wooden Nickle and then we're going to meet Brent at the mall. I finally have money to spend. I've been saving up for my ticket since June. So that's what.. 4 months now, and i have $860. Wow. That's ok i guess.. I'm so glad i get to hang out with Katie, she's changed a lot since she went out with that bastard Ryan.. I missed her so much. I think i might try and hook her up with Brent tonight. And maybe we'll eat orange chicken at Panda Express in the mall!!!! I LOVE orange chicken!
((Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand. Just like that river twisting through the dusty land. And when she shines, she really shows you all she can.)) HAHAH Duran Duran- Rio.

So yeah.. today is going to be a good day. Later!

Love and other indoor sports
Kee rah

Posted by emo2/kir0x at 2:58 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 24 September 2003
Much to say about nothing
Wow. Long time no entry, eh? Yeah well, i've been busy. ALicia and everyone brought me in a cake at lunch the other day and started screaming Happy Birthday. I was so red.
I really hope i get this ticket. It's been giving me so much stress. See, i have enough money and then some. It's just i need a credit card and i don't think my parents are ready to handly the news yet.. *sigh*
I really do think it would break me if it didn't happen. I know it would. He always says "If you want it bad enough, you'll find some way to get what you want." I want it. I need it. He's like my drug. The sweet kind that just travels through your veins and lets you relax and takes you out of the world around you. Makes you see things in a new way. Happier, brighter, slower and faster at the same time. He makes me feel good, about myself and everything around me. He's so beautiful, he's the most beautiful person i've ever had the pleasure to meet. He's my world, and everything i do every day revolvs around him. I wish i could just reach out for him, and he'd be there. I need that, and i know he does too. It's like he's my own personal drug and i'm addicted for life. It's always going to be him and i, no one can touch us..

Love and other indoor sports,
The Addict

Posted by emo2/kir0x at 3:49 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 24 September 2003 3:51 PM CDT
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Thursday, 18 September 2003
Ok well, my birthday offically sucked. I stayed home from school with a sinus infection. YAY!... (plz note the sarcasm) I had been up since 6am because friends and family decided to call me really eary and wish me a happy birthday. Then at 8am Jennifer called because her and Alicia and some other friends planned a surprise party in first period and wondered where i was. Hahaha..
My birthday was pretty cool. Dad got me an acustic guitar for my birthday! I'm so excited! I've been writing poetry and songs since i was 15 and now i get at G-tar at 18. Watch out Jewl!! Haha.. No. But i can't wait to learn how to play.
OOOh! ALicia got me the Warped Tour 2002 and 2003 Compilation CDs. I can't wait to listen to them! I'm really starting to like punk music. At the moment i really like Yellowcard. Good stuff. Anyway, that's all for tonight.

Love and other indoor sports,

Posted by emo2/kir0x at 6:54 PM CDT
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