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As indicated earlier, I'm Lish. No thats not on my birth certificate but its what I like being called so lets just let it go at that. This isn't really suppose to be about me, but I'm supposing I should give you the basics.

Born on Nov. 3rd. 1982

My main musical influences are: Alkaline Trio, Bright Eyes, Rilo Kiley, Holly Golightly, just to name a few.

I smoke ciggarettes, a lot of them.

I'm a vegitarian, but never a vegan.

I don't do much of anything but write and play music at the time being.

I live in Cincinnati, Ohio. Clifton to be exact and if you know anything about it, you realize that its the ghetto. Seriously.

I've been in quite a few relationships, the majority of them ending badly. Very badly in some cases.

I write songs and rantings about fucked up guys, fucked up girls, the fucked up world, and anything else fucked up that enters my head when my guitar is in my hands.

I've been playing guitar for about 8 yrs. off and on, but just got serious about it recently.

I was born and raised in a small town in eastern Ohio called Yorkville.

AIM: losinguallalong

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